MINUTES - Council - 19380207r~--···-"·-c.,~-·~·-'d~····'-'··""'A··~'"·'·"~"····~·::c.:i::,.:cc.::~'"·-~~~-~-"" , ,,. . . --"-'--'.·"-'·"··~~····· .".""''"'~~-~~ J \.._ ~ THE THIRD IviEETING .OF TEE COUNCIL FOR TEE YEAR ~938 was he~d in the council room on Monday eve.Feb~7th.with t.he mayor presiding and the Reeve and councillors llald.win Henderson Farr Lee and Sparks in attendance, The minutes of the second meeting were ·considered and. ap:proved,on motion of Messrs Ba~dwin and Hend.erson. J~ SPARKS that the action of the mayor in issuing orders on the treasurer for the :payment of the following sums be and. the same ia hereby,confirmed,and that the seal of the corporation be attached hereto; Jan.l5th. Mrs.W1:dtes 22nd. 2.9th .. Feb. 5th. K.Davis F.Q.Davis Post.master lltli's. Waites K.Dav:ia Mrs.Waites K~Davis Mrs .Waites. K~Davis licences stamps E.L. 7.00··· 12.00 a.oo· ~o.oo• 7.00• 12.00· 7 .. 00 12.00 7.00 1a.oo Carried. KNOWLES FARR that the following accounts be paid, that the mayor issue orders on . the treas rer for the same and that the W.Works Bell Phone Co. seal of the cprp.be attached. hereto;. 5.07 Dunlop Rubber co. hose 40.36 Clerk freig}l t. 35 Carried. BALDW WIN FARR,that the following accounts be paid~that. the mayor issue orders on the treasurer E.L• for the same .and that the· seal of Ramsay Contracting Co. Lundy .li'emce Co. Bell Phone Co. ili[oloney Electric Co. Hydro E.P.Comrn. »ec.power E .a .Iviingay. Can .. La.co Lamps Can.Line 1\liaterial.s Can.Telephones & Supplies Ferranti Electric Co. Sangamo Electric Can.Gen.Electric T.K.Fice Clerk freight etc. ~ostmaster postage the corp.be 36.00. 2ll.24 3o28 · 2369.00• 2268;.86 ., 1.oo· 5:0.59 32.27 54.03 1.0.50 238.98' 3.93' 3.1.5 lo75 16.00 attached hereto; Carried. LEE BALDW!lif that the following accpunts be paid~that the mayor issue orders on the tre2.surer for· Corp. the same and that the seal of the corp.be w.H.Taylor Div.Court clerk sal..20.00 H.E.Teamiale Bail• 20.00 Aurora Hdwe 7.07 B.G.Wr..itelaw 8.30 O.D.Hess 5.45 B.F.Davis 64.00 Ough and Son 1.5 .OL F.Rowland 10.00· R.L.Boag reg.tax deed 4.28 Waites Service Station 4.50 .. 1'or.stamp & Stencil Co. 11..43 A.Brodie arena 4.00 L.Feren 3.00 L .Harman 3 .oo llell Phone Co. 21.15 ·· Dr.Williams 16.00 attached hereto; ., ,.. ·-i' ---' Dr.Devins Dr.:Sauld.ing 2 Lamon & Lancashire Co • .r .M.w .. Hat ~ree Purchase ~ostmaster for stamps County Hospital Account 32.00 42.00 32.-0'Z- 3.5.0- 6.00• 81.37 Carried. FARRKNOWLES tha~ the fallowing accounts be paid.that the mayor issue orders on the treasurer for Relief the same and that the MedoAss 1 n 132 X 35 .r.crockart shelter MrsoStarkey .r.Closs W .swnmers. H;Traviss c.oLong A.OHuls.e Mrs .Peterman Styles Est. w.steadman F.West C~Sheard Mrs.Preston Mrs .stewart Mrs .McJ.eod. w.Sawdon Mrs .Chapman Mrs.Maaham Aurora Dairy T.K.Fice Dom.store seal. ofthe Gilpin Sl6arkey Closs tax Smith Brown Buker Risebrough .l!'arley .l!'oerter tax II M.Preston Collett Stephenson Haight Peters. Lnnes food saana.ons .Bakery Patten· sons Daker~ Cousins Dairy Yorkdale coOperative Aurora Gen.Store Atllantic & Pa.i!rific F.Morris Merchant & Case Knowles & Sons Har;r-y Dann F.D.Lacey Fo'll.Tea.sdale 5 ct.to ~~ store F.Rowland .r .F .J!IIorning Highland Oil B.F.Davis Stivzer Bros clothing fuel corpobe attached hereto; 43.05 4o80 4.80 7.20· 7.20 9.60 4~80. 7.20 3.60 7.20. 3.60 3.60 3.60 3.60 4.80 4.80 4.80 4.80 2.40 51.28 3 .. 00 28ol2 3'.70 26.80• 13.79 33.55 113.65 83.42 45.43 4.17 26.63 lo35 32.50 l7o36 12.54 1.65· 94 4.90 36.85 170.75 Carried. liifessrs Jfrost and Hess presented a pepition signed by twenty one merchants asking that the collection of corm-,lercial garbage be included in the duties of the collector. Messrs.Rowe and .Tones from the Fi e Brigade asked assistance in fitting up the room at the front.upstairs in the town hall,and for a division of the out of town fir receipts. A letter was rea.d from the Woams Institute asking for privelege to holda tag day; The Clerk was instructed to ascertain the name of the institution for whom the tag day was contemplated ,and get a definite date requested. A copy of the letter of invitation being sent out by the Orange Lodge far twe1vth of .Tuly invitations was read and filed~ The Chamber of Commerce asked for representat. as their guests at l.Ves to attend ·· .. ' < ·--. :> at a banquet on Tuesday eve.re the Port .l:'erry .l:'rov.Highway.Attempts were made to get a. oar load to attend. An application tojgin the Ont.Good Roads Ass'n was filed on motion of Mr Sparks and Mr .BaJLdwin. Mr.Lee for the Finance committee reported~"in view of the increase of allowance by the province to the Medical Associa.tion,for the care of relief patients.and in view of the work involved in bookkeeping under the present system,we recommend that notice be given to