MINUTES - Council - 19390109( \ THE INAUGURAL J;IEJETING WAS HELD IN THE COUNCIL ROOM ON MONDAY MORNING .T~ .!l:th. Of thd aounai1 for the year 1939 and the Oath of office was subscribed to as follovm; Mayor Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillors C.R.Bould.mng .T .A.Iinowlea Lambert K.Farr E • .T.:ffenderson RoLinton C.E.Sparks .ToStuart The remaini)l]g councillor elect,Mr.A•JoWilson forwarded a message,explaining his absence unavoidably,and s:ignifying his intention to appear during the day and subs:cribe to the oath of office. After the ceremony of swearing: in the members and the declaration by the clerk that the council for the year was now properly constituted.the Rev.A.R.l'ark was called upon th open the proceedings with prayer. The mayor referred feelingly to those who from varied causes were absent from the table this year and briefly outlin<?ci the work for the year. Rev.G.O.Lightbourn was called upon and comnended the high standard of public service in Canada and sta.ted that this standard was well maintained in Aurora. The following weee then called upon in rotation and made brief remarks; Reeve Knowlea • .r .M.Wa1ton.:L.K.Farr ,Rev.E .J oThompson,Dr.Henderson,F•RowetC .E .SparkJ . . Major Whi te,R.Linton,.T .G .Wi throw,.T •Stuart,Clerk~r.A.Hebb, editor of the Newmarll:et Era.This completed the preliminarypart of the proceedings and an intermiasion of five minutes was declared,during whiah Dr.Devins arrived and expressed hia regrets at hia absence• KNOVILJllW FARR that this inaugural meeting of the counci1 for the town of Aurora do express our heartfelj; sympathy to two of our ex-maYo:ts,w• .... Bassettand s.c.Taylo~ and their families,in their continued illness,and their inability to be present at this occasion,and wish for both,a speedy re~overy. Carried. STUART LINTON that the striking collllllittee to select the varciuus collllllittees of counci1 for the year 1939 be composed of the Reeve, ..... ep • .tteeve,And Ilfessrs. Sparks and _, Henderson.,and be req_uested to bring in a report at the adjourned session. Carried. A BYlaw # 82l,v~s introduced by Mr.Knowles,given its several readings and passed providing for the borrowing of such sums,up to a total of $40,ooo.oo to carry on the business of the municipality until the taxes are collected. --------------~ 2 The council adjourned until evening,on motion of the Reeve and J..leputy• At 8•15 according to adjournment the council reassembled,when all the ~embers were present including Mr.Wilson,who had in the meantime taken the oath of office• The report of the Striking committee was presented as follows: Finance C.E.SParks R.Linton L.K.Farr Streets L.K.Farr J.A.Knowles E~J.Henderson RELIEF E.J.Henderson A.J.Wilson J.A.Knowles E.Light R.Linton L.K.Farr J.Stuart W•Works J.A.Knowles E.J .Henderson R.Linton Fire Bylaws & Ind• J.Stuart C.E.Sparks A·J .Wilson Property A.J.Wilson J .stuart C.E.Sparks SPARKS FARR that the report of the Striking committee be adopted as read• Carried• SPARKS HEliDERSOn. that the action of the mayor in issuing orders on the treas• urer for the pay ment of the following sums be and the same is hereby confirmed, and that the seal of Dec•17th• 24th. 31st. Jan.7th,39 the corp•be K.Davis J.Euker M.Robinson A.Higgins w.sunnners Postmaster R•Smith L.Chapma.n RoSmith L.Chapma.n K.Davis J.Euker K.Davis J.Euker L.Chapman R.Smith R.SJ!lith L.Chapman K.Davis J.Buker AoHiggins atta~ed hereto; corp. E.L. Corp• E•L• " Corp. 120.00* 7•00. 