MINUTES - Council - 19381017THE: THE EIGHTEENTH ]illETING OF THE COUJSfCIL FOR THE YEAR 1938 wa'u held in the Council room on Monday eve.Oct.l7th.with all the members in attendance and the ~~yor presiding. ln consideration of the minutes. the words 11 as moved by Messrs.Sparks and Malioyl were found to have been left out of the paragraph dealing with the report of the streets Committee regarding the signs to be painted and erected,and with their inclusion the minutes were adopted,on motion of Me~rsrs I>i:alloy and Sparks. lviiss Lemon and Mrs.1nade appeared and tendered the sincere thanks of the ladies for the assistance given by members a.nd eljlployees in making the "Old Girls Reunion the success which it had achieved. :MJ:·.Baldwin for the E.L.Committee reported;".cn regard to the letter received from the Fleury Bissell Ca.asking for a refund on account electric power.That the conu11ittee have met and have arrived at what they consider a fair settlement,and ask that they be given power to settle the matter along the lines suggested•" KlifOWLES HE1IDERS0lif that the report of the }TI.L.Comc:tittee re the adjustment of the FLeury Bissell power account be adopted and that the seal of the corp.be atta.ched. Carried. Mr.Malloy submitted prices for tires for the truck. Sparks LEE that eenders· as submitted be retvxned to the tenderers.Carried• The mayor appointed Messrs Malloy S:Parks and Baldwin a committee to define the specifications of tires upon whicWtenders should be based.and secure tenders.•, Dr;,Henderson for the Property committee reported that they had had a heating engirlleer go over the system at the town hall and tha.t the present radiation was up to full capacity but that by the installation of a blower it would be feasible to increase the amount sufficiently to take care of the firemans room.The firemen were reported to have·atated that tj;!ey could have the work done at very little cost and on motion of Dr.Henderson and Mr.•~nowles,Mr.Sparks was appointed to carry out negotiations along that line. Mr.Knowles for the w.w.com,ittee reported the list of those in arrears: and it was suggested and decided that they proceed along the lines: adopted by the E.L. Department. rl On motion of Dr.·denderson and Mr.Baldwin it vas decided that an additional desk should be purchased for the office,and Mr.li'a:er was: instrucilled to investigate the cost of a used desk and to report back. A letter from the York "ounty Veterans was read.KlifO\i'ILES LE:E that the request of ~ ~ the Aurora Veterans re Tag day for l'l'ov.5th.be granted.that a wreath for Armistice [\ ,, / . \__/ ""'ay at a cost of ten di!tllars be purchased and that the seal of the corp.be atta.ched hereto. Carried. letter of invitation from the H.S.Board to be present on Tuesday eve.to inspect R, the new arrangements for the additional cours.es was read and the members requested to attend,.with the acknowledgment ordered on motion o:f Messrs Knowles & Lee. 'l.'.H.Scatt asked for a reba.te on prepayment o:f water account and the ll'J.Et.tter was referred to the w.w.Gollllllittee•on motion of Messrs. Baldwin and Sparks. KNOWLElS IDJliDERSON that the resignation of Mr.Lee form the council be now cons:id- ered .uarried. SPARKS MALLOY t..'J:a;t the resignation of Councillor Lee be accepted with regret and an expression o:f appreciation tendered him for his excellent services rendered to the toWJ!l• Carried. As the matter now before the council was the .Jjylaw to appoint a solicitor the clerk read the applications from Mr.Case and Mr.~irk and noted the verbal one from Mr.Lee. l>1r.knowles moved the council into connnittee of the whole to give the Bylaw its second reading. ~.Sparks in the chair. The t,;ollllllittee rose and reported the Byla;v given its second reading and the blanks filled. The council adopted the report. HENDEHSON Kl'TOWLElS that the Bylaw now before the council be read the third time this day and that rule 33 of Bylaw #10 be suspended for that purpose.Carried. 'lne Bylaw was read a third time and passed,appointing Mr.L.C.Lee as solicitor for the town. The :Mayor with the approval of members appointed Mr.Sparks as chairman of the Finance committee :for the balance of the year. On motion of Messrs.1,,nowles and ··anderson the council adjourned. c ' ----------------- Mayor.