MINUTES - Council - 19371206r~~ - I I I ~ .. 1 THE SEVENTEENTH MEETING OF TffE COUNCIL FOR THE YEAR 1937 was held in the Council room Qlll MOnday eve~Dec:5th.with the. mayor presiding and the reeve.deputy reeve and Councillors Baldwin Lee and Stuart attending• The minutes of the last two meetings were read and confirmed,on motion of M:easra Bal.dwin and Stuart .. LEE BALDWIN that the action of the mayor in issuing orders on the treasurer far the payment a:f the fcilllawing sums be and the same is hereby confirmed,and that the seal of the a:or(ftlratian be attached hereto; W.Warks Nov.5th, H.Ha.ight D.McCloakey '1/~Starkey C~:Elrawn W~Summera ;r~Buker J~Peters R~Smith M:~Komar A.Brodie P.Brodie F.Chapmart G.Burling T~Collett A.C l.oss W .II' aster W~Seatan Corp. Nov.5th• Jno.Anderson tuning Mrs.Waites M.Robinson L.Feren 13th• Mrs.Waites M.Robinson L.Feren D.M:cCloskey H. Haight J.Saigle 20th. Mrs.Waites M:.Robinson D.Mcc":'oskey 27th• Mrs.ii!ites M.Robinson D?llilcCloskey Dea.4th.o Mrs.Waitea llil.Rabinson E.Light ~ov.l3th•R.Smith 19th.llileter Inspection 26th.R.Smith 2.6th.Meter Inspection 27th.R.Smith Dec.4th.R.Smith 1.0.80 13.20 9.60 9..60. 10.80 9.60 9 •. 6.0 9.60 9.60 7.2.0 9.60 9.60 8:.40 7.20 7o20 7.2.0 5.00 7.00 9.00 4.65 7.00 9~00 3.60 10.8:0 10.8:0 10.80 7.00 9.oo 13.20 7.00 9.00 1s.:w 7;.00 9.oo 8.40 10.50 1.3.20 17.55 13.20 4.80 Carried. LEE MALLOY that the following accounts be paid.that the mayor issue orders on the treasurer Corp. ..... · far the same and that the seal of the Aurora Building Co. C.A.Cook teaming Dr.Stevenson sal M.o.H. " " med.relief Dr.Willia.ms LaFrance Engine and Foamite Bell Phone Ca. · Tor.& York Road Comm• Office Specialty Co. Davis Garage J .F.Willis corporation be attached heretoo 48.00 11.70 360 .. 00 ?.00 u.oo 1.00 20.58 22.58 57.30 2 •. 04 1.05: '----··· ~ Insurance 2 York County Veterans, Attridge & Spn Prov.~ept.of Health Dr.Devins P.M.'l'~ompson fun Dunlol;i Tire Co. F.Rowland wreath lor. insulin B.F.Davis Mrs.Collis hose fire fuel Aurora Hdwe. .James,Practor & Redfern l!'rankcom Garage Clerk stamps etc• 50.amb.3 dept. Ough and Son. A.Fleury Dr.c.R.Boulding H.A.Bow.man ou ts.ide trips .. arena town hall J.M.Walton arena H.Arm.itage " Norwich Union Bond J.G~!cD. (J.M.W.) Guardian Ins.Co. " M.L.A. " F.R.U..,derhill relief " ~ployees s•!:! ·[.t~. 10.00 7.91 3.68 7.00 53.00 24.40 5.50 36.00 9.76 200.00 20.78 10.60 5.15 10.00 4.50. 25.60 10.12 25.10 50.20 20.00 20.00 105.00 175.72 Carried. STUAR.T MALLOY that the following accounts be paid, that the mayor issue orders an the. treasurer for the same and that the seal of the corporation be attahed her etc Relief J.Crocka.rt shelter Gilpin 2.40 A.Hulse Buker 2.40 .J .McGhee BroWl!l. 2.40 Mrs.Chapman Peters 2.40 Mrs.Stewart Collett 2.40 W.Sawdon Haight 2<40 llfrs .McLeod Stephenson 2 .• 40 Stiver.Bros fuel 23.05 Williamson Bros 2.40 B.F.Davis 9.60 Cha.s.Cook 4.80 F.Morris fuod 12.91 Au.rora General Sto:t:e 42.73 .Atlantic: and I'aqific 28.91 Aurora CoOperative 15.29 Knowles and Sons 3.28 Merchant and Case 3.50 Aurora Dairy 29.53 F.W.1'easda1e 2.06 Pattersons Bakery 1.25 iVled.Association 56 x 35 19.60 Carried. S~ART BALDWIN that the followin g accounts be paid,that the mayor issue order on the treasurer for the same and that the seal of the corporation be attached here W .Works National Iron Corporation 391.19 Canada Valve and Hydrant Co. 70 .50 Bell Phone Co. 3.28 Carried. STUART MALLOY that the following accounts be paid 0 tha.t the mayor issue orders on the treasurer for E.Light the same and that the seal of the Bell Phone Co. H.E.P.c. power for Oct. " pole rental Attridge and Son E.c.""'ingay O.Brett Sii:W filing Can.Laco Lamps T.K.Fice Line &N Cable Accessories Can.l.ien .. Elec.Ca .. J!'erranti Elec:t:ric Co. Sangamo Co.Ltd. Clerk stamps and express corp.be attached 2.50 2469.67 214.75 10.55 4.50 2.50 50.59 3.25 23.70 43.90 89.84 hereto; 432•71 2.55 Carried. S1'UAHT MALLOY that a letter of appreciation lJe forwarded to Mr.