the local medical doctors terminating the said agreement as requ- ired by the agreement entered into between the medical association and the town dated the .!!'irst day of May· 1936•'~ KNOiVLES FARR tha.t the report of the Finance committee re the medical association agreement be accepted and that the parties interested be notified of the same.Carr'd Mr.Farr for the Relief oommitteeo reported, "your relief oomm.has met with one exception since the election,a.nd it is very gratifying to be able to state that we have not been beseiged with applioations.Last Friday eve.we had application from one only,Mr.:L.Feren,and in view of the fact that it was thought that there might be additional work opening up,in the immediate future,this application was held over until tomhghts meeting.Other applicants far assistance were Gilpins Prestons and Risebrough.Gilpin asking for clothing;it was thought that owing to the fact that they did not receive clothing voucher in December:tdue to. the fact that they were given work in the post office at Xmas time,led to this request and no action was taken.They also want additional rent relief ,stating that the National Trust Co.vras after them and that the rent had to be paid by the Sth.It was discovered in this instance that any rent due them was payable to Mr.Crockart.No action was taken. Prestons.The committee asked that the relier Officer see them and ask them to report to the clerk as to the amount of money going into the house.Risebrough asked for overalls but due to the fact tha · since that request was made he has succeeded in getting work for a period,no action was taken.The committee suggest thatas a result of the break in the water main last Sat.night,the four men who were called out to make the necessary repairs working from early in the evening until after midnight, be given a clothing voucher equivalent to an extra day.Rec:d.approved and filed on motion of Messrs.Baldwin and Sparks. The w.w.conunittee asked the clerk to write the C .N.R. rela.tive to the extension of a main of sufficient size to serve a hydrant.either under the tracks at Well't'n st.or east from the standpipe main. LEE SPARKS that the Library Board be paid tvro hundred dollars pending decision of r- f,, 4 the Boards request for grant,and the sea~ of the corporation be attached hereto. Carried. LEE SPARK~ that the Revised Statutes of Ontario,~937,.be purchased,and also the ~ . yearly provincia~ hereafter,and the seal of the corp.attached hereto. Garried. BALDWIN FARR that the Waterworka debentires to the extent of three thousand d.o~lars with accrued interest ther.eon,now held by the Electric Light Department,. be redeeme~ by the Watervrorks department to furnish funds to defray necessary e:ipense in new equip:nentiacand the seal of the aorp.attached hereto.Garried. Messrs BaLdwin and Farr for the E.L.aommittee submitted the following report which was considered. in committee and passed after amendmeht as follows;ttthe fall- owing is the report of the E.L.Comm with respect to arrears of E.L. in accordance with the report adopted Jan.24th.l938;The committee has met on several occasions and has spent considerable time in arriving at an accounting sysj;em which we thought would be app~icable to our needs.This done,.we contacted the auditor,Mr. Hilborn and he very kindly name out and spent some time with us,looking over the system and passed upon same as being entirely satisfactory,with the result that material has heen ordered and will be set up very shortly.Jilir.Hilborn prepared a card for the meter readings.whiah have been printed,but due to the fact that we could not get the binders for these cards.it was not possible to use them for taking the readings for Jamiary.The January readings,however,when all completed• will be copied to these cards,so that the new system will operate as from Feb.lst 1938.The bills going out in February covering the January consumption,will be prepared in the clerks office in duplicate 11 one copy being mailed to the consumer and the other copy filed as a permaneht office record.These bills are almost identical with those used by Hydro in other parts.The sysyem and method of account! ing will give us a very fine report eaakmonth,.and will enable us to know just where we stand as far as the E.L. account is concerned.Starting with the arrears Of E.L. as at Dec.3lst.l937,a be,lance gas been taken off the booka as at Jan.3l.sj; and the amount of arrears owing at thatbtime has increased 162.98.This brings our total arrears up to 5076.60pand it would indicate that something definite must be done to arrest thia condition and to reduce our outstanding arrears.We now have a very complete list of the o.s.accounts·and we invite you to look them over and make your own deductions .As a committee we suggest the following; ,.that