MINUTES - Council - 19380622~ ( TliE THIRTEENTH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL FOR THE YEAR 193a was held in the council room on Wednesd~ eve.June 22nd.with ghe mayor presiding and the Reeve.Deputy Reeve and Councillors Henderson Farr and Sparks in attendance. The minutes of the preceding meeting were approved$on motion of Messrz:u,Henderson and Malloy• SPARKS MALLOY that A.Hlggina and W .summers. be employed a..s full time helpers to the :to:r.emen ~f the streets;during the summer months, beginning June 27th.wages to be thirty cents per hour,and that the seal of the corp.be attached hereto. aarried. MALLOY SPARKS that the clerk be instructed to bring in an amending Bylaw at the next meeting,setting out new water rates as follows,single tap,$1;.25 per quarter less a prol!ll>t payment discount of 20%;service without bath.$2;.00 less 25% prompt ~ent discount,complete servilll'e $3;.00 less 25% P.F.Di~count,farages with wash racks $4•00 net;commercial and industrial,present meter rating,other provisions according to the report ,and that the seal of the corporation be attached hereto. Carried. HENDERSON KNOWLES that payment of the account to S.J.Brown,already passed,be with held antil an investigation has been completed into the cause of the diminished flow at the new Billing well by the committee and their report received by council •Catrie~ Mr.Malloy placed before council the request of J .Goulding fOr an increase in salar~ and the matter was left over for consideration by a full council• On motion of Messrs.Sparks and Knowles the council adjourned;. ------------------------- Ma;wor.