MINUTES - Council - 19381215( \ • : .· ·····--···--·'C.::2._ _____ , _________________ l THE TWEN'I'YFIRST MEETING IF THE CmtJNCI!L FOR THE YEAR 1938 was hel.d in the council room on Thursday' eve.Dec •15-th.with the mayor presiding and the Reeve and Councill ora Baldwin.Farr.Henderson and Sparks attending• The minutes of the last meeting were considered,and adopted on motion of Messrs SPARKS and Bal.dwin• ·SPARKS BALDWitt that the action of the mayor in issuing orders on the treasurer ,., for the payment of the following sums be and the same is hereby confirmed,and that the seal of the corp.be attached hereto; us.ooe lO.OOe Dec.lOth. K.Davis M.Robinso n J~Buker W ~s ~ m.mers Aolttggins LoChapman E.L. R.Smith 7.000 13~2(}€1 13.206 15.406 18.008 Carried. SPARKS KNOVr.LES that the following accounts be paid,that the mayor issue orders on the Jreasurer Corp. for the same and that the seal of the aorpebe attached hereto; County nospital Account 8.758 C.N~R. ticket M.Hawkes 4.206 l.fun•World election supplies and roll 26.11& Collis Leather Co• ·1.088 Bell Fhone co. 14.466 Postmaster stamps 5,;00& Ca.rroed• BALDWIN SPARKS that hd following accounts be paid,that the ma~or issue orders on the tre~surer for the same and that the seal of the E.!;. Bell Phone Co. H.E.P.c. power for Nov. H.E.P.c• pole rental. for 1938 corpobe a..ttached hereto; 2e50e 2570.828 214.75e Carried• KNOWLES HENDERSON that the following accounts be paid,that the mayor issue orders, on the treasurer for the same and that the seal of the W • W • E .a .Minga.y Bell ;!?hone Coo Corp.~ronta.ge tax ... aorp,be attached hereto; lo25El 3.ooe 21.038 Carried • Fire Chief ,Rowe presented the annual report of the brigade and of fire losses J.iuring the year there have been 23 calls answeredfl:S without fire loss and the 10 with a loss of $735.0a.;iwo calls from King and two from Whitchurch ;m:ee answered• In fire drill the Pub.sahool was cleared of 358 pupils in one minute and 20 seconds; The High School of 185 pupils in 1 minute 5 seaonds.During the year the firemen assisted in directing or policing in seventeen civic or sports a..ctivities.A recommend ation was at ta.ched that the incom:ing council consider the passing lilf a Bylaw to prohibit the erection of all stands near the street line in the business section. The report was adopted on motion of Messrs Sparks and Knowles ,complimenting the chief and the Brigade on the report and upon their civic activity and accomplismment The Wa.terworks committee reported,"';e recommend that the quarterly charge for wa..ter consumption be amended when the next rates are sent out,so that two or more apa.rtments,served from the one in;et not metered will each pay the full regular / 2 rate for the number of outlets in use ,as though they were separate houses,. The report was adopted on motion of Messrs~aldwin and Sparks• Leteers from the County re hospitalization and :from James Proctor and ~:ed:fern were read and plaeed on file• BAIJJWUI KNOWLES that the mayor and clerk be instructed to purchase a winue cap for the night patrol o:fficer,similar to those in use by other uniformed officers in this vicinity• Oa1:ried. KNOWLES HENDERSON that the sum of $2500.00 be transferred from the ~aterworks account to the general account,in payment for slds:tli.es and sai'vieea rende ed,and that the sealt of the coproratiob be attached hereto. Carried• SPARKS KNOWLES th t the Fire Brigade be paid the sum of $25.;00 being the customary amlunt as salary for the mechanic in charge of the truck and that the seal of the corp•be attached hereto. Carried. BALDWIN FARR tlmt the Electric -ight department pat to the General account the , amoW1t of $3cio.oo being their ahare of office salaries. Carried.'; SPARKS FARR-that the new cheque forms,when printed,coDrorm to the plan as suggested by the Auditor. Carried• SPARKS HENDEHSON that a letter be printed in the local paper outlining the purpose of the proposed commission to administer the utilities and that it be prepared by the chairman of the w.works and Electric Light committees and the clerk• Carried. The treasurer submitted the draft of the anrmal statement which he is preparing for publication in book form. ( KNOWLES BALDWIN that the customary number of financial statements be ordered printed and that the seal of the corporation be attached hereto. Carried. HENDERSON KNOWLES that the collection of poll tax be proceeded with.Ca~ried unanim ously. sercices of , KNOWLES SPARKS that the temporary employees on the 0orporation staff (streets) be now dispensed with,the sumraers work having been completed. Carried• JJr.l3oulding thanked the members of the council and the staff for their cooperation -during the year and stated his intention to be a candidate fGir ayor for 1939• The reeve thanked all for their assistance during the year,stating that a lot remains to be accomplished,that the county have again ended the year with a surplus and that he will be a candidate for the same office for the year 1939.- Ml.-.Baldwin stated that he has enjoyed the work during the year,thathis committee have made changes which he feels are beneficial to the ratepayers and the town. -.,, r-·---. s Mr.ll'a.rr stated tlu;.t he has enjoyed the work and the experience in eouncil and thanked all for their cooperation • Jilfr.Sparks said that he has enjoyed the municipal work .• that he liked partiaularl,.y the manner in whiah the will of the majority was a.ocepted,and wished a;l.l a merry Christmas and a .tle;ppy New :tiear• The treasurer and the elerk were called upon and each referred in a few words to the work of· the fast vanishing year• The minutes of this meeting were read and were approved.on motion of Mr•Sparks and Dr.nenderson and the eouncil for 1938 was regularly adjourned• ------------------------- Mayor•