MINUTES - Council - 19381003THE SEVENTEENTH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL FOR THE YEAR 1938 was held in the council room on Monday eve.Oa:t•3rd.owith the mayor presiding and all the members in attendance;. The minutes o f the preceding meeting were considered,and adopted on motion of Messrs.Baldwin and Malloy. M .• Rowe asked if the firemens room couJ.d be heated from the :rurnave. r The Assessor presented the assessment Roll and his summary of the annual coun:j;. total ratable amount,4~1593392;.00;population 2770;J,lschool children 559• .r.:EE SPARKS that the action of the mayor in issuing orders on the treasurer for . the payment of the following sums be and the same is hereby confirmed,and that the seal of the corporation ire a.ttac:hed hereto; Sept.lOthi Mrs.Wai..tes Corp. M.Robinson w.summers ·A.ID.ggins E .c .Mingay moving C .Brown R.Smi th E.L. L .Chapman · .. , K.Davis Corp ~7thi Mete:l:' Inspection E.L. R.Smith L.Chaprna.n K.Da:vis Corp. Mrs.Waites M~Robinson A.Hi.ggins w.summers 24th. K~Davis l'il:rs. a.i tes M.Roihnson w.sumners A.Higgins R.Smith E.L. 7ioOO,. 10;.00·• 10.080 llt.40'' 150.00•· 16.20'' 13~48• l2t.OO• 10;.50·• 18~00* 15it75* 12.00* 7t.OO:· lOt.OO•· 13<.80' 13;.80· 12•00'" 7.00• 1.0;.00' 13.20 14.40 14.80" 13;.30;; L.Chaprnan , 28th Coupon Branch .~ ebenture purohase Postmaster: rl ·* BioOO• 5 .ao., 9 •75 ,, Clerk petty cash replacement 30th• Meter Inspection E.L. Oct;.lst K.Davis Corp. Mrs.Waites M.Robinson w.sumraers A-Higgins H.E.P.c. Inspection Meoh.oi-Ia.ll l2t.OO*. 7t.OO•'• 10 .. 00•' l:H20' 14.40 1'' 1•55> 17~80"' HeSmith E.L. LoCha.:Pman ,tJmfi~i 15 .93" Carried. TJtif\ BALDWIN that the following accounts be paid, that· the mayor issue orders on the treasurer for the same Corp. and thatihe seal of the corp.be J.D.Lucas fees Oughand Son w ~c ~Waite.. Disp.Plant Davis Garage Aurora Hardware .Jupp Construction Co. o.D.Hess J.M.Offord Chas Cook Comity liosp.Aocounts Aurora Building Co. .Dan.1er "'ress . •"i.'/('"-.. -,.- attached hereto; 26.75"' 4;.00• 6.000: 23.ll' ll.i.73'1 30.00* •· 4.50. ' 75~ 6;.75*,' 51.62* 63.065,, 165.23 0 l~ational .~;ron B.F.Davis· 2: Corp cement use of car Dean and Cattell . Dell.Phone Co• J.Goulding Dr,Devins care County .Levy Chas.Coek mowing parks and weeds trips outside F.Dunha.m 46 ;o66 ,, ' 43.32:·• 13;.90* lO;oOO•· 27 o.oo·•, 8771.21 2l;oOO*, 6.00*. Carried• FAHR KNOm:.ES that the following accounts be paid;that the mayor issue orders on t.he treasurer for the same and that the seal of the Relief Med.Ass'n 32 x 35 AoHuls.e shepter Buker :!!'.West Mrs •ghapman Peters Mrs .• ' arren liaight Knowres and Sons food Cousins .JJairy A=ora -enE;lral Store· Pattersons .lja.kery 0 .D •Hes.s: . , Merchant and "a.se F .Morris JJ'.W .Teasdale F.C.Dayis fuel corpebe attached hereto; 11..20 7.2:0• 4.80<· 4.;.80,, 4•80* 18.;.36·1 4.90* 58;>23., ll•3o,. 1•70·• 2<i22 1 5.66* 18.21* 92<· Carried. BALDWIN MALLOY yhat the following accounts be paid,that the mayor issue orders on the treasurer for the same and that the seal of the E•L• E.Mingay .Dell Phone Co. H•E.P.c.",power for Aug• .belford ""ransport Line and·· Cable Accessories Can•gen.oElectric J .Simerson saw sharpening .i!'erranti Electric: Northern Electric Banner .l:'ress Can.Telephones & Supplies: .. ostmaster stamps: corp;;be attached hereto; 1.05:* 2.;.50< 2627;.77:. 1.50* 59 .87* 14.70·• 3.oo·< 59o04' 15o63' 137.16* 140.91~ 16;.00•· Ca.rried. KNOVILES HENDERSON that the following accounts be pai.d,that the mayor issue orders on the treasurer fOr the same and that the seat of the corp.be attached here w.w. Bell Phone 3•05"' Eo1lllingay 1•80•i Can•.ljrass 28.65 less 28•2.8 37·> Ough·and Son 45* 1\iueller Ltd. 33.15* Banner J:'ress 40.80·>· B.F.Da.vis coke 66;,60'\ M.Hilborn salary acct. 75 •00'>' Carried. Dr•j)evins asked ifthe arena could be made available for the schlilol children on Friday. eve• l\lr,;.oaldwin reported for the E.L.Coi!llllittee as foL'.ows"'fhat ht efoihlowing work be done;tha.t new wire be installed on Larmont St,.south of ~,:osley St. at an estimate• cost of $7o.oo;that two lights be placed on Yonge st.west side.no:tth from Mrs. Hillarys.Adopted on motion of ]l(essrs .Knowles and Lee. BALDWIN MALLOY that the following materiels be p=chased for the E.L.Dept. six opal glass globes;200 3/8" galvanized staples;50 dead end clamps;lOO #6 wire connectors,and that the seel of the corp.be attached hereto. Carried. 