MINUTES - Council - 19380502i I ' ) ---, ___ ,.c ~ THE NINTH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL FOR THE YEAR 1938 was held in the council room on Monday ~ve,~ 2rid~vdth the Mayor presiding and all the members in attendance, The minutes of the seventh meeting were adppted on motion of Messrs Knowles and Sparks and those of the eighth meeting on motion of Messrs l!ee and J;aldwin. Several representativea from the larger industries and Mr~ddoeks of the H.E.PoC were present., s:o the m.a.tterof the continuance or altering the present power rates was considered and resulted in a lengthy conferenoe,after Mr.Baldwin had read a report from the E.L.Comrnittee,which was later laid over for consideration until a lat.er meeting wi tlr the exception of the work report which was adopted as follows t ••lamps replaced o5 one hundred watts,3 500 w.and 2 200W.Wellingtan St.rewired and part of the old wire remaved.Old transformer platfo~ on TYl.er st.removed.One new pole on WellingtoJ st.three services changed from two to three wire,Mrs.Lovic:k,Mr.Walker,Mrs.Grahamt One 3 wire service changed for MrsoGrimes;cable at disposal plant repaired;Lightnine arresters installed on Wellington and an Berczy Sta.:t'ree trimming proceeded.n Mr.Bowes of the Cross Country Highway Association displayed m.a.pa and detailed the progress made to date in their endeavora. LEE BALDWIN that the action of the mayor in issuing orders on the treasurer for the payment of the following accounts be and the same is hereby confi~ed and tha.t ' the seal of the corporation be attaahed hereto;: Apr.14th. PostmasterP 7.oo 16th. M:bs.11 aites Corp. 7.;oo· K.Davis 12.00 R.Smith E.L. 14.;7o L,Chapman 11..00 2.3rd. Mrs.Waitea Corp. 7.oo K.Davi<r 1.2.00 R.Smith E.L. 16.;80· LoChapnail 11..00' 30th. Mrs.Waites Corp. 7.00 K.Davis 12.00 R.Smith E.L. 15.40· L.Chapman 11.00' Carried. LEE FARR that the following a.ccounts be paid,that the mayor issue orders on I the treasurer for .. the Corp. same and that the seal, of the Aurora Building Co. corpora.ti on 119.10· 33.40. 50•' a.so·· be attached heret~ LaFrance Engine & Foami te W.F.E1rans keys P.M.Thom;pson County .ttospital Acaownt Aurrm:a Hardware B.F.Datis Bell Phone Co • B.G.Whitelaw fuel Davis Garage 5 ct.to $ store L.E.Frost Ou;h and Son Postmaster ~ poliae trips Geddes Service Station CanoGen•El eo trio 110.30· 15.51' 48.07 13.88 1.25 2 .• 21' 35· 3.04•· 40.11· 7.oo· s.oo. 27.28. 3'7 .31· i Carried. 2 FARR LEE tha.t the following lloccounta be paid.,tha.t the 1Jl$YOr issue orders on the treasurer for Rel.ief the same & tha.t the seal of the Clayton Esct• shel.ter ]l[ra.starkey Jas.Gl.oss W oSUI\llllers s oRhlllllQr styles Est. Mi' s .McCall.Ulll Mrs. stewart w.steadman AoHulse C~Long A.J.Feren FS.Sheard F.West Mrs .Chapman .rash Prestoll) Williamson .I:Sros Mrs.McLeod Birchard w.sawd.on BoF.Ilavis Aurora General Store Pattersons .I:Sakery F.D.Laaey Fd!orris: Meraha.nt and Case Frosts Grovery J .]' •llorning . 5 to $ store LindenbaUlllS G.R.Ardill Stiver Bros: B.F.Davis: Davis ~>'arage Williams-on Bros: Knowles and Sons l'eas:d.ales: Marys Fruit Store Dominion Stores: corp.be attached hereto; G.il.pin 2 .• 40 · ~tarkey 4.ao ~oe Closs ?.20• tax acct. 9~60• Lnnea 2.40· Fa:r le;S 9 • 60 Maaten 3.60 Higgins 4.80 Foerter 3~50, J .Buker 7.20 •·· Brown 4.80 · Preston 4 .so tax acat. c.,~) ••ao " 4.80 Peters 4 .. 80 Preston 4.80· Collett 4.80· Stephenson 4.80 tiarper 1•20 Haigi:tt 4.80 Mrs .~~esbi tt£!o•:.-) 10 .. 60· food 236.75~ clothing fuel 34.82··· 20 .. 55 2.9~68' 10.68 8 .. 21· 1.34• 8.49• 1.60· 1.54' 53 ... 40 33.60• 25·· 4.80• 30.50 5.41 20" 49.29·· Aurora Dairy Medical Association 144 X 35 33o43·· 50.42 Carried. BALDWIN FARR that the following accounts be paid.,that the mayor issue orders on the treasurer for the same and t:!J.at the seal of the corp.be attaehed 354.05· 2298.89 43.50· 219.85 48.39• 2.97·' 1.80• 16.00· hereto; E.L. Can.Telephones & Supplies H.E.PoCo ot Ont. powiH' for March Northern Eleetrie co. Can.Line Materials Line & Cabl.e Accessories Bell Phone Co • Oug:h and Son. .l:'ostmaster · stamps Carried. KNOWLES FARR tha..t the following accounts be paid.,that the ma31or issue orders on the t:rfeasurer w.worl!ls fo:r the same and that the seal Wards "'arage Bell Phone co. National Iron CorpOration Bawden Machine Ca. OUgh abel. Son of the corp.be at ta.ched hereto; 1.oo· 3.56 271.57·· 95~50 15.05· Carried .. LEE SPARKS that the report of the E.L.Committee be held in abeyance until the next meeting. Carried.. Mr.Grosskurth addressed council re tiling a portion of the creek on the street. \ / . I I / '-.