MINUTES - Council - 19380309·.:- THE FIFTH MEETING OF THE COUl'fCIL FOR THE YEAR ~938 was held in the council room on Tuesday eve.March 9th.with the ~or presiding and the Reeve Deputy Reeve and aouncillors Farr Henderson Lee and Sparks in attendance. The minutes of the preceding meeting were adopled on motion of the Reeve and Mro.Spa,rks. LEE SPARKS that the action of tl1e mayor in issuing orders on the treasurer for the payment of the following amounts be and the same is. hereby aonfirmed.and that the seal of the cprporation be attaared hereto; ~eb.~2th. Mrs.Waites T.oo KoDavis 12.00 ~9th. Mrs. Waites '7..00 K.Davis 12;.00 Postmaster stamps E.L. 5.00' tia R.S.Smith ll' 12.60· LoCha.pman 7.00· :16th. P.Brodie arena 4.00 A·Closs 24.00 L.Harman 3.00 Mrs.Waites corp. 7.00' K~Davis 12~00·• R.S.Smith E.L. 1.5.40 L.Cha.pma.n 11.00· Mar. 2nd. l:'o~;~tmaster stamps 10.00· 5th. Mrs.Wa.ites: 7·.oo K.Davis: 12~00 L.Feren arena 2 .• 00 n.s.Smith E.L. 15.40 LoCha.pma.n 1o.oo Carried. LEE lVIALLOY that the following accounts be paid,tha.t the mayor issue orders on the treasurer for Corp. the same and that the seal of the Ough and Scm B.F.Davis. B.F.Davis arena Bond Engineering Co. Dept.of Health of Ont. Insln. Attridge and Son Municipal World Collis Lea.ther Co. cinders F.D.Lacey J.F.Willis Vi .R .McQ,uade County liosp.Acaounts Bell Phone Co. J .Morning & Son Banner Press Davis Garage M.Hilborn Aurora Hdwe. Wards Garage LaFrance Engine Co. Aurora Building Co. O.D.Hess F.A.Rowland Dr.Stevenson IVfiss E.McClennay H.A.Bowman Ins.Prem. F·Dunham court trips Dr.Boulding A.Clos s arena corp. be 7~55 45.00 13.00 18.04 3.68 17.23 15.00 2.oo 1.23 1.95 80.00 115.87' 14.14· 73.88' 42.89 2.69 2oi.32 7.28• 17.55' 22.00 4.60 4.80 94.5.0• 27.00 10.00 28.23 3.00. s.oo 9.00 attavhed hereto; Carr.ied;.. F.ARB. HENDERSON that the following accounts be paid~ that the mayor issue orders· on the treas.for the same and that the seal of the corp.be attached hereto; Relief lllled.Ass'n• 132. X 35 46.20 ,_ ,.., ' 2 Mrs.starkey she~ter ~tarkey Jas.O~oss Joe O~oss w.summers tax acct R.Travisa R.Smith ~~s.Peterman ~isebrough s .Rhumor 1nnea S~~es Est. Farley W~Steadman Jfoerter A.Rulse .Duker c•Long Brovm F.West tax acct. d._~heard " Mrs•Ohapman Peters J~Preston M.Preston Mrs.Stewart Collett Mrs.MCLeod Stephenson . W .Sawd.on Haight The Clayton Est. ui~pin . A.niJ;chard Harper B.F.Davis fue~ Stiver Bros Qugh and Son, Harold Reid Service C.A.Cook 1\..•& .P .Store F~MOrris Mar;Yys Fruit Store Knovrles ~nd Sons Dam. store 'X'orkdale CoOp. Cousins Dairy Pattersons Bakery General Store O.D.Ress J,[erchant & Case Scaitlons Bakery F.D.Lacey: J.F.Morning Alirora Dairy F<.W.Teasda~e food 4.80·· 7.20 .. 7.20 4.80· 4.80 4.80· 9.60- 4.80· 7.20 c. 4.80 4.80 6.00· 4.80- 4.80. 4.80 4..80 . 4.80 4.80 3.60 25.70 99.90·; 65 1.20 9.60 ·. 34.88· 39.27 20 33.12; 26.73 54.23 15 .• 11' 29.67· 149.74r 76· 3.3.8· 5.33· 6:.25· 50 23~02'< 8.01· Carried. MALLOY FARR that the following accounts be paid,that the mayor issue orders on the treasurer for the E<.L. same and that the seal of the corp.be H.E.P.c. power for Jan. H.E.P.c, construction c.L.Line Coville •·rransport Ough and Son Bell Phone Go. The Robfusoh Press .l!'errantm: Elec·tric Northern Electrio Co. Post Office Clerk express attached hereto; 222.1.~68· 781.68 85 4.65"' 2.77 62.30' 11 8.oa 282.72 1.6.00 2.65• Carried. I KNOWLES HENDERSON that the following accounts be pa.id,that the mayor i§sue orders on the treas.for the same and that w.w. Bell Phone co. Can•Brass Ga. E•a.Mi.ngay Clerk express the seal of the oorp.be attaohed hereto; s.s7 29.40• 35' 1.30 Carried. A letter from the CoOperative 0 tore was read and referred to the ~elief 0 ommitte I\ffr.Knowles for the w.w.committee reported;'• ev recommend that the town mains be '" washed out and hydrants inspected on the second and[ fourth Wednesday afternoon of each month.That fli:re pressure test be ma.intained from 20 tO 30 minutes on the 3rde Wednesday: of each month at 2.P.M.giving 'customers an opportunity to flush out their vice pipes·~--a survey be made of the water users giving size of s ervice,haths ser ~<~t .. 