MINUTES - Council - 19380411( \, A ) --\ I ,, ,. \_,_j I ) 'I'BE SEVENTH llmETING of the oounci+ for the year 1938 was held in the council room on Monday efe.April.llth.The Reeve took the chair and opened the meeting at 8.30 with lll:ounciilors Baldwin,Henderson .Lee and Sparks in a.ttend.ance. The minutes of the fifth and sixth meetings were considered and adopted• LEE BALDWIOJN that the action of Y .. ·e mayor in issuing orders on the treasurer for the payment of the follow-ing accounts he and the same is hereby confirmed, and that the seal March 12th 18th. 26th. Apr.2nd 7th. of the corpo:eation he a.tta.ched hereto; Mrs.Waites corp. K.Davis Meter Inspection E.L. R.Smith L.Chapman 1\iiJ:s.Waites corp. K.Davis Postmaster R.Smith E.L. L.Ghapman Mrs.Waites corp. K.Davis R.Smith E.L. L.Chapman Mrs.Waites corp. K.Davis Postmaster w.w. R.Smith E.L. L.Chapman- Postmaster E~L. 7.oo 12.00 12.75' 15.75 11.25 7.oo· 12.00 20.00 15.4Q~ 11.00,. 7.00 12.00 14.35··. 10.25 7 .oo' 12 .• 00' J.o.oo 15.40· lloOO· 16 .. 00' Carried.. BALDWIN LEE that the following accounts. be paid,that the mayor issue. orders on the treasurer fo.r the same and that the seal of the E.L. H.E.P.c. power for J!ebo Sangamo Electric Ca. Can.Laca Lamps Mrs ''Proctor.. mimeographing li.A.Eveleigh Factory Equipment l!,erranti Electric Co. o.Brett Bell Phone Co. Ough and Son E.C.Mingay corp ,be attached 2213.68• 123.49· 44.88 1.75 1.42' lo25 10.50 J(2.70 .. 2.60· 1.50. 50 .. hereto; Carried. SPARKS HEliDERSON that the following accounts be paid, that the mayor issue ·orders on the treasuen for the same and that ihe seal of the W.Works Canadian Brass Co. Bell Phone ca. Ough and Son Wards liarage corp,be attached hereto; 49.00' 4.06· 3.40 .· 7.oo Carried. LEE SPARKS that the following a.ccounts be paid,that the mayor issue orders. on the treasurer for Corp. the same and tha.t the seal of the cprp.be B.F.Davis arena T.K.Fice " A.Closs B.F.Davis County Hos:p.Acct. JI.A.Mitchell Collis Leather Co. Taylor & Son attecched 13.00 1.50 2.00 53.50' 140.20 95 2 .• 00 2.50 hereto.; . I \, ..•. 2 Remington Rand Co • W.F.Evana J .c .::fh.omson Aurora Hardvre.re Bell Phone co. F.C .Davis O.D.Hess Waites Service Stn. A.E~Wilson & Co. F.Dunha.m. Miss W .Bellman .IJ'ire Brigade 1.45· 10. 85 23.45 ·.· 6.18· 15.82 1~25 4.55 4.50• 228.20• 12.10• 3.50· 50.00 carried. The accounts of Dr.Devins and Dr.stevenson were referred to 1he Finance committee HENDERSON SPARKS that the foll11Wi.ng accounts be paid, that the nay or issue orders on the treasurer for the srone and that Relief Med.Ass'n 35 x 151 Clayton Est• shelter Mrs.Starkey JaseCloss W .summers S .Rhumo r . Styles Est,, w.steadman ¥:/l/¥i/}{/:i{ Hulse c.Long F.West c.s~ard Mrs.Cha:pman J.Preston C.Williamson MrseiiiicLeod A.Birchard w.sawdon Iillrs .Petermen Mrs.Stewart A.L.Feren '~nowles and Sons Auro.ra li-eneral Store F.Morris ScahJ.ons Atlantic and Pacific F.D.Laoey Aurora Dairy Patt ersons BQ;}cery Dominion Stores Cousins Dairy Marys Fruit Store Merchant and Ca.se J.A.Mitchell F.W.Teasdale Yorkdale CoOperative O.D.Hess B .F .Davis Williamson J:jros Stiver Bros Highland Oil the seal of the Gilpin Starkey Closs tax ace t. Innes Farley Foerter Buker Brown tax acct. " Pet. era M.Preston Collett Stephenson Harper Haight Risebrough Higgins Preston food fuel The Mayor arrived and assumed the chair. corp. be attac:hed here'to; 52.55 4.80 3.60' 'Zo20• 7.20 4.80 7.20 4.80' 7 .. 20''' 4o80< 4.80•' 9 .. 60· 4~80' 4~80" 4.80° 4.80' 4.80' 4.80 3.!00 3.60 2 .• 40 32.62 183.00 39.01 8.32· 35.96 10.75. 29.23 32.16· 34.80 15.27 15 14.22 1.25 5.31 46.83 2.11 28.75 9.60 65.60 4.80 Carried. The treasurer presented his statement of receipts: and expenditures for the three months :past and the comparative figures for the same three months of 1937. On motion of Messrs Knowles and Henderson the report was adopted. A letter from the Public Welfare Board giving the allotment maximum for the various months of the year was read and referred to 1he Relief Committee • ·"" 3 The Ontario Motor League wrote enquiring about D.S.t1me. r:;plu-ti\..'-' .u'"'"-"'W.L n that the citizens of the town be instructed to conform to the ~ .... .., ., . _. same time for Daylight Saving as is: set by the clity of Toranto;viz the 24thApril and 25th.of tieptember res:pectively. Carried. Letters from t.he muniaipal.ities of King and Whitahurah regarding garbage dumps:. and from Dr.Berry enc~os.ing. a p~ of an incinerator were ordered filed on motion of Messrs.Knowles and Sparks. A letter from the c.N-.R· relative to the crossing under the tracks on Wellington St.was: ordered shown to the foreman and fileti• Knowles ,Henderson. Letters from the Local Member and from the Dept.of Mun.Affairs were filed.. The Salva.tion Army asked for a tag day permission.for Sat.May 2lst.and permission was granted on motimn of Messrs.