MINUTES - Council - 19380704/,-·> \___) (-. . \__..) THE FO URTE!mTH Ili!EETING OFTHE COUNCIL FOR THE YEAR 1938 was held dtn Monday eve.July i·ourth with the mayor presiding and the Reeve,JJeputy Reeve,and Councillors Baldwin Henderson Lee and Sparka attending. The minutes of the preceding meeting were considered and adopted on motion of Messrs Malloy and Sparks. LEE SJ?ARKS that the action of the mayor in issuing orders on thetreasurer for the payment of the following sums be and the same is hereby confirrned,and that the seal of the corporation be J\ule lltho 18th. 25th. July 2nd. attached hereto; K.Davis Mrs.Waites M~Robinson Postma.ster R~Smith .L.Ohaprnan K.Davis Mrs.Waites M.Robinson R.Smith L.Ohapman K.Davis Mrs.Waites l\II.Robinsoh Postmaster R.Smith LoChapman K.Davis Mrs.W:Utes llr,eRobinson corp• E.L. Corp. E.L. Corp. E.L. R•Smith E.L. L.Chap.man Meter Inspection Dept. Clerk replacement petty caah 12;.00 7.00 g.oo 8~00·•· 15.05•' 11.25' 12;.00 .· 7~00 9.00 18. '40 19.25 12.00 7.oo· 9.00 8<.00 18.20 16.63 12•oo··· ?.oo· g.oo 14. 40 15e.05 12;,00 4 . c . d 3 34.76/ arrJ.e If BALDWIN MALLOY that the following accounts be paid,that the mayol1' issue orders on the'• treasurer for the same E·L• and ti•at the seal of the corporation be Bell Phone ca. Coville Transport T.K.Fice Can.Laco Lamps o.Brett Can.Line Materials H.E.P.c. power for May Northern Electric Co. Can.uen.Electric tennis court Postmaster stamps Ough and Son attached 2.50' 50' 45 24.48 1.25 204.59 2478.17 39.97"' 206.40' 16.00 2.50 hereto; cru::nied • LEE SPARKS that the following accounts be paid,that the mayor issue orders on the treasuFer for the same Corp. and that the seal of the corp.be Sturtevant Co. Aurora Building Co. Aurora. Hdwe Remington Rand F.D.Lacey R.Farl.ey · painting Dr.Stevenson att.convention F .cauli'ield Bond Eng.Co• United Steel Corp. attached hereto; 711.78 (71·7i> 73.24• 27.33 F.R.UJ.1derhi.ll fire truok ins.to ...,eo. B el1 Phone c Oo 7.20 10 1.50 30.00• 2.95' 6o67 14.64 18.n 18.03 I I I I <) .,...•···-.~. '_) I I iliiorton Bros ()ugh and Son :))'.Dunham. Chaa.Cook 2 17 •95' 17·30' 8.00 49.060 Carried. SPARKS ]JIALLOY truit the following accounts be paid,that the mayor issue orders on the treas.for the same and that the seal of the coru•be Relief' Mrs.oStarkey she:flter !itarkey~ SUII1Dlers Ji'arley Mrs.Stewart A•Hulse )I..J .Feren C~Sheard Mrs ~Chapman W~Sa,edon F.West W .Steadman Mec;i.Ass 1 n F~M:orris 65 X 35 Aurora "eneral St!kre D6lllinion Store Yorkdale Coop. Pattersonf:l Bakery J!'.D.Lacey ivlerchant and Case Atlantic and Pacific lJiarys l!'rui t store Knowles and eons f\urora Dairy , Scan,,ons -akery c.Cook Higgins Buker Preston Peters. Haight Ji'oerter fcod fuel attached hereto; 3.60' 7.20 2..40 4.80 7 .20· 2.40< 2;.40 4.80 3.60' 2.40 ' 3.60' 22.75 11.14' 79.79 27 .24' 6.36'' 20.73 3.95' 3.88' 48.00'' 65 16.74' 20.18' 5.89 9.6.0• Carried. :MALLOY BALDWIN that the following accounts be paid,that the mayo:rc issue orders on ' ' the treasurer for the same and that the seal of the corp.be w.w. w.F.Evans clock repair Bell Phone Co. Ji'actory Eg_uipme!ft Bawden Machine vo. Can.Brass Co. Geddes Service Stn gasoline J .c .Thomson u Ough and Son attached hereto; 3.00'' 4.2.7' 1.90' 111.06· 98f77 2.25 1.35 2e49· Carried•, · Mr.lV!agee apueqred to enquire what action was being taken rellf!tive to the flow l '\ ' of water blocked on neighboring property and thereby backing up on his land. llfr.l:laldwin for the E.L.Committeeo reported the following list as required for use~ l set slip block for 1 11 r6pe;l0 lb.friction tape grade A;20 guy clamps for 7/16 guy; . 2 pipe poles 18';5 lbs t" pipe straps;l gross 2"x9" galv.wood screws;a 25 amp.ll5/230 volt,single phase 3 wire meters;50 wire holders;25 wire holders special screw for brick work;lO standard wood cross arms 4 pin;50 lag screws t'; x 4" • LEE SPARKS that the report of the E.L.Committee be adopted,.and that the various equipment therein referred tp be purchased,.a.nd the mayor and treasurer authorised to pay for the same and that the seal of the corp.be attached hereto.Carried. Dr.