3 toil.ets J.eaks etc:.1'ha.t a new hydrant be pJ.a.eed on Wellington st.east of the o.N.R. near Ross st.Tbat one Toronto H:ydrant be purchased ... A recommendation to have two new well.s drill.ed was referred baCk to the cammitteeeThe report was adopted.by the fallowing resol.ution sponsored by Messrs Lee and Farr~that the report of the w.w. colllllli.ttee of this date be adopted. subjeat to clause four being referred baak far fur· ther consideration and the seal. of the corpaattached hereto. Carried. The tenders far Garbage aoll.ec:tion were reviewed and on lllOtion of Messrs Lee and H:end.ers.on were referred baci= to the Streets COllllllittee. :MJ:-• .i!·arr for the E.L.COllllllittee submitted the following;u1'he E.L.Accounts for the m• lllOnth of Feb.were bal.anced on the Srd.of March with the following observations;the actual billing mn Feb.under the new rates was exactly $145 .OJ. l.ess than for Jan.Rad the months of .Jan.& Feb.had an equal number of days~this drop in billing would have been changed to an increase.A daily average of the billing for the month of .Tan• amounted to $102:.00 while for Feb.the average amounted to $J.08.00or about 6.00 per day higher under the new rate than the oldeThe a.mtter of a discount for prompt pay ,_-.,,. ment haS been most favorbly received as revealed in the fact that 217 consumers did not pay their Jan.bills and onl.y 70 failed to pay in .ll'ebeOf the total alllOunt of our billing in Feb.$3025.44~o~ly $142.19 remained unpaid at the end of the month.In reg ard to the arrears there was actually $916.75 paid off but the unpaid Feb.accounts reduaes this alllOtmt. to a net reduction in the amount of arre·.ars to $ 774.ii6 thus leaving our arreras as at the end of Eeb.standing at $4298.73.practically where it stood at the beginning of 1937eThe committee in contacting the various consumers who are in arrears were frequentJ.y questioned in connection with the town employees who are in arrars.s and thought that the oomm.should start housecleaning at home,and with this in view the committee suggest that all such employees be requested to pay their indebtedness not later than the end of the present month.In regard to the con sumers who have in no way made an effort to contact the committee or those whom we have seen who have not lived up ·to their promise.a lkst of which is now in the hands of the colllllli.ttee,if their accounts are not paid or arranged for by March 3J.st.their service will be disoontinued.~egarding the Bylaw covering the collection of E.L. and arrears as proposed by the committee at its last meeting of oouncil,it is suggested that we adopt the flilllowing as is done in a Hydro municipality, thus making a Bylaw unneoessary.l.Tbat the bills be made due and payable with a discount as at present in force.2T:hat the clerk be instructed to notify property owners: in v;riting~of any a.ocounts that are not paid by the last discount date,on the following day.3.That a further fifteen days be allowed to make payment,and if not made in that time that the service be diseontinued•4•TQat service will not be reconnected until the arrears 4 are all paid in full and that the s~ of $1.00 be charged for discontinuing and reconnectong the service.Arreers here to apply on Feb.consumption and future bills. 5.That the committee be granted authority to adjust to their satisfaction certain ~· accounts where a. dispute in regard to the a.ccount has arisen,and thus close off some accounts still standing and likely to stand otherwise.'l'he report was considered in commi·ttee and adopted. I\II;t-• .l!'arr for the Helief committee subllllitted,.••Since the last meeting of the coun- cil the following have applied for and received relief;Mr.