10;.00• . 15•60• 15 .60* 5 ~oo~ 19.80~ 15•5.7~\ 17~60" 150.40<'' 12;.oo~ 7 .oo4 12;.oo~ 7 oOO·•· 12•60" 14.40.,, 4.so~ 4.20" 12.QQ,. 7 eOO ,, 10 .so,. Carried. SPARKS LINTON that the following accounts be paid,tho.t the mayor issue orders on the treasurer for the same and that the seal of the corp.be attached hereto; Morning and Son B.F.Davis Ough and Son o.D.Hess. Aurora liardware W .R ·Me Q.uade EoPinder Collis Leather Co. P.M. Thompa:on Attr~{ige and Son Will:i!amson Bros T .chit bum fuel police arena cinders shades fuel 29;.13'' 25 .oo' 14.38* 1.85· 17 .30·'· 5 o75" 40• 2ol5* 4o7&> 15.80·• 25•oo~ lo50"' ~ 3 C.A.Cook fuel York County nospital Accounts Electi.on Expenses Registrar of Vi tal Sta.tistics F.Dunham outside trips sal.Div.OouDt Clerk Bailiff 16.50* 38.00* 75.00 .. J.s.;oo* 3.00* lol8~ 20.00" 2o.oo •. 1.50 .. F·D·Laaey w.:rr.Taylor H~E.Teasdale Davis Garage Banner Press 402•10* Carried. KNOWLES LINTON that the fol..owing accounts be P"l,id, that the mayor issue orders on yhe treasurer for the same and that the seal of the corp.be attached hereto; W•Works T.K.Fiae 1•50* Postmaster 5.00* 5. cent to $ store 60"' Banner Press 1.25.. carried. LINTON FARR that the following accounts be paid,that the mayor issue orders on the treasurer for the same and that the seal of the E.JL. Postmaster stamps. T.K.Fice Outh and Son J .A.Mitchell H.A.Eveleigh CanoLine Materials Can.La.ao Lamps E.C.Ifingay Banner Press corp.be attached 16~00$ 4.50 11 04: 4;55~ 11.64•1· 16e85" 47.r2" 35"' 1Cio47<> hereto; Carried. HENDERSON WILSON that the following accounts be paid,that the m~or issue orders on the yreasurer for the llelief Med•Assn• MrsoRutherford A.E.Bunn FoWest L.Hodgins Mrs.Waites: same and that the 35•x 114 shelter Gilpin tax acct. seal of the corp.be attached hereto; A.J .J!'eren . Mrs >Cha:pman Mrs.oBro wn Mrs.MaLeod Mrs .Bhinehart Styl~s Est. Mrs • loyd D.Williams<~n Styles Est. llt1rs.ll-reensides F.Toole WSUiliDlers Mrs.Stewart F.Hinas B.F.Bavis Williamson Bros. High:!,and Oil 5 to$ store F.Rowland J.A.Mitchell It Cousins Dairy Domintion Stores Aurora ~eneral Store Yorkdale CoOp• Patteraons bakery _G.F.Grinyer l'nowles and So;ns O.D.Hess MOrnings Drug Store Preston Peters Codlin Stephenson Haight Patrick Belfry Collett .il'arley Harrison tax acct. Higgins Swanson fuel clothing food 39.90 4.80•• 4.80"* 4.8o•· 9o60·•• 4o80* 4.80·'' "80"•> 4.80·• 4o80<• 4.080• 3.60'"' 6.80* 4o80* 3o60···'• 2.40••. 2.40•• 2.40•<'' 2:.40 * lo20•· 40.60•· 9.;60,. 4.80. 11.28~ l6o2l* 4o35* 3o83* 36.59* 20J..79* 22•48* 19.28* 21.70*' 29.03* 47" 35"• ·.'A \ ~ Merahant and Case F.D.Laeey F.W.Teaada~e St.iver Broa Davis u~age 4 food fue~ ~Be69* 25 .35" 2~·83**. 7~.40"- 46\ Carried. The Clerk filed his certificate on the result of the vote for the Public Uti~iti es Bylaw~showing a defeat af the Bylaw by~BO votes • ~equest from the Municipa~ Association for the town to take membership in the association for ~939 was ordered fi~ed,on motion of Messrs Stuart and Sparks~ ""' report from James Proctor and l:i.edfern was fi~ed for reference. App~ication from A.S.Leith and Uo.for the poslti.tion of Auditors was filed unti~ the matter comes up for decision-on motion of Messrs .;Sparks and ""enderson• A letter from Mrs • .Me.idensre repairs to an electric element al~egedly made necessa by the water pressure having been tempor~i~y shut off was referred to the Solic- itor to report to the w.w.committee on motion of Messrs Knowles and Linton. ~ reply from the Iiltinister of Hea~th to .the councils resolution of Dec.