MINUTES - Council - 19380427THE EIGHTH MEETING OF THE COU1f:JIL FOR TFIEJI[YEAR ~938 was held in the council room on Wed .. af:Cernoon,Apr.:l?th.a.t 1.15 with the mayor presiding and the Deputy Reeve and Councillors Baldwin Henderson Lee and Sparks in attendance. Mr. Lee outlined the negotiations with the solicitor for the :proposed new industr;~ stating that there were four :points to be decided,the building;taxation;water and power. Considerable discussion took place regarding the various points and it was dec- ided to adjourn further debate on the subject unti~ evening when the co1mnittees would have time to report and the representatives of the company would be present. SPARKS I~LLOY that the contract for Garbage collection be awarded to Mr.Roy Rollings,as per tender :presented to this ooujcil;which was the lowest offered by one with a government approved dump;that a suitable agreement be du~y arranged and executed~and the seal of the corp.attached lj.ereto.Carried. The council reconvened at 8.15 in the evening with all the members in attendance. and heard the representatives of tl1e proposed industry out~ine their proposals. FARi~ SPARKS th t the council consider in detail the req_uest made by Messrs Clarke ~ . and Baxeley on behalf of a mm industry known as Dehydra.tion Processes Ltd.desirous of locating in Aurora in regard to power,water and property.Carried. KNOWLES HENDEH.SON that this council do hereby agree to supp~y water at the follow:i i.g rates to Dehydration Processes Ltdffirst 100000 gals.at 10 cts per mgaisoand the balance at seven cents per ];!.,gals $wa i;er to be supplied a i; sui table pressure and billing to be made monthly. Carried. BALDWON FARR. that the following rates for power that are in force in the town of Aurora will apply to power used by Dehydration Processes Ltd .. service charge j~l.OO per H P.per month,first 50 hours use of M.D. at.2.1 cents;second 50 hours use of • M.D. at l.cent and bal at .33. less 10% discount and 10% dis for prompt payment •. Carried. LEE FARR that on completion of negotiations and conveyance t6 the Dehydration Processes L.td .. of the property known as the ]!i:a:ilch Factory Property,it be understood ., tha.t the assessment of the said property for the next five years be not more than ~~3900 .oo unless in the meantime the said company ceases operations, in the said fact oryand,if necessary, that such assessment rate be referred to a wote of the people to have th!s assessment fixed. Carried. RENDERSON SPARKS Resolved that this council negotiate with Dehydration Process Ltd~ re transfer of property known as Match actory Yli th the to·wns interest leg8 lly safe ~ L, guarded~ that a solicitor be instructed to prepare the necessary documents and that .. :--__ ""-···· ~r .\,._ .. ~\ fi { ;i .) \_' . / .. rt 2 the seal of the corportion be a ttachecl he:ceto • '-arried. FEli[])ERSON SPARKS Hesolved that this council give the officials of Dehydration '"~ Proce,sses Ltd~permission of entry to match factory property as per retluest,.Carried' .. SPJI.RKS lW,LOY tha.t this council appoint as a committee Councillor Lee,to retain i I a solicitor,the county solicitoJ.· suggested,to draw up the legal documents pertain· to the transfer of the property lmo.,n as the liilatch factory to Dehydration Processes LtdoOf Toronto • Carried. ., KNOVvi.ES MAL:LOY that the Hev.Mr.Lightbourn be notified to remove his personal ~ property from the match factory 0 .t once as the building may be needed for industry.-~ hat llfr.Uoulding be instructed to take men up to the building and clean it up so ···'·l•.· +. faras possible. Carried.. , / On motion of Dr.Henderson and Mr.li!Jalloy the council adjourned. l Mayor • j -\$ j1