MINUTES - Council - 19371215'')
. )
TF!:R EIGHTB:BNTH MEETING OJ!' T::E COUNCIL FOH THE ll'EAlt 193? wv.s held in the coun-
ci1_ room on Wednesday eve.Dec.Uith.wi th the m1wor presi.clin.g aYLd the deputy reeve
and councillors _Bald.win,:Bunn,Lee and Stuo.rt attending.
On the consideration of the nui.nutea Mr.StuCJ.rt asked that the word a.pprec:iv.tion be
a truck out of his verbal reaolution a.uthorising s. letter to ]lfr.Redfern and it was
so agreed ta.The minutes were then s.pproved on motion of Messrs Baldwin amd Bunn
LEE BALDWIN that the ~otion oftbe mayor in issuing orders on the treasurer for
tre apyment of the following amounts be 1:1.nd the same is hereby,confirmed.and th<:.'.t
the sea.l of the
Corp ..
corporation be <:.',ttached hereto;,
Meter Ons:pector
:Keith Ds.vis
? .oo Carried.
LEE BUNN tha.t the following accounts be pa.id,that the mayor issue orders on the
trea.surer for the s<une a.nd th:;:.t the seal of the
Corp. Q.D.iless supplies
~\emington P..and
~\ire :Jr lt;o.~e
Fire Truck Tender
Fire Chief. selary
.I.H.Nq.ughton,ss.l.a.nd disb.
County Hasp. account
W~F~Evans police
E.F.Da.vis fuel
Bell Phone Go~
A.Fleury police trips
Clerk stamps
Ins.. Zurich Co. D.M.Galbrai th
F.R.Underhill arena
li'.R.Underhill firemen
corpore.tian be attached hereto;
300 .. 00
50 .oo
50.20· Carried.
EUNN STUART that the fallowing accounts be paid,that the mayor issue orders on
the treasurer for the same e.nd that the seal of the corp.be atta.ched hereto;
W .works Bell Telephone Co. 5. 75· Carried.
STUART BUNlil' tha.t the following accounts be paid.that the mayor issue orders on th
treasurer far the
same and that the seal of the
Sanga.mo Electric Ca.
l<errant& Electric
Bell Phone Co.
H.E.P.c• power for Wov.
cprp,be attached hereto;
carried •
I.H:E BUNJ.i that the sum of 4~325 .22. oe transferred from the Coupon a.ccoun t to the
corp.~ Waterworks account, in payment of unisaued con.pons ,and that the seal of the
be attached hereto. .
Acting F,;Lre Chief Rowe submitted his report for the year as follows;New prot-
. i ection • .lemperance St.main and Hydrant;28_! ladder mounted on truck.windshield on
truck;200•hase;mitts end helmet;made a. general clea.n up at back of stores on both
sides of Yonge St.Four outside calls tp' King;two in Whitahurch,one to Sutton.
The Brigade a.nswered eleven calls in the town with a. total fire loss of $685.00
During the year the brigade have assisted at eleven entertainments or meetings.
"······· ··:·'•''.'·''
The mayor thanked the brigade for their :public s:piri ted service e.nd asked the
officers. of the brigade who were :present to carry the messa.ge to the full brigade.
A letter was read from Mrs .J .E.Cane asking if the town would remove a. t ree from
the rea.r of her :property here .. On motion of Messrs Bunn and Stuo.rt the clerk was
instructed to write her thatlle town does not engage in :private enterprise.
The treasurer presented the annual report for the year,ex:pls.ining the items in
d..etail.BAIJ)WIN MALLOY that the report of the treasurer as submitted be ado:pted.the
statuttill!1y nuniber of copies prinl!!ed and that the seal ofthe corporation be attached
hereto • Carried.
The mayor expressed the appreciation of council to t.he treasurer for his efforts
in keeping the cou!j.cil inf·ormed.. of its financial position as the year advanced..
LEE MALLOY that a tran:!lfer of the sum of three
. ---·.. --
the Waterworks to the general account and the seal
to. Carried.
thousand dollars be made from~
of t.he corpooration a ttached here
The ma.yor thanked all the members of council for making a conscientious effort
during the year to carry on the business. of the town in what each consi<lered to be
its bes.t interests. and for their courtesy to the cha.ir and to each other,and exp-
reeaed.. his tha.nks to the permanent el!lployees for the manner in which they have :per-
formed their dutiea .. Re stated his intention to be a candida.te for mayor next year.
The Deputy Reeve and each of the councillors ina few words. expressed the thanks
for the cooperation and courtesy during the year from eac:¥-other and from the
mte mayor congratulated the '[Jolice for the results a.ttmiined in the recent
attempted break in,the result showing tha.t they are on their job.
The minute of this present meeting was adopted on motion of Messrs.Baldwin
and Malloy ..
The council adjourned,on motion of .u~Lessrs Bunn and Stua.rt.