MINUTES - Council - 193801101(-···--
I '·
THE FIRST MEETING OF THE COUNCIL FOR THE YEAR ~938 was held in the council
room on Mandai morning Jan~ ~Oth.at llO'C~oak-when the following members pres-
ented themselves and subscribed to the oath of office;,
Deputy Reeve,
J~Albert Knowles
~ev.A.R.Pa.rk invoked· the Divine B~essing.
The ~or wel.comed the new members to the council,thanked those who had
retired for their service to the town,and out~ed the probl.ema that confront
the new council on taking offi-we.
:Dr.Gl.en,who had been invited to give the address at the Inaugural ceremony
~ .
spoke very appropriatel.y on the place of the Dei-ty i-n government.
The mayor then in turn aa.ll.ed upon ex ~or Taylor,Reeve Knowles;Rev.M;r.
. ·.· .. · ··.~
Ligh.tbourn,the Deputy Reeve,..-r.Devins,llfr.Lee,Capt.Smith and thel:'~ing members . .
of council,Messra.Baldwi-n,Sparks Henderson and Farr,all of whom gave expression
to some thoughts pertinent to the occasion.
The Clerk expressed the regrets of ~ev.Mr.Thampson and ex mayors Bassett
porti1 and Thompson for their absence,after which the mayor declared the ceremonial
of the meeting to be at an end and propoaed to get down to business. -·:
I Mr.Knowles introduced a Byla.w,number 8~2.,to provide for the borrowing of
money to carry on the affairs of the town unti~ the taxes are collected.The llylaw 1
was given its several readings in regular manner,Mr.Lee in the chair in committee
and was passed and signed.
· The Mayor nomanated the following stri-king committee to meet and bring in
a report before the evening session of council naming the standing committees for
the current year.the Reeve,Deputy Reeve,Councillors Lee and ~dwin and the Mayo~.
On motion of the Reeve and .JJeputy Reeve;( the council adjourned unti~ 8.15
this evening,Jan.l.Oth.
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. ..-.--.,._.,._
The council. resumed ita session a.t 8.1.5 in the evening with all the members
in a.ttendanoe.
LEE BALDWIN that t.he action of the mayor in issuing orders on the treasurer
far the pa~e~t of the fall.owing sums be and the same is hereby oonfirmed,and that
the seal. of the corporation be a.ttaohed heretot
Dec.l.8th. Jl.i'fra.Waites
.Jan. 8th,.
Meter Inspection E.L.
Meter Inspection E.L.
Post Office w.W.Acot.
1.2..90 a.8o
9 .. 45·
12 .. 00
10.00· Carried.
LEE BALDWIN that the follo~ving. accounts be paid.that the mayor issue orders on
the treasillrer
for the same and that the seal of the corp.be attached hereto;
Banner Press 407.65.
Municipal. World 6.08·
El.ection Bd,..o£ County.Prov.election 65.66•
County liosp .Acct. 67 ~50 ·
B.G.Whitela.w 3,.85
Davia Garage fire truck 40 ·
A'Urara Hardware 24.46
Frankcom Garage 28.60
Ough and Son 7.59
Attridge and Son 11..54•
Aurora. Building Ca. 3,.36
Remington Rand 1.00
Registrar of' Vital Sta.tistics 19.75
El.ection rents and salaries 75.00
Fred Rowland fire acct. 5.75'
B.F.Davis fuel. 52..00
Dr.Wil.lia.ms 16.00
Dr.Eoulding 14 .. 50·
K.Davia wallboard 2.00 · Carried.
FARR KNOWLES that the following accounts be paid, ths t the mayor iss.ue orders
on the treasurer for the same and tha.t the seal of the
Relief med.Aasociation 35 x 78
.r.crockart shelter Gilpin
Mrs.Starkey Starkey
.Jas.Closs :lioe Closs
Aoliulse Buker
P.Long ~rown
Mrs.Cha.pman Peters
Mrs.stewart Collett
WoSawdon Haight
Mrs.McLeod Stephenson
HoT~viss Smith
w.summers tax acct.
B.F.Davis fuel
Stiver Bros
FoRowland clothing
Cousins Dairy
Dominion Stores
Yrokdale CoOperative
corp .. be atta.uned hereto;
27 .. 30
4.8o ...
'/'""~~·-··--..·--"""'""""'·""-"":~-="-~~~~·~~""·v..,·••·•~~~~·-·'·-··~·~7·'"-~'-~"'·_,_.~-""""'~:<'~"''''=~"*'·'--'"'"'""':"'"""'"'"-T""'"~-"~----··-'---·-.---.,_ ... ~,_.:~.,..,_.-. ..,,,_,:.;.,..._:,;,",;,_~,~··-"""c'-'-~'--'-"":"""'-.-~'~':'~
Anowles and Sons
Pat tersons :Bakery
Scanl.ons Bakery
Merchant and Case
AuDara General Store
saanlons Bakery
s 10.51'
24.92 (!~) ,lllf4 Carried.
BALDWIN MALLOY that the following accounts be pa.:iLd,that the mayor issue
orders on the t:Beasurer :t'or the same and that the seal.
E.Light E.c.Mingay
Clerk express
S\inalo Producta
:Banner Presa
J .A.Mitohell
of the corp.be attached heret(
~~) 1 .• "0
30 Carried.
KNOWLES HEliDERSON that the following accounts be pa.id,tha.t the mayor issue oro
dera on the trea.surer for the same and that the seal of the corp.be attached hereto;
W.Works Banner Press 5.13 Carried.
