MINUTES - Council - 19380906THill SIXTEENTH li.l:illETING OF THE COUNCil. FOR THill Y.EAR 1938 was held in the council room on TUesday eve,S6pt.6tli.with the mayor presiding and all the m4mbers in attendance. · The minutes of the preceding meeting mme approved,on motion of Messrs ~ald- 11'rin and Malloy. TJ"rn SPARKS that the action of ~e mayor in issuing order~ on the tre 8 urer for the payment of the following sums be and the same is hereby confirmed~and that the seal of the corporation be aattached hereto; Aug.6th• K.Davis M.Robinson Mrs;.Waites w.sunnners .!\.•Higgins NSoerter AoBunn 13th. K ~Davis Mrs.Waites M~binson WoSUim11ers A~Higgins R.;Farley N~Foerter A~Bunn 20th. K~Davis M~Robinson lllfrs ;vYai tes Postmaster W .SUim1lers A.Higgins 27th. K~Davis. Mrs.o'"aites M~Robinson w.svmmers A.Higgins Sept.3rd. K.Davis Mrs."aites M.Rob:tnson w.summers A.Riggins Aug.6th. R .Smith E .:Light L.Chapman · 13th. L .Chapman R.Smith aoth. R.smith L.ChaJ;llllan 27th LoChapman R.Smith "ept Srd. R.Smith L~Chapman 12.00 10.00 7.oo· 10.80 1s;.ao n;.7o 11.70 12 .• 00 7.oo 10.00 13.80 rs;.ao a.;oo 2:.70 2:.70 12;.oo 1o.oo 7.00 5 .• 00 13~2:0 13;.20 12.00" T.oo 10.00 13.20 13.20 12.00· T •oo · ro.;oo. rs;.8o 1s.sa 13.40 12.60 17".15: 19.60 16.20 14.00 16~45 17.60 16.;60 ·• 17.85 Carried. HlllNDERSON FARR that the following accounts be paid, that. the mayor issue orders on the treasurer for the same and rhat the seal of the corp.be attached hereto; 8.10 w.Woliis Ough and Son MUeller Ltd• Bell Phone c·o. 8.26 s.10 Carried. BALDWIN MALLOY that the following accounts be paid,that the mayor issue orders on the treas .for :E.Light the same and that the l~orthern Ele(il)tric: Co. Can.:Lac:o Lamps Can.Line Materials Can. :en.Electric: .'t_ seal of the corp.be attached 21.50 59.64 63.88 9.57 "'''·" he:eeto; / ( 0 a ~_ydro .EJ.ectr!ic Power COllllll• J,uly power -.r-.K.Fl.ce J .c .:Bodfish uu. .. gh and Son Bell Phone co. Pos;jmlaster_ 2563.60' 60·'· 14.12 1.60· 2.50' 16.00·· Carried. LEE SPARKS that the following accounts be paid,that the ma~or issue orders on .. the treas .fpr Corp .. the same and that tile seal of the corp,be E.C.:M:ingay o.]).Hess F~W~Cau1fie1d :Municipal. World Collis Leather Co • l!'rankc om ...,.arage _ Ottgh and Son ·. Baines and David R.L.Boag -registrations Aurora .tiEtrdware AUrora Bui1ding co• Attridge and Son_ rental. 1br.for band lien Phone C:.oo, -I'osttn.aster J .•A .Mi.tcheli E·L•Dept. for tennis c1ub James ~rector & ttedfern F~DUnham auts~de trips attached ·hereto; 1~00•' 1~00· 27.05 13..56 4.oo~ 20<.15 5.78 -14.72 12.60• 350.75' 11.0.68' stand 16.00 15..67' 7.00 65 75.00' 24.00 1.0.;00 Carried• FA.RR HENDERSO;n;that the following accounts be paid,that. the mayor issue orders an the treasurer for the same"and that the Relief Medical. 37 x 35 F.West shelter Mrs. .Chapman Peters A~Hu1se »uker :Mrs.s.Warren #aight SterJ..ing ']rust :-4 oerter .Llavis·erarage fuel 1\onow·les and Sons food Ailrara '"ener~ Store J •A.M. itchel1 __ _ Pai;tersons .oakery ""erchant and Case J .F .Morning .lorkdale C:oOp. F>W~J:easdale C:ousins Dairy seal of the aorp,be atta.ched hereto- 12.95- 4.;80' 4.;80 7.20 4.8o·· 2.40' 46 23.;38 56.93. 1:.91 28.62·· 1•80 73 4;5.8 25.37 10.95· Carried• Mr;.E.Collard asked for better lighting at the far end of Kennedy St.ste,ting that he be1eived the proposed arrangement to purahase direct from the ~'Ur~ H.E.P.c, ha.d fal1en through.J:he matter was referred to the E.L.Colll!Uittee. BALDWIN FARR that the following supplies be purchased for the E.L;.Dept•50 through bolts ,11/16" x 10'";20 .ri.oller eyes bolts ,11/16 " x 12 ~t;lO lbs tape;50 dead end clamp ~ size 6-2;10 ancho~ rods,6' x 11/15";20 guy'eye~;100 square washers;lOO pole steps; ,, 100 15 t" conduit;20 elecrtro1ets;1 lb•#l8 bare soft copper wire far meter;2000 j;.