~.Hobson & Mr.A.Higgins w.:H:a.rper was granted fuel the equivalent of one half day.H.Farley communicated with your committee by letter in regard to getting additional relief,but due to the fact that he is getting the same as others in the same class,the committee felt that we could not increa.se his voucher,without creating a precedent,and altering our scale thought it best to bring the matter before the entire council for disposition. 'l'he report was received on motion of Messrs Sparks and Malloy. The :Leeasurer submitted his comparative report for the two months of the year '· as camaprad to the same months of the preceding two years,and it was received,on motion of Messrs:.Mal.loy and Knowles. The Aw:l:i tors report was considered and ad<ll!pted,on motion of Messrs.Farr and llinowles. lilir.Lee for the Finance committee read the following report;"That all expenses incurred in operating the arena be charged to the Arena account,and that all receipts fl•om the arena be deposited in the bank and all expenses paid by cheque•That full details of all entries be set out so that a full understanding of all transactions may be had at any time.That. an insurance register be kept that we may be in a positiol to ascertain readily the position of all insuranc.e.That a cash fund of ten dolla:i:s and a change fund of ten dollars be retained by the clerk and for the purpose of t.he cash fund a. petty cash book be purchased in which shall be shown particulars of all disbursements frok this fund and to wha.t departments they shall be charged.That corpora.tion printed receipt forms be pirchased,and that sufficient particulars be wri1 tten on each receipt when given out properly identifying the purpose for which the money is p!i.ad.That all colllllll:Ulica.tions coming to the clerks office be properly filed and a copy of all letters going ~ut,in the filing cabinet,it being understood that t.his includes. correspondence tableci at council meetings, • That pursuant to the recomm endation of the auditor,the ~ of $608.95 be deducted from the next payment required to be made to the High School .!:Soard in order that the books be properly balanced.That consideration be given to an analysis of the Coupon account from its inception in ( ;' ~·...,. 5 oraer to reconcile the balance now on deposit with actual requireme~ts.That the proportion of the salaries of the clerks office and electric lighting payable to the g~meral account by the w.w.Dept.be fixed at $1200.oo,.That the proportion of salaries of the clerks office payable to the general account by the E.L.Dept.be fixed at $840o00oThat the mill rate for 1938 be struck at 40 and that· the various committees exercise stringent econamy in order to make this mill rate suffice. That the following gran.ts be malie,Horticultural Society $25 .• QQ;Agricultural Soc. $100.00;0range Lodge $lOO.oO;Library Board aoo.oo;That the grant to the Library ' Boar.d be· paid as previously,.as required from time to time.That an allowance of ~~25.00 be made to the Salvation .ilJ:Irr¥ pursuant to its request early in the year. " That membership in the Municipal Association be not taken this year.That the office hours in _the clerks office be changedltcommencing March 15th.to be from 8.30 continuous to 5.P.M.instead of as now 8o30 to 12 an<i 1 to 6.P.M.The report was consideateli in committee and a.dopted on motion of Messrs Knowles and Malloy. Letters from the Dept.of Highways were read and filed. A letter from H.E.Irwin Esq.K.C.regarding surety bonds was referred to the Finance committee. A report was given of the claims made against the liability insurance to date was read. A letter from the H.E.P.C giving their ruling on the billing of churches • within their municipalities was read and referred to the E.L.Committee. Bylaw # 818~fixing the le;vy and setting the tax rate at 40 mills,.the same as for the previous year was given its several readings,passed and signed. The council adjourned,at 12.45 A.M• on motion of the Reeve and JJeputy. IIF'JG SPAHKS that the surety bond on· Mr.G.Walker be transferred to ill:r.Keith Davis & the seal of the corp.a..ttached hereto. Carrie~: __ J'4ir.'~ /' -~r.