•'~edfern in recog •·"'n \t 3 nition of his services on the completion of the preliminary investigation into the matter of the ~isposal of the industrial waste from the Collis Leather Co. M.r.w.starkey addressed council on the question of further relief. hlr .vi .G .Trent asked regarding the alleged promised bonus,and increase in wages. STUART 'BALDWIN that e.n e.ddi tional sum of one hundred and twenty dollars be given Wm.Trent fo.r extra service for the year l937,on condition that he carries on until the new council can prepare a contra.ct. Carried.. The "~epresentati ves on the County Council Jt!eported on the Police Sta tion,County Roads and Educational situations as they existed at the adjournment of the council. A petit.ion from a number of ratepayers asking council to submit the question Of financial assistance for the Boys Band was produced and tabled. A report from the Prov.Dept.of Health showing the effluent flowing from the Disposal Plant to be very satisfactory was read and ta·oled. A letter from MR.A.C.MacNaughton regarding the application of Mrs.s.£.'"raham for sewer connection was read and the clerk instructed to reply outlining the cost to her and repeating the statement that her houses cannot be serued satisfactorily The report of the M.O.H. was read and ordered filed• Tne Aurora Veterans e.sked for the remittance of the hall rent for a dance on .l.iec.2lst. as all the proceeds were going to charity. 'l'he council considered the ma~i;er o:L ~"1e .Liaoility Insurance and Mr.Poole and Mr.Gal'brai th were again heard. BALDWIN STUART that the insurance now carried by A.E.Wilson & Co.Ltd.be terminated as of the seventh of December at 12 o•c1ook noon.l937,as per resolution of date of "'ov.lst.l937,that the insurance submitted by Londion Assurance Co.at a ·rate of $1275.00 be accepted and that the seal of the corp.be attac:ijed hereto. Carried. KNOWLES BALDWIN that our stand in the matter of the assessment appeal by the Lennox Estate be maintained • Carried. A transient Traders Bylaw.establishing a lice.nce fee of one hundred dollars was introduced by Mr."'nowles ,ginen its three rra.dings in regular and legal manner and was passed by council. A Bylaw,number 806,to provide for the renewal of the agreement with the Hydro Electric Power Commission,successors to the Toronto & York Radial Co.was given its first and second readings in regular and legal form,being introduced by Mr."'tuart .. ~ ... , .... /~ i(J ·'" 4 Bylaw number 807.to provide for the taking of the votes of the ~ualified eleoto~s upon the previous Bylaw # 806: was introduced by Mr.Ma.lloy.given its thhee readings in regular and legal manner and :passed, the vote to ·ae taken by the regular deputy returning officers and Poll clerks appointed for ~he annual election on Jan.3rd.l938 Bylaw number 808.providing f.or the nominations of mayor reeve,de:puty reeve 1 five councillors and three :public school trustees in the Mech.Hall on Monday eve.Dec.27th at ?.30 was introduced by Mr.Lee,given its three readings in regular and legal form and passed. A Bylaw was introduced ·ay Mr.Lee,number 809,to :provide for the collection in ' the taxes of five hundred dollars for the next three succeeding years,to assist in maintaining a Boys Band,and given its first and second readings. Bylaw number 810~to provide for taking the vote of the ~uaiified electors on the above Bylaw,number 809.was introduced by Mr.Baldwin.given its three readings in regular and legal form and passed. Bylaw number 811 to provide for the publication of the notices on the above Bylaws to be voted upon in the Aurora Danner for three consecutive issues was intra duced by Mr.Malloy ,given its three readings in regular form and was passed. BALDWIN LEE that the Veterans be allowed the use of the Mechanics Hall for a charity de.nce on Dec.2lst.at a charge of five dolhtrs and that a grant of five dollars to cover the rental charge be made to