@!Jt # 5 w.P.s.B. mediU!ll hard wire; 2000 feet ~4 w.P.S.B. mediU!ll hard wire and th a.t the seal of the c:arp;.be atta.ched. Uarried• ' HENDERSON LEE that the E.L.Calll!Uittee be empowered to draft a p:I,aa list and propose a plan to have the office use more pressure in collection of E.L. arrears. ,," .. · 3 MALLOY HEifDERSON tha.t the de cision of the connnittee of council. viewing Centre St. to ievel.~g~vei~and oil. the section approaching Yonge st.be adopted and ca=ied out at an early date. Carried.. The Auditors report for the second quarter was read and referred to the Finance Connnittee;. :Mr • .r.nOwJ.es read a list of reconnnendations for the W .w oDept.made by Mr~ngm.an and these were referree back to the w.w.connnittee. HENDERSON KNOWLES that the request-of. the York Band .l!'estival. Committee regarding the ua~ 011 Oet•l.st~of the town park~Mechanies Hall. and Arena be granted&that. a suit able shield be purchased at a cost of' ten dollars;that the request for the erection of a tempor'ary band stand be granted and that the seal of the corporation be attach' hereto. Carried.• ~ The treasurer presente.d his report for theeight months of the year in comparison with that of the preceding year and it was received,on motion of Malloy & Lee• lllr•McJJonald presented the financial report of the J'ubilee Connnittee s-howing a deficit of $124.49;. SPI\.RKS MALLOY that the amount of $124.49 be paid to the treasurer of the Jubilee Connnittee to defray the balance of expenses incurred during the Jubilee season,that tha mayor be authorised to sign this resolution and the seal of the eorp•be attached; 0 arried• The report of the Prov•.lJiept•of Health made from s-amples taken of the creek on Aug•l6th•was read and was ordered filed on motion of Messrs Baldwin and Farr• A letter from the Uounty Clerk re home for indigents was read and ordered filed• Aan application form the Atlantic and ~acific tea. uo.for refund of the portion o:C" taxes paid for the unexpired part of the year was referred to the Finance Connnitt1 A circular from the Workmens Compensation Board soliciting business was also referred to the li'inance committee;. A letter from Mr.Redfern relative to his engagement by the town to advise with th1 Collis Leather Co•and the corporation regarding the attempt to lessen the odor from the creek was ordered received and filed on motion of Messrs Lee and baldwin• An agreement proposed by the Dept.of Highwaya for joint upkeep of the centre thir'! ty feet of Yonge st.with attendant restrictions was read.considered in committee ~ after which the connni ttee rose and reconnnended tha.t the proposed agreement be ref err~ ed ba.ek to the Bylaws connnittee,and the council. adopted the reconnnendation. The streets Committee were instructed to have more prominent si§ns,designating the speed limit displayed at the entrances: to town on Yonge St•and to indicate that 4 the speed Hmit will be s.triotly enforced. A plan drawn by Mr • .ttedfern suggesting the possible removal of some of the twists in the branch of. the stream running northerly from the Collis Leather Oo• plant and estimating the cost of suoh work was read and tabled. FARR HENDERSON that the engineer be instructed and empowered to approach the Provinoial li~veri:unent to ascertain if and to what extent they will assist finan0 ia.1J in straightening the stream. Carried• The clerk was instructed to write the Headmaster of st.Andrews and ask that he oall the attention of the pupils to the need of using the cinder path instead of the pavement as a measure of safety• ' Mr.Knowles nd Mr.Spa.rks moved that the clerk be instructed to forward a resoluti on of sympathy and condolence to Mrs.Webster and family on the tragic death of their husband and father. Carried• The Council adjourned,at .iilteEI 11.30 P.M. on motion of Messrs :-'aldwin and ":'ee. -" Ma.yor.o