MINUTES - Council - 19380124r:'
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THE SECOND MEETING OF THE COUNCIL FOR THE YEAR ~938 was he~d in the council roam
o~ Monday· eve.Jan.24th.with the lJia¥Or presiding and all the members in attendance.
The minutes. of the preceding meeting we:t'e c.onsidered and approved,on motion of Mr.
Ba1dwin and Mr.Ma11oy.
Let ters from the Dept.of Highways, the Municipal Assoc.ia.tion and the Mayors
A6 sooiation were ordered filed.
Uongratllla.tions from .L~ewmarket council on pur anniversary year was embodied in
a letter and the clerk was instructed to make a. suitable reply.
The ·orticultural Society and the Library Board presented their budgets and
reQuests for grants and the matter was handed th the Finance committee to be consid-
ered when budgeting for the tax rate.on motion of Messrs.Knowles and Henderson.
Mr~Malloy for the Streets cOllllllittee submitted the fol1owing report,"The towm: fore:ml
man be instructed to notify a11 citizens dilatory in a~eaning their walks of snOWfand
explain to them the terms of the Bylaw; 2.The town truck is at present ou t of running
order.Your committee have carefully examined the situation ahd recommend th~&t the old
truck be repaired•" The report was adopted.
il'tr.Sparks for the Fire committee reprted,"the brigade require for the year 1938,
Four bells installed,one gas mask,six coats,six pair of rubber boots,three helmets.,
ana request that orders be given tha.t the town truck be driven at once towards Sismans
fac;tory to pick up men,on the fire alarm being given,if in the day tinrlr.
Knowles Iienda-son that the report of the Fire committee be adopted and the seal
of the corporation attached hereto. Carri.ed.
Dr.Iienderson for the Proper;"y committee made a verbal report resu1ting liin the
two following resoluti.ons bei.ng placed before council and adopted;KNOWLES FARR that
the prop.cammittee be instructed to enquire into the advisability of purchasing a
recording turnstile for. use at the arena;and LEE SPARKS that a responsible man or men
be secured to tal::e tickets at the arena at one dollar per night on same basis as the
ticket seller.
~y1aw 816 was introduced byMr.Lee,given its three readings and passed,providing
no person shall discharge an' gun
and providing a heavy penalty for
fire arm or air rifle inside the limits of the
conviction of the offence.
By law 817 was passed in regular form authorizing the issuing of the deed of
part of lot # 1 on the north side of Tyler St,P1an 30,to R.c. and Ellen c.Osborne.
Mr.Lee for the Finance committee submitted the following,"we recommend tha.t in
view of many properties ,both improved and unimproved,being in arrears of taxes for
three ;tears and over,consideration be given to a tax sale early in the year and
[:~/' ,/
notices be forwarded at once to owners and mortgagees advising them of the poss-
ibility of sa~e and aal~ing upon tham to arrange to pay the arrears at once. 1be
reprot. was adopted.
KNOWLES MALLOY that a suitable guard rail or safety fence be constructed on
the south side of Ty~er st.paral~elling the creek and also that one be constructed
a~ong the north side of the wa~ on the south side of Tyler St.and that the sea~. of
the corpDration be attached hereto; Carried.
Mr.Baldwin for the E.L.Committee recommended that a transformer.~O K.V.A. be
purchased to serve on Yonge st.north.HENDERSON ICNOVffiES that the report of the E.L.
committee re purchase of transformer to be placed opposite the servive to DR.Calhoun1
be adopted and the seal of the corporation attached. Carrief.
The :n:.L.Committee,Messrs • .baldwin Malloy and :warr submitted the ~allowing report
which was duly considered in committee and finally passed as follows;"We recommend
the following changes in the operation of the department;in order to bring the
management of the department into line with the methods used by the Hj;dro System
"'hat the following rajles be put into operation atonce.that new bills be prim~ed so
the new rates can be put into use for the reading of the meters in February.also
these new rates be tried out for a period of three months and if any adjustments are
necessary they will be made m:fter the trial period.
Domestic, Minimum monthly rate charged .83 cents
First si:x:ty K.W.hours used per month at 2.6 cents
and one cent to be charged for the remaining consumption;
Dis-count of 10% to be given if paid on or before the 20th.day of month~
Commercial,Service cl<arge 5 cts.per hundred watts of installed maximum demand
per month;minimum. 50 cts.Consum:Ption charge first hundred hours of maximum demand
per month at 1.6 c/per K.vr.H.our and .4 cts.for remaining consumption;minimum
gross monthly bill ~.11;Discow1t of ~0% if paid on or before 20th claY of month;
Power;~~23.00 base rate; Service charge ~~1.00 per H.P. of maximum demand;
~irst 50 hours use of Max.demand at 2.~ cents;
Second 50 hours use of Max.demand at 1.4 cents.and for bal.at Oo33 cents ..
less lO%;and ~O% if paid on or before 20th.day of month,and 25% for off peak powex
that whereas it is necessary to set the tax rate at an early date and therefore
necessary to establish the sums payab~e by the corporation for services before meter~
can be installed and costs eetebmined;that the tovm pay to the E.L.Department for
1938 the sum of $1200.00 with the avowed intention of paying in full for these ser-
vices within three years.
That repairs and renewals of line and eQUipment in accordance with the survey
made by Hydro Engineers in 1936 be started at once to bring the system up to date.
That a modern system of bookkeeping adaptable for electric light records be
installed under the supervision of the auditor.
That reserves be set up to take care of depreciation and renewals etc.on
Hydro basis.That all billing of E.L.Accounts be made form the town office and all
accounts paid at that office.That-the Bylaw for the collection of accounts in the
E._L.Department be amended as necessary and strictly enforced.That every effort be
made to collect outstanding accounts,and if necessary,a collector be engaged.
SP:PJlli:S HE.NDERSON that the report of the J:i:.L.Comrnittee as amended be adopted
and the seal of the corporation attached. Carrieci.
The mayor for the police committee reported that they recommend that F.Dunham
continue to act as police and night patrol anci that he be paid a salary of 28.00
per week and 7.00 car upkeep;that .J.Goulding be made foreman at 23.00 per week~and
that the position of assistant town -forerna.n be not filled at present.
BP~DWIN HENDERSON th~t pursuant to the report of the police committee,Fisher
Dunhamb~ paid the salary of $28.00 plus $7.00 fOr car use,weekly,retroactive to
Jan.lst.to continue the duties of police officer,tMs. sum to include his trips aut
side the municipality except police court cases being prosecuted on behalf of the
municipality,that a suitable bylaw be :prepared accordingly and that the seal of
the corporation be attached hereto. Carried.
KNOW~S SPARKS that Jas.Goulding be promoted to the position of town foreman
at a salary of $23.00 per week retnoactive to Jan.lst.that the phone formerly alloti
ed to Constable Fleury be transferred to Mr.Goulding in so far as payment of rental~
is concerned.that a suitable Bylaw be prepared accordingly and that the seal of the.
corporation be attached hereto. Carried.
The council adjourned,at 12.30 A.M.
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