Messrs.Long and Heath appeared on behal:t' of the Orange Lodge atating tha..t they
werer arranging :t'or the celebration here on July l2th.and aaking the use of the. park
the council chamber as a registration bureau,Yonge st.from Wellington to Mosley from
a.P.M. fOr a dance and a grant from the council.
An invitation was read fr0ll1.1he Horticultural Society to a.ttend the leature to
be given byl\lfr.John F.C:Larke in the High School on Tuesday eve.and on motion o:t'
Messrs knowles and Lee the society was thanked and the promise made tha.t everyone
who possibly could would attend.
A letter from 1\/fr.D.McCloskey was read and ordered :t'iled.
A request from the Ont.Association of Rural Municipalities that we join the
Associa.tion was ordered to be :t'iledon motion of Messrs Lee and Baldwin.
The Clerks: certi:t'icates of the adoption o:t' the Bylaw to renew the agreement fa
power from the H.E.P.c. successors to the Tor.& York Radial Co.by a vote of 335 for
and 220 against,and the defeat o:t' the Bylaw to make a grant to the Boys Band by a ..
vote o:t' 2~0 for and 304 against were ordered filed,on motion of Messrs Knowles and
A request from the Salv.~ for a grant to help catry on their work among
the unfortunates in the Province was re:t'erred to the Finance committee,on motion
of Messrs.Knowles and Sparks.
A leter from the 0 .. t.Municipal Electric Ass 'n soliciting membership was n
ordered filed.
Mr.··nowles presented the report of the Striking Committee aj follows;
'" "That the R.&.B.Committee be hence:t'orth known as the Streets JJepartment;T:hat relie:t'
be a standing committee and that Fire Bylaws and Industrial be merged into one•The
:t'irst named in all cases to be the chairman of the committee
0 treets
Messrs Mall.oy,Knowl.es and Sparks
·~ ..
Baldwin Ma.l.l.oy and Fa.rr
Anowl.es ~Fa.rr a.nd Henderson
; '
Henderson,.Lee a.nd Mal.l.oy
,. Fa.rr,Henderson a.nd Knowl.ea
., --
" Lee,Sparks and Ba.l.dwin
Fire~Byl.a.wa & Ind. " Spa.rks 10 Ba.Ji.dwin and Leel
-HENDERSON SPARKS that the report of the Striking Committee a.a pr eaented be
-· adopted. Carried.
AByl.a.w was intrQduced by Mr.Ma.l.l.oy,given ita three readings in regular fo~10
· '' Mr.Baldwin in the chair in connnittee,and passed appointing Mr.W.Ada.ms to succeed
hitnsel.r on the Publ.io Library Board•
A Byl.aw was introduced by Mr. nowl.es given its three readings in regul.ar fo~, ,, ·-
JI'fr.liee · ~ the chair in connnittee anrl pa.ssed,a.ppointing Mr.G.O.Lightbourn to succeed
himsel:r on the R~ School. Board.
A Byl.a.vr was introduced. by Ma:-.Knowl.es,given its three_ readings in regul.ar fo~
Mr.Farr-in the aha i r in committee and passed appointing Mr.P.M.T~-ompson a member . h
or the Board of HeaJ..th.
The Bylaw to renew the agreement for the purchase of power from the H.E.P.c.
successors to the Tor.& York Radial. Aail.wa.y co.wa.s given its third reading,pursuant
to the affirmative vote of the Ratepayers andwas declared passed.
KNOWLES BALDWIN thlkt the practice of having the minutes printed as in previol
us years be continued. Carried.
KNOWLES SPARKS that the same amount or l.etter heads and envel.opes as in
fo~er years be printed and pl.aoed at the disposal or the members. Carried.
years subscription ·to
LEE HENDERSON that a.e&~y of the Municipal. World be ordered ror each mem-
bar and one for the office. Carried.
It was decided that the damage done to the Mechanics HaJ.l stage be overl.ooke~
for this: time •
SPARKS MALLOY that the treasurer be instructed to reeeive the cheque tend-
ered-by the Rising sun Lodge AoF.& A.M. to defray the expense incurred in the funeral
of Urs.Coll.isand that the clerk be ins:tructed to write a letter or thanks to the
seoreta.ry or the said l.odge. Carried.
KNOWLES BALDWIN that the clerk ask the sol.icit&B to draw up a new contract
with the garbage col.l.ector 10 Mr.w.G.Trent,to be approved by the Streets Committee,and
in the meantime he be paid at the rate of $1.00.00 per month. Carried.
The damage done by boys with air rif~es was discussed and if the Bylaw govern-
ing the use of firearms does not cover the matter the Bylaws committee was requested
to have one prepared for the next meeting.
lieglect on the part of some property owners to have the snow regularly shoV""
elled off the walks in conformity with the Bylaw was discussed and the foremen was
to be instructeQ to have the Bylaw enforced.
The mayor named a committee pf the Reeve,lleputy Reeve and the mayor to stu~
the ma_tter of the police situation in town.and the personne~ of the committee was
confirmed by council.
BALDWIN SPARKS that the counci~ are in sympathy with the requests of the Delega
tion from the-Orange Lodge and are working out the detail. Carried.
1'he mayor outlined the progress made in the construction of the new power line
to supply the Collis Leather Co.with additional power.
KNOWLES LEE that in vieiv of the stretch of road bn Yonge Sti.between E:Lchmond
Rill and Speeles Corners,being extremely haxardous and considerably dangerous to
driving.we the Council of Aurora recommend to the Highways Department of the Prov.
of Ontario that consideration be given at once to widening that part of Yonge St.
and thus facilitate traffic on Yonge st. Carried.
The council adjourned at 10.40 to meet on .Tan.24th.unless some committee
wishes a meeting at an earlier date.