-~ ~~·r~ 3 but it was deaided.on motion of Messrs ll,a.rr and Lee to leave the matter aver • .. Mr.Lee :f'or the Fi.mmce committee subm.i.tted the following report,"That. the Central Highways Association be given a grant of' $5o.oo.lba.t hat part of' the Medical Relief ac~ounts rendered a month ago,incurred prior to ~ch 10th.l938,be paid.i:f' and when the doctors concerned rendered to the town an accounting pursuant to the agreement with the doctors.The repart was adopted on motion of' Messra Henderson and Malloy. Mr~li'arr asked the direction of council regarding the continuance of' relief and the decision arrived at was to the e:f':f'ect that the clerk should notify thos·e able bodied men on relief that it would be discontinued by May loth. LEE SPARKS that Central Highways Association be given a grant of' $50.00 as an aid in its effort inhaving the Highways JJe:partment take over the links still nee• easary to complete the central highwey and that the seal of the corporation be att ached hereto. Carried• Mr.Anowles :for the w.w.connnittee read a report that the connnittee had prepared but owing to the latemess of the hour the discussion was withheld until the next meeting;and the report was :oot considered. Mr.~enderson :for the Property committee gave a verbal report after which he ,, submitted the :following resolution,seconded by Mr.Lee,11 tha.t the tender of s.C.Taylor • be accepted :for the sum of $l68.00,for painting of the disposal plant according to specifications and for the papering at the w.W.Building.thia being the lowest tender s:ubm.i.tted.That the seal of the corp.be a.tta.l!l'hed hereto. Carried. Mr.Malloy read a report :for the Streets committee and on motion of Messrs Sparks and Farr the matter was laid over :for the next meeting without discussion. Mr.Ma.lloy read the agreement prepared far the signature of' the garbage collector MALLOY SPARKS that the agreement·p:ertaining to the collection of garbage in the town· Of' Aurora. be entered inta by the corporation of the town with Mr.Ray Rolling pursu- ant to the recommendation of the streets aonnnittee and that a Bylaw be prepared incorporating the terms • Carried. BALDWIN LEE that light :f'or Mr.McNeila sign be oonnected to the street lighting system and the usual oharges for thia type o:r service made 10 namely 5.oo per light for an hundred watt bulb. Carried. SPARKS MALLOY whereas there is in aotual existence today a central cross country Provincial Highway between Sarnia .and the Q,uebec border,with the exoeption Of a short· section between Schomberg and Port Perry,and whereas the value of this highway to the great central. agriaultural. section of the province is beyond calaulation,a;~d · · 4 whereas the OentraJ.. Vntarion Highway will be the shortest route east and west across Ontario.and the most direct and attraetive approach for tourists for cent- ral and Northern Ontario,.therefore the council of this municipality do hereby impress upon the -'~apartment of Highways and the Provincial government the advantage A . . . . -. . of assuming as a. Provincial. tlighwa.y and pa:ving this section thereof.along the right of way already included in the county systems of York and Ontario oounties. Carried:. BALDWIN LEE that copies of the above resol.ution regarding the cross country Highway be forwarded to the Department of Highways,to the Premier,the Attorney ueneral and to the member for this constituency accompanied with a. covering letter calling attention td the advantages of the route through our locality~ C"arried. A discussion on tree trimming and cutting resulted in the decision to have limbs removed by the eleotria light staff and the a.ctual cutting and cleaning up done by the streets employee~J,on motion of Messrs Ba.ldwin and Malloy. SPARKS HENDERSON that the sum of $150.00 be set aside to provide a suitable recogili tion for \>:he Hockey team, the Jubilee J'uniors ,and that the mayor reeve and deputy reeve be deputed to expend the same and that the seal of the corporation be attached heTeto. Carried• Mri''nowles read two letters from the county on hospitalization increase. KNOWLES HENDERSOlii tha.t all hospital oases be listed since the first of the year and an attempt be made to collect the accounts by regular paym:enta.Carried. HENDERSON LEE that the streets committee be instructed to put the roa.d on Beraz;t st.~-outh in good condition. Carried. On motion of the Reeve and Deputy the council adJourned,at 1.15. a~// ~ .. ::_~:_-_.:_ L.·/f? -----------' lllfa;v"or • . '"