MINUTES - Council - 19380606( THE ELEVENTH MEETING OF THE COUNOIL FOR THE YEAR 1938 was held in the aouncil room on Monday eve• ~1une 5th.with all th e members in attendance and the mayor presiding. ~ The minutes of the ninth meeting weeu confirmed on motion of Messrs Henderson and Lee and those of the tenth meeting on motion of Messrs Farr and Malloy• Messrs Jarvis and Kirkvi;ood.on behalf of the Spring ll(orse Show asked for generos ity in the grant and that the section of Wells St•fromMosley to the south side of the High School be closed off for the duration of the fair• ~wder of the Godson Construation co.explained the basis upon whiah his comp. any wott:ld make a:rw repairs in t.he pavements while they have a plant here doing work• M:r.Ora.nt spokesman of It delega.tion of four from the Tennis Club asked that the town install the lighting on two tennis courts on MaMahon Park and that the club wil: pay for the current used• Mr.H.M•Magee asked if the town would drain a swamp formed on the property o:r Mr.w.c.Kurtz as the result of well water baaking up in a ditch iihich has partially filled it11e stated Mr.Kurtz would be on the ground at 4 P.M. Tuesday to discuss the matter and asked that the town send a representative.Mri>Farr agreed to be prewent• Mr.Stephens and two associates from the Bell Phone Coi>presented the features of a propoaed agreement adopted by Hydro for the joint use of poles in any municipality and asked that we adopt the sa.me.During the presentation of this matter the Mayor was called out on professional duties and the Reeve assumed the ahairi> LEE FARR that the action of the mayor in issuing orders on the treasurer for the payment of the following aacounts ·be and the same is hereby confirmed,and that the seal of the corporation be attached hereto; May 'lth• K.Davis corp e. l2i>OO Mrs. Waites 7.00 M.Robinson 9.00 R.Smith E.L. 17•15 L.Chapman 11.50 14th• K.Davis Corp• 12.00' Mrs•Waites oz.oo· M.Robinson 9it00· R.Smith w.w. 12•95 L.Chapman 9.75 21st. K.Davis Corp. 12•00' 1\frs• Waites 7i.00' M.Robinson s;.oo Postmas:ter s.oo· R·Smith E.L. 16it45 L.Chapman 11•50 28th. K.Davis Corp. 12.00. Mrs.Waites 7.;.00. M.Robinson 9.00 R.Smmth E.L. 18.20• L.Chapman 12;,25 S.F • .Tohnstone 13.50 II 36.00 .'-,_ ( -\ \! June 4th;. K.Da.vis Mrs.Waites M•Robinson RoSmith L~Cll.a.pma.n 2 Corp. E.:L. 12;.00 7~00 9•oo l'H85 124.00 Carried.• BALDWIN MALLOY that the following accounts be paid,that the mayor issue orders on the treasurer for the same and that the seal of the corp;.be attached hereto; 32 .• 64· E.L. Can•La.co Lamps Copeland Milling co. Bell Phone co .. H.E•P•C• power for April Robinson Press Ough and San Wards Garage E;.C.Mingay Northern Electric Co• Ca.n.Line Materials Can•Gen4.Electrio Ferrant,6i Electric Postmaster 120;.00' 2.50- 2311.57 4;.85" 9;.35· 75 3.45 374.84 12.60 1.56 118;.08 16 .oo. Carried.• FARR HENDERSON that the following accounts be paid,that the mayor issue orders on the treasurer for the same and that the seal of the corp4.be attached hereto; 8.85' w.w. Ough and Son Bawden Machine Co., Bell Phone C:o;. Can.oBra.ss Co• Fleury Bissell 2lt.82• 6•59'· 114.08. 75-Carried• LEE SPARKS that the following accounts be pa.id,that the mayor issue orders on the treasurer for Carp• the same and that the seal of the corp;.be Grand and Toy O.D.Hess Prov.Dept.af Health Insul.in J .Mi to hell and Son. Attridge and Son Davis ltarage 0Ugh and Son Aurora Hardware Wa.i tes Aervice "'ta.tlion County ~osp.Account Howard ···loyd Aurora. ~eat Market United Steel Corp• Treasurer of Ont. MoHall arena. E.C.Fielding Jupp Construction Co• ail M.Hilborn sa.l.oacct• Aurora Building Co;. supplies F.Dunham Bell Phone co. AoHurst grading A·E.Hurst servicing truck attached hereto; 6.oo· 7.25. :h68 3.51 31;.06• 2;o58' 9;.65. 