3 ~:_:; Mr.Farr for the E.L.Dept.submit.ted the following report;iiTllat the list as prepared each month. for 1\lfroWalkers guidance in res.pec:t of services: to be out Off be prepared in tripl.iaate:.one copy for lVfr.Wa:tkerpone for the Chairman of Dept. and one to be kept in the of'fiae for ref'erenae•2.That the list be made up showii}€ the name and address of the consumer and the amount of the current bill•3•That bills for light be rendered only from the Meter ~eading Book•4•Tha.t where· a oust• omer comes to the office to pay his or her bill for light,and does not happen to have the account~that they be given a proper receipt from the official receip1 book• Adopted on motion of' lliessrs Knowles and Lee. Mr.Lee for the Finance comraittee reported;rrl.Since it is felt the oounc:il has no jurisdiction to grant rebates on business tax,.tha.t therefore the req_ues.t of the Great Atlantic and Pacific tea Oo.be ref'used,and the company advised accordingly.2•That the special accounts for the Mechanics Hall and Arena be closE out forthwi th,.a..l'ld in fUture all entries covering these two buildings be entered in the general account•3."-hat ever-<J ef'fo:Ct be made by the Clerks office to reconc c:ile the balance· in the Coupon Account,with the actlil.al outstanding coupons,.if an:J and for this purpose all paid coupons over the past ten years be segregated into years.4.T:hat a cash book be set up at once for the Coupon account,and that this be done under the supervision of the auditor.5.That receipts for all payments made at the office be stamped with a received payu1ent stamp with the date of payment distinctly shown,and a duplicate receipt similarly marked be retained and placed on a pin file;and each days receipts: packaged with the date shown on each package;a seperate pin file to be kept for each department.6.Xhat where a remittance is received cowering payment of more than one account,.an entry be madl in the cash book for each accounto7.That all payments nade on arrears of' taxes be made in the cash book to show which year the payments are to be applied on also that all such payments be first made in the cash book or journal before being posted to the arrears: ledger,and in this connection all penalties and interest on arrears: of taxes be seperately shown in the cash book or journal, before being transferred to the ledger.in this way 'the total of' all such charges for any period can be readil.y arrived at .. s.That a. seperate statement of tax arre1 be sentnout at least twice a year,March lst.and Oct.lst.9.Tha.t it is recommended to next years council a new form of' tax bill be considered to provide better spac ce for evidencing pa:Yments made and to provide more complete inf'ormation .. lO•That on depletion of' pres.ent cheq_ue forms stoak,a new cheq_tue form be obtained,suoh to be of' Ulillif'orm sixe and on better q_uality paper.eta.ll.Tha.t the auditor be ... ··.·."· :" 4 requested to indica.te to tb.e clerk tb.e manner in which he would have all correstt ondenoe,receipts~vomrhers and doclllllents etc.f'iled,and that the auditor also be req-, uested to supervise any changes in office routine required herein.Adopted on motion of' Messrs.Farr and Sparks. IiJ!r.:E'arr for the Relief Committee repa:rt'ted;uAs a result of a recent meetirvgThat Vfuereas the Relief' Conlllli ttee have taken th.e trouble to surnrnarise the relief expend- i tures in so far· as food and fuel are concerned, and have found tb.a t during tb.e per- / iod van. to Aug.3ls:t.ol938; "he relief vouciters have been very unevenly distributed, I \ \ ' among the m erchants of' th.e tovm,tha.t steps be taken to see that these vouchers be more evenly distributed in the future,as is done in other places•"A:rter considerable discussion this report was received and orderect filed,on motion of Ivmnsrs Lee & Mall• IV!r.Henderson gave a verbal report on the p,inting of the Firehall by the Insur ance Company and tb.e purchase of' lUlltber :for tb.e erection of temporary band s:tand when needed• SPARKS HENDERSOlif that an expert opinion be obtained re the capaci tyn of the present boiler in this building and if considered adequate to further heat the fire mehs qua:i:ters that the request of the comrni ttee form the ]'ire Brigade be granted. Carried.