written notice be sent to all. consumera drqwing attention to the condition o:f their acco-. ! unts and asking that they meet your committee here in the ceut5cil chamber possibly' fifteen or twentyJnin an ewening.and get from them an understanding,.of what we may \ 5 expect in respectn of the arrears.,and that this information be fi~ed in the cl!lerke office for future reference.That copies of the above ~etters be fi~ed in the clerks office so that we wil~ have a very definite check on the different notifications" and on these copies we may make notations re~ative to our interview.It is further sugges.ted by ypur committee that should it be found necessary to dis.connect any consumers service,that this committee must be assembled to discuss the situation before the load can be reconnected. Changes and imporvements;/~.That Geo.Wa~er be put in charge of al~ outside work in.the E.L.Department,.:ror a'tria~ perrhod of two montha.2.That the fol~owing assist- ants be emgaged. -;obert Smith as lineman at 35 cents per hour,and Leonard Chapman at 25 Bents per hour. 5.T.hat the fo~lowing material for genera~ repairs and renewali be purchaaed;~ pr rubber gloves with covers 10 size 10 tested for 6000 volts 10 cost 5.25 1 socket wrench si:x:e 6-2 cost 30 cents.;l set# 2097 slater pulley bloaks,with swivel 3 shift cost 9.20;~ # 442::t Slater pressed steel clamps,& ga~vanised pins~cost 7.20 ~2 # ~003 S~ater 3{ x 4t cross arm straps galvanised,at cost 3.60;4 galv.guard hook1 # 7840 size 6 x 10 x ~ cost ~.20w~ maximum demand meter app.cost 45.oo. - 6eCATH.AVE & FLEURY,that transformer om Catherine Ave,east of Fleury st.be moved two. poles eaat of. :its present position and heavier wire be installed.materia~~,3 cross arm bo~ta and waahera;soo' #a wire;200~ # 6 wire;23 spoo~ racks and bolts and one set transformer brackets;?. Cousins Dairy ·ower line;that this service be c4 connected to new line now serving the Co~lis Leather Co,.required,400' # 6 wire, 23 spibol. racks and bo~ts,cost 40.00 plus labor.a Ross & Wellington st.that transforx at this corner be moved farther south so it will be in the centre of the service, and rewire with heavier wire.Also run heavy wire frrlllll corner of Wellington and Ross and connect in with east end of Centre St.Used heavy wire to be placed on the east end of Centre st.;reqmired,4 3spoib~ racks and bo~ts,lO 3pin brackets 3600' # 4 wire 3 cross arms and bol.ta,cost $~45.00 plus labor.9 Wellington St.E.That this be rewi- red from Victoria to Berczy sts.A new trangformer was installed on this line some time ago but old wiring is still in use and is in bad condition.Required,2400' # 2 wire,~200' # 4 wire,lO -3 pin brackets and lag screws,2 - 3 spoo~ raoks and bolts at cost of 195.00 p1us l.abor.lO.Temp.st. that this street be rewired~from 550tsouth ' of Tyler to 4QQ north of it.Hequired~2400" # 4 wire•2 -3 spool. racks and bolts. ~ at cost !35.00 p~us ~bor.11 Mosley and Well.s,that the tranlformer oill nos~ey st. be moved from the frhrst pole east of Wells to the first pole west of Wel.ls,mat.req:tt 600' # 2 wire.1 - 3 spool rack and bolt,3 -cross arms and bolts;2 -pole top pins and insu~ators at cost o:f 20.00 p~us labor.~2.Machell Ave.That wires on Mache~l. Ave ·~ ,,,..,._·,, \ 6 from Irwin Ave. to the disposal plant be moved from the west to the east side of the street to prevent heavy trimming of a number of treea.Tbis work was passed last year but has not been started yet.Required 3 guy wirea.30' each aompl.ete;4 anchor roc 1.2 clamp on cross arms and pins;3 cross arms and 4 pins;cost 20.00 plus labor. 1.3.Tyler.Gearge and Lepper Sta.that the work started on the west end of Tyler St. last fall. be completed also new wire be installed on George st.from 300' north of Tyler St.to south end of George st.then west to end of Lepper S~.material.3800' # 2 wire 1300' # 4 wire.3 -3 spool racks and bolta,e.t cost of $ a6o.oo plus labor.l4 That meters be installed lit.n the Thea.tre. and in all clmrchea. Clauses three and four were referred back tb the oonnnittee for later consideration. LEE HENDERSON ilhat the report of the E.L.Colll!llittee covering accounting and line work be adopted.and the seal of the corporation attached hereto. Carried. The Property committee verbally reported on the need of painting the glass houses at the disposal plant and the need of some papering at the Langman residence.They were instructed to get out specifications and call for tenders. The matter of the uarbage collection contract and the commercial garbage coll- ection vms left to the consideration of the Streets connnittee. The Clerk was instructed to get in touch with Mr.Wbytock and request him to call at the office and go into the matter of the fires last spring. The council adjourned,at midnight.to meet on Monda;y eve • .l!eb.2lst. l!rayor