8.98• 1.25· 110.75• 8.40 58• 14.64· a.oo· 3;.00 22.85•· 454.25'• 75;.00 115.04 238.00· 15.050 18.03 10e00' 6.10• Carried• FARR LEE that the following accounts be paid,that the mayor issue orders on the treasurer for the Relief same and that the seal F.Hale Feb."'ar;. MRs .starkey Styl.es Est. Mrs •Stewart A.Hulse A.J .Feren F.West c.sHeard J. 01oss of the corp.be attached shelter Egan 15;.00 Starkey 4•80· Farley 4.80 Higgins 4.80 ·. Buker 7.20 Preston 4;.80 West 3.60 Sheard Closs 8.40 7.20 heretot ... ,, ... / --·-·~·--··-'~--.~.: __ ..__._l:__..o.:., .• :.:., __ . -~---·-..........:._.~..:._:,__;_:.__,__. -· '-=·:.....:..:... __ ·~...: __ _,,....., .... _·-·-·~·~""='-"'-"""'""";..'"""~-.,...:..: .• .;.:..~---"-~-~---· -·'":..C.~~'7~"" ll!Irs. Chapman w.sawdon Merchant and Case ]'~Morris F.D.r.acey l'attersons Bakery J~A~MitcheU General Store Yorkdale_coop .. J•F.Mornir:tg_ Scanlons Bakery J~FoWillis O.D.Hess Cousins Dairy Atlantic.& Pacific Dominion Stores Q.ueens .ttotel P+ Knowles· & Sons Dav:is Gar~e w.H~Chapnlan Med.Asan• 35 :x: 68 Mr•Langman reported on the 3 Peters Haight food fuel. supply of water as just ----------____ ___._,_J.U.....,• ~--- 4 .. 80 4•80· 10.88. 23a7 24.88 34.'12 . 4.01.'· 74•92 a5.5a~ '74" 15.98· 58 4.58· 37.8Z· 39.57 .· ... 32.14· 14.80 170.99 '94 9.60 ·-----------··-ccl 23.80 Carried• sufficient for present use and the welldigger proceeding with the work of another well. Appl.ication tor sewer connection from H.W.Fleury for the property corner of Yonge and Catherine was granted on the understanding that the connection be made to the joint service with Mrs.H.Ferguaon. Mrs•dreys complaint was considered and it was agreed that the foreman should ascertain whether there was trouble at the elbow where the private service turns along the street as a mqtter of courtesy• Replies to the resolution regarding the cross country highway from the various departments of government and members of the legisl.ature interested were read and I filed•One from the County on the prepayment of levy was read and filed•On the deatrud iin of ragweed likewise fil.ed and from the Dept•ot Electricity Inspection ordered reply that the teat was required.The Dept.of Municipal affairs drawing our attention to the fact that Mr•Dunham is not bonded ,and the clerk instructed to reply that he does not handle money in quantity to require bonding• A letter from Jir.oUnderhill re change in the status of empl.oyees covered in a policy for which he is the agent was referred to the Finance commi ttee,and one frolll John Stuart regardinga jubil.ee emblem was referred to the Jubil.ee Committee. The E~L.Comrnittee wrere asked to go further into costs re lighting for the tenni clubprpearatory to a meeting within a few days• It was decided to investigate the cause of the bog on Centre st.at once and the members would meet to view the si tua.tion at l..P.M.on Tuesday,when the matter of repai to the pavement would also be considered. The request of the Horse Show Executive to have Wells st. blocked off for a short distance during the show was agreed to. The Bell Telephone agreement was left over Council adjourned at midnight. until -