· IVlroSparks for the Bylaws: committee reported;"1'hat the agreement re the .!.lept.of .nighways of the Prov.of Ont.and the town of' Aurora respecting the IUghvruys Improve- ment Act R.S.O.l927 Chap.54 sec.65 subsection 4,5,and 5 and ronendments thereto,be received and placed on file.Adopted on motion of Messrs Lee and :-·ar.dwin. ,, Mr,.MalJ.oy for the '-'treet.s comniittee reported that a guard rail along tb.e exposed section of the creek on the south side. of Tyler St;.would cost about $105 .oOO and the committee were instructed to proceedeHe sta.ted they were having larger signs made for Yonge St.re speed and we:ee prepared to have an illuminated "slow•• painted below the 30 mile speed,.An amendment was moved by Messrs Lee and .oaldwin that the,ywrq.s • ' ~)'kG "-~kl.... ~~.l;a.....J.,. b~ II strictly enforced11 be SUbStited for "SlOWit but On a divisio:t\ the o!:iginal report"'\O the oommi ttee was adopted• 1'h.e matter of the sidewalk repair in front of Dawsons store was left over until 1939oon motion of Messrs .Lee and .tlaJ.dw:in.oOn motion of Messrs Henderson and Lee the matter of the curb in front of IV!r.Sparks dairy was referred to. the Streets Committee. to take v;hatever action is necessary• KNOWLES FAR"' that in view of the petition from the ratepayers of Reuben Store . the approach to said street from Yonge St.tha.t the services of IV!r.H.Rose.county engin eer be secured to report on the same. Carrie de ~. 5 lMiiliOY SPARKS tha.t the Aurora Bicycle club be granted the use of Wellington st.E.to town li!illt Oct;.lOth.f'rom a to 3 P.M:. for the purpose of holding a bicycle· contest and tha.t the county and town police be asked to assist during the period. Carried. JIElTDERSON MALLOY that the services of Mrs."aites be hereto discontinued;and that Mr.John Buker be temporarily employed as caretaker of' the town buildings at $7.00 weeklytand that the seal of' the corporation be at-ta.ched. hereto.Carriedo The treasurers report ··for the month of' '"'eptertiber of the receipts. and expenditUres and comparison vrl. th tha-t of last year for the same month was submi-t ted ~.nd perused • It was received on motion of Messrs.Sparks and Lee. The Mayor retillled on professional duties and M:r.'."noHles assumed the chair• ,_ Letters from the Highways ~ept.and an invitation to attend the Memorial day , service with Richmond Hill council were read and filed on motion of' Messrs Malloy and Henderson. LEE HENDERSON that the Assessment Roll as prepared by the Assessor be received and placed in the hands of the clerk, that the Court of Revision to hear the appeals from the assessment be composed of the Mayor L'eeve deputy ::eeve and Mel!t:s~~ts Farr and Sparks,and that it holdits first meeting at 7.P.M.on the seventh day of Nov.l938o Carrie de I.rr.Baldwin introduced a Bylaw to make permanent the present rates for the sale and control of electrical energy and power within the town.The Bylaw wa.s given its several readings with M;C ,.spanks in the cha.ir in collllUi t tee and was pas sed and signed;. Mr•Lee ill&i':fide:e4d his resignation from council;.BALDWIN SPARKS tha.t the resignatioz that no action be taken be received but not acted upon at -this timee Oarriedo Dr.Henderson introduced a Bylaw to appoint a. solicitor•The Bylaw was given its first reading and the reading carried;.on motion of Messrs.Sparks and Malloy. Mr.l!ilalloy suggested that the terrace in fran t of' Mrs.Scotts .reaidence besodded and improved t.o conform to the J.:evel of the new sidewalk and the committee were instructed to proceed. The matter of the drain through the Kurtz property was referred to the w.w. Conunittee on motion of Messrs.Lee and Malloy• On motion of ];fessrs ..... enderson and Baldwin the council a.djourned,with intent to meet om ~onday eve.Oct.17tho ------------------- Maw-or -·