MINUTES - Council - 19381205THE TWENTIETH meeting of the council for the year 1938 was held in the council room on Monaay eve•~ec•oth.with the members allin attendance and the mayor presiding. ~ The minutes &f the p»eceding meeting sere reviewed and adopted,on motion of Mrssrs• Sparks and Malloy• .SPARKS llrAIJ,.oY that the action of the mayor in issuing orders on the treasurer for the payment of the following sums be and the same is hereby confirmed,and that the seal of the corporation be a.ttaehed hereto; .i.~ov•l2th• 19th. 26th• .ue<h 3rd• ov. 26th. 11 Uorp• EeL• Uorp• EoLo Gorp• E.;L. Corp. E•L• KoDavis J.Bdker M.;Robtnaon AoHiggina W ~Summers RoSmiith LoOhapman K~Davis JoBuker MoRobinaon A~Higgins W. S'Wll!llers RoSmith LoChapman. K;.Davis J;.Buker M>Robinson A·Higgiiis WoS'Wll!llers R.;Smith LoOhapman K·Davis } J .Buker .1" M.Robinson AoHiggins w.summers R•Slini,th LoOhapman · s.a.Taylor painting contract Postmaster lli.Egan loan G.Ryman plumbing 12..008 7~008 1o.ooe 16.808 16.808 10.80tl ll.206 12.008 7;oae lOeooe 12..008 10.808 l6eOOe 17.858 12:~008 7~008 ro.ooe 13.2.06 13.208 2o•oo e 17~508 12eOoe 7•ooe 10.006 13.2.08 13.208 17•60& 15.408 198.93€! 8.;008 IO•ooe 25.9o8 Carried.; BALDWIN FABR that the following accounts be ~id,that the mayor issue orders on the treasurer for the same E.L. and that the seal of the corp•be attached hereto; H.E.P.a. power for Oct. · 2563.606 l:lell P.tu:me co. a.oae can.Line Materials 15.aSe a.Brett 2.25e ca.n,TeJ..& Supplies 300•268 J oMi tchell 4o056 Aurora Hdwe. 30e Petty Cash replacement 6e83e Postmaster 16•ooe Carried. KNOWLES FARR that the following accounts be pa:id,that the mayor issue orders on the treasurer for the same w.w· • and that the seal of the Bell Phone co. E.C.Mingay can.l:lrass co, B.F.Da.vis Aurora Hclwe. Petty Cash replacement ~ugh and Son aorp,be atta.ohed her&toa 3.ooe 35e 70.436 906 1.1oe 3.J.oa s.loe Carried. \ / 2 SPARKS MALLO~ that the following accounts be paidtthat the mayor issue orders 6n the treasurer for Corpt. the same and that the seaJ. of the Bell Phone Co • G.F.G;r;inyer_ l:·orlt (!ounty Veterans wreath Aurar~. Fire ~ogade grant :p&.'lhompson; desks T.&.Y.Roads ~ommission salt s ~a~ Tay:J,or · ,.; signs Waitf!s .ervicte Stn• Mrs.i"'red Avis atove Remington .. liand O.D•Hess . ;r.c•Thcimaon w olio Spragg .r;.Aafitchell & son Aurora Building Co• Collis Leather Co• Aurar a Jiardware · B•F.Davis: Attridge and Son 'ovt. C.A.Cook Ough. and._Son F;.R.De~ye F.Dunham·h iuly coa1 FoD.Laaey Dr.Stevenson saleM.OoHe corp.be attached hereto; l4t.388 518 10.;.ooe 300.008 83.;.'156 36~896 llt.000 4e50e 3t.Ooa 4.508 a•ooe 5~216 2~50e 11.608 1'1.256 4.000 ~;.o2e e, .,.., -#J·"l5<if'·1•/ n•{)o, 50.486 25.ooe 29.326 6~258 4.0008 '59E'J 360.ooe Carried• FARR KNOWLES that the following accounts be paid,that the mayor issue orders on the treasurer for the same and that the seal of the corp.be a ttacjed hereto; elief :ied.~ssocia.tion 35 x 40 llf:rs .L].oyd shelter Belfry F.Weat Mrs.Qhapman Peters Mr1$.Warren .rlaigb.t Mrs.Waites L.Hodgins Cousins Dairy food Oat. J.A~tohell Pattersons Bakery J.F&orning F.Morris Aur(}ra General Store F.W.Teasda:Le Merchant & Caae "'nowles and Sons F.D;t.tacey Stiver Bros fuel 140.00 5.