~5th.wss pikad and p~aced on file.on motion of Messrs Knowles and Henderson• A letter from the ... olice Co!lll'llission of the county was read. SPARKS LINTON that this council approve the proposed system to secure the free serving of stuJunonses within the couney and the city of Toronto,and,providing the system is adopted,names the Chief of Police~F.Dunham,as the proper officer to receive and serve the said sUilll'llonses,within the town of Aurora .• Carried. The application from the stJohns Ambulance Association for a room for class roo:11 demonstratio ns brought instructions to the clwrk to secure further information as to the source from which they draw their classes,cost and manner of financing the matter,on motion of Messrs F~r and Henderson. The Chief Constable for the County asking regarding the ~ioemcing os second hand dea~ers produced a resolution from Messrs Knowles ana Sparks that the c~erk write the County for a draft of the llyJ.aw they propose to have in use. The ~ ecretarj; of the Boys Band ''ssociation wrote thanking the council for the "' use of the Mech.Hall for practioe,stating they could not have achieved the success without the use of such a place for their practioe;and the letter was ordered filed Dr.Henderson 'introduced a Bj:law to appoint a High School 'J.'rustee.The Bylaw was read a. first timeeKNOWLES WILSON that the Bylaw now before the council be read a second and third tmme this day and that rule 33 of Bylaw # 10 be sus.pended for thai purpose• Carried.Council resol.J!I'ed into committee of the who~e on motion of Messrs Knowles and Sparks.Committee rose,reported progress and asked leave to sit again at a later hour in the same session.The report of the committee was adopted. . 'A . \ \ \ 5 A Bylaw was introduced by Mr•Knowles given its several readings and passed~appoint ing Mr.P.M.Thompson to the Board of 11ealth• A llylaw was introduced by Mr;}Sparks,given its several readings and passed.appoint ing Revo.E•J".Thompson to succeed himself as member of -the Public Library Board• FARR HEN.DE1lSON that the council purchase 9 copies of the Municipal World for the members of council at a cost of $9.G9tthat the usual stationery be supplied the members and .that the seal of the corp.be atta.ched hereto.Carried. HENDERSON SPARKS that the ]1[ yor Reeve and Deputy Reeve be a committee to investiga the possibility of some :rorm of demonstration when Their 1'fajesties pass through town during their visit to Canada. Carried• FARR KNOWLES th~t A.Higgins be taken on as assistant to J.Goulding,as a regular paid employee of the town,at a rate of thirty cents per hour,and that the seal of the corp. ration be attached hereto• Carried. KNOvVLES WILSON that the verbal agreement made in 1937 with the Collis Leather Co. re the price o:r water cbal:tged them,be adhered to,and that the Bylaws comrc1ittee be instructed to bring in an amendment to the Bylaw governing the rates of water,to provide accordingly;,and that the seal of the corporation be attached hereto.Carrihed. Messrs Henderson and Sparks moved council into committee to consider the Bylaw to appoint an High School Trustee.The Committee rose and reported the Bylaw with the blank filled with the name of Mrs • Vivian Wilcox. The Bylaw· was given its third reading and passed• The council adjourned,on motion of Messrs Farr and Knowles • I -' -------------------------· Mayor• '