••enderson for the w.w.Committee rerlorted that Mr.Boadway had been engaged to sink a well on Nisbet lot 60 1 from the other wells 5" diam.at 2.75. per foot.He is prepared to blow out the well 'at the w.works at a cost of fifteen or t wenty dollars (' \ I 3 and has every confidence in his ability to bring back a good flow. lv!r.Sparks read a letter from the Fire Chief indicating the usefUlness and necessity for the gas mas.'k recently purchased at· the fire in Whitchurch t!mdiay morning. Mr.lvla.lloy for the ;:;treets Committee reported; "work done in :Ma.y.2nd0.3 men cement; curb at towm hall and 2 men rebuilding man hole ~ n tannery property;4th•2 men fixine manhole on Yonge and one patching streets with gravel;5th.4 patching walk anc curb a· Victoria and Wellington;blocks,on Wellington E' ,Yonge,Catherine,Larmont,"'yler and 2 . . men finishing m.anholes;:6th.2 men patching with cinders and 2 cleaning catch basins at rear of stores;7th.cleaning at Disp.plant;9th.26 loa.ds of gravel for streets;lOth 2 men fixing manholes and one levelling gravel;llth•gravelling streets 7 loads;l2th. gravelling streets 6 loads and 2 men grading;13th.gravelling 6 loads and 2 grading; 14th.screening sand,5 loads on street fOr o:iil;l6th.6 men at Dis.Plant cleaning beds and digging cable out;l7th•·1 men at same job;l8th. 5 men ditching streets;l9th.2 men J .Beynon sewer connection;20th. 4 men oiling sanding streets,8 loads sand 400 gals oi: 2lst•clean up disp.plant and put sand on streets in potholes;23,25~26 1 27 6 men on swwer lead to Bird prroperty;27th.3 men walk Wellington and Curb Mitchell corner; 28th 1 man cleaning walk and curb;30th.5 yds gravel;3lst. 2 men cleaninh gnreek at rear of disp.plant.••a.nd.165 ' of walk 4r wide north from Centre on East side Yonge st;has been constructed;the manhole at that corner has been lowreed to level of curbe3.That Melvin. Robinson be paid the sum of 10.00. per week.,retroactive to May lstel938.11 SPARKS HEliDERSOI'l' that the report of the streets committee be adopted and that the mayor be authorised to sign the dame and that the seal of the corp.be attached hereto Carried;. Uoramunications from the nept of Health certifying water in new well as grade A, amendments to the Sanitaria Act,and the Dept.of Highways were filed;from the Fleury Bissell and T.K.Fice asking rebates on power bills were m:eferred to t.he E.L.Committee the agreement for joint use of poles~by.oell Pnone Co.and town,referred to Bylaws committee ,while the report of the treasurer detailed,was considederd and cop~es taken for perusal. I~U:r.Lee introduced a Bylaw to appoint an Assessor for the year 1939•The Bylaw was regularly given its three readings,l'JI:r.Sparks in the chair in committee and was passed appointing W.H.Taylor as assessor for the assessment for 1939 at same salary• 1\'fi'.Knowles introduced a Bylaw to amend the water rates and control the use.The Bylaw was given its several readings,Mr.Sparks in chair in committee,and was carried. KJITOvVLES HEN.DERSOl'f that the sympathy of the council of the corporation of Aurora be extended to the widow of the late councillor of the town of Newmarket,IIU':rs.Williams• carried. ---,-.. r / \ ,... . ,,.,.s.:o.· ~~--.-,_""""'.-'~ 4 MALLOY BALWil~ th t the congratulations of this council be extended to Mr.and ~ 1\frs.J-~'IVithrow-~on the occasion of their weddingas well as the appreciation of :M:;ro. Withrows efforts. on behalf ofcilmi:nrunity activities and his courtesy in the manner in which he has reported the proceedingEl: of counc:il meetings. After a general discussion of sign boards and of dogs: with instructions. to be handed on to the Chief of Police the meeting adjourned on motion of J!LCessrs.Baldwin and Knowles;. . ·----------------- Mayor.