~808 4•8oe 4.808 44.808 4.;.808 4.806 5~648 2.32& 9.548 '598 7.66<;: 62.;.006 18t.25.6 5.148 22.826 3•48" 49o.30tl Carr:i.ed. SPARKS MALLOY that the following accounts be paidttha.t the mayor issue orders on the tr ea.surer for the same and tJ::)a t t he seal. Insurance Zurich Coo. ~ruok ~. ,.., Lon.& Lancashire 1'own ~Hall Brit•Amer• contents Norwich ~nion .l!!ond ;r •G.MoD. Guardian"" •• M.L .A. Waterloo !h Mech.Hall. Hartford Arena. Landon Oan. " Glen Fa.ll.a " Royal " Sun n pub.liab. Landon ~. "'iremen DQM.of Can. F.T.Liab• Anglo Scottish &p.""ia.b. Sunolns.Co• bond KoDavis of the aorpebe attached hereto; D.M.G. 24.006 J.M.w. 36.ooe HoA~. 10.128 ;r .. M.w. 2o•ooa J&.w. 2o.ooe H.A .. B. 30 .. 808 H.Arm'e 50.208 J.M.w. 25•J.oa H.A.B.• ~~()& (t" e ) c.Fry ' o ~e o."J.o/ F.R.u.. 5o.ooa F.R.U. 1.48.328 F.R.u. 35.ooe F .R.U • 274e7'1e ;r.M.w. 7.85e Carried. ·' r I 3 The E.L.COllllllittee reported that they have rewired Ross St.,placed a new trans~ former stand atM~sley and Berczy Sts.and are now changing cross arms on Yonge St. as the H.E.P•C• employees replace poles. BA:r.:IlwiN-FARR that the mayor an<l treasurer be and they are hereby authorised _and instruct~d -to make payment of the monthly Iiydro a.acount for power.on the oertifica.t.e of the resident engineer,Mr.l.a.ngman.and the aj!lproval of the chairman of committee within the time 11Illiit of fifteen days allowed by H•Eo.P.c. rules.be1ng assured of the approval of council at the subsequent meeting. crur:Led• \ ___ .} MAlLOY KNOWLES ,whereas a Provincial h'igl:lway has been assumed acrliss the prov- inee from-Sar~ia to Ottawa via Elginfield,Mitehell,Pal.meraton.orangeville,Aurora• Newmarket.Port ~erry,Peterboro and Perth,with the exception of that portion between Schomberg and Port I'erry;Wherea.s :from oonsiderations of effioiency,econo:my,safetyp and fairness,it is urgent to complete this centran Ontarian .lliighways system as soon as possible;therefore be it resolved by the council of this munieipality as follows;, 1'hat the Prov.Government and .Ueptof' Highways be urgently requested to assume as a .i:!rovinoial tli.ghway a connecting link from Yonge St•to Port Perry to provide a direct trunk highway between Eastern and \>estern ¥entral Ontario•That the l?rov. "_ov.and D.of' uighways· be requested to proceed immediately with construction of the Yonge St•~ort . '11erry ~ e:berboro division of the Central. Ontario •~igl:lway.T.hat the Prov. ~.ovt.and .Uept. ~ . ~ of Iiighwa.ys be requested to finish aJ..l unfinished sections of the a .o .X.system betwee~ . -. I -•• I Sarnia,Ottawa,and lilOntreal by a definite three year cons:truction programme providing j for a reasonable and proportiona.te amount of permanent work in each uncompleted divis-i ion annually, crarriede I lhe w.W.Connnittee submitted the :following report;•tThe Wa.terworks survey of the I town having been completed and after. a cheek by your eollll'llittee regarding same we reo• I ommend as ;follows;l.That all plumbers be requested to secure permits when installing i I new: services or making alterations and that this request must be strietly adlm:~;"ed to. ! . I 2.That all plumbers carrying on business in the town be notified of this request by ' ~-letter.on motion of Messrs: • .l3aJ.dwin and Sparks the report was received and