$parks and Know~es:. ;_ The assessment notice on the water lot.from King :l:ownship in the sum of $500o00 was. received and filed. The opinion of the solicitor J.H.Naughton re the transient traders Bylaw and its application was filed for reference• Long Branah counail asked our endorsation of a resolution and the matter was referred t.o the Finance and Bylaws committees. The Fire Chief (acting) reported that he has visited both schools and rang an alarm and tbit the drill and time for emptying the schools of pupils was excellent. The public school being emptied in one minute and twenty seconds and the High sch. in one and four seaonds.On motion of Messrs Sparks and Knowles the clerk was inst ructed to thank the fire ahief for his efforts and report. Dr Henderson asked that the tilne for tenders for the painting at the Disp.p~nt be extended for two weeks and that tenders be called for some papering at the w.work The counci~ accepted his recommenda.tions. Dr.""enderson for the Relief Comra. submitted the following re}1ort;1111Ka.rah 11th. ,_ Mr Buker asked for a further half day;no action taken.E.Preston asking food granted. R.Farley asked that his food voucher be increased but no action taken.TIKar.l8th.W Starkey asked for an increased food voucher but aa he is. receiving the regular ached ule the ma.tter was leftbover for the council.1.he committee tried to persuade him to· permit is to aut out his fuel voucher for the balance of the season and give increase' food but he did not consent.w.Patrick granted food and rent.Farley asked more food 8 nd agreed to be cut off fuel.granted.Ma.r.25th.Risebrough asked for additional food in lieu of rent.As he has secured employment he ;vas promised a voucher for one week. M.Preston ;advice was given that his wife was working at Elmsleya and the relief offic1 was asked tp~imrestigate • .l!'inding this correct,Preston was asked to a;ppea.r oh All . -r. (/ \ I \_ ___ . 4 lst. J".Egan asked for relief and was granted a VOU!lher :for &.zo.J.J".Maa.ten applied and was granted ~ood and shelter 4.80;Palmer asking an increase was not granted. Buker again askilillg additional was not granted but referred to council.Apr.lst.Preston rep=ted tllat his wife was working for Mra.Elmsiey and the money being used for rent and clothing.11 On consideration of council Risebrough was given two weeks voucher until he received pay from his employment.The report was adopted.Knowles J.Jee. :Mr.Knowles for the w.w.committee reported tests of the wells showed no difference in the :raow from Feb.to Apr.llth.but a decrease from Novol935 of 14.3 %owith a flow of 315000 per ~· The report. was adopted. Mr.Ealdwin for the E.L.Committee :l:eported,"reported the :following work done;meters installed in the United~Trinity churches.Royal theatre 10 0.DeLa.Haye and H.Oliver. 42 100 w;7 500w.1.300w.lamps replaced.New Service _to Cousins Dairy;rewired relay at Collis Leather plant;rewb4d Tyler hill with wire taken off Mill St.Services replaced w.1'rent,P.Bovair 10 H.Palmer~W.Chapman.At arena 7 lamps replaced and period box renewed. Market room at town hall wired :for heater.Bells installed in fir:mmens homes at Milne, C.Griffith,L.Fleury,L.Ho1man,H.Clubine~~c;5 bells and 2500 feet wire.Ivieter changed to Iill'a:x:imum demand at Aurora Flour Mills,.Catherine Ave.renewed east of Fleury st.transformes moved and one new pole used.Lepper,George and Tyler Hill rewired with #2. wire;4 new polea,Z new servicesi51 lamps replaced.Old transformer removed from Collis Leather Co. and stored at w.works. :BALDWIN LEE that one maxbnum demand meter and twenty five poles be purchased,and tha.t the seal of the corporation be atta.ched hereto. Carried. LEE :BALDWIN that a change account of ten dollars be provided Mr.K.Davis. Carried. The Clerk was instructed to convey the cdngratulations: of the citizens: of Aurora to fue Hockey Club of Orangeville on their having won the Junior C .championship,and likewise to the Attrora club for their splemdid effort. Mr.McDonald,chairm"n of the Finance committee for the Jubilee celebration asked that the council give a grant if the jubilee effort were to continue. The Jllllatter of a grant to the Cros-s Country Highway Association was referred to the Finance co®nitteeo Bylaws 819 and 82l were duly pasr;ed and signed appointing Dr.Urquhart a member of the Pub.Lib,.Board to succeed the late Mr.King,and reappointing M.Hilborn as. mAuditor of town and school accounts. :Mr.Lee read a letter from the Lib.Board addressed to the Finance committee and dealt with the explanation. The council adjouxned at 11.45 I:Keyor.