adopted• BJJJNDERSON KNOWLES that the report of the w.w.oonmittee be received and that a Bylaw be prepared regulating the installatiDg and alteration Of services. Carried• The teeasurers monthly report was received and studied and was adopted on motion o:r Messrs Malloy and Henderson. Several'applicanta tor the liability insurance addressed council,after which written tenders were read and the following re:solution pr4sented and finally carried; SPARKS HENDERSO~ that the liability insurance be placed with L].oyds of London,as rep- .. ·:;::: ~\ 4 resented by J.M.Walton at a premium of $9S'1io50 11 signed by the Mayor,and the seal of the corporation attaahed thereto. The annual report of the M•O.H• was read and on liWtion of Me 6 srs Az!owles and Farr was reoeived and filed• The notice of appeal from the deoision of the Court of Revision by the lawyers on behalf of G.Whitmore was read and referred to 1he solictitor to combat the oase on motion o:t Messrs ·~owles and baldwin• A request from the Board of 1rade for continued lighting of the colored street -. . ~ system through the :xmas holJ.day season was granted,.on mot1on of Mrsars.Sparks & 'nowle . . . ~ MreB•B.Collililigs asked support for a delegation to confer with the Prov.Sea4ore the stocking of Lake Simcoe with fish was ceatiidfi!red and arrangements instituted to have representation on the delegationioon motion of Messrs Knowles and Baldwin• Letilters from Mr.~"Redfern regarding progress in the negotiations to have the creek ~ straitened were read and filed on motion of Messrs Sparks and Malloy• ;.,, letter regarding the age retirement of l>ii.edieal Officers o:t Health from the Prov• I>ept4oof' Health was read and the clerk instruced to have application :forwarded to the Dept.to have Dr.stevenson aontinue in o:f'fiaet on motion of Messrs •>nowles & Sparks• Dro'"'"enderson intrdlduaed a Bylaw tG prov.:ide for the nomination meeting.The Bylaw ,, was given its several readings and passed• Jlilr•.tiownui.n addressed council re group .life insurance on firemen•On motion of lilieesrs ~nowles and llaldwin the matter was passed on for the incoming counail to take up• ,_ SPARKS BALDWIN that<Jthe Central i1ighways Association be granted the sum of twenty five dollars and. that the seal of the corporation be attached hereto.Carried• MALLOY HENDERSON that the clerk write a letter of apprecaition to Mr.A.Caruso for his kindness to the council and the Hockey olub.,in repairing the hockey goal nets without any charge for the effort. Carried• Dr.Henderson introduced the standard form of Bylaw for joint use of pillles by the ( Bell Phone Co•and the corporation and for consent on the location of poles and lines \ without calling council.The Bylaw was given ita several readings and passed• 'Some discussion was held regarding a parking space on private property and the Board of Trade and the solicitor were asked to cooperate in the matter,of investigati :M"r;.Knowlea submitted a sketch of a proposed calendar embodying some municipal dates of' ~portance and the fire alarm numbers and the chairmen of interested committees were instruceed to secure prices.on motion of Messrs 1~loy and Baldwin. The council adjourned,at 12•l5,on motion of Mess.rs lla.ldwin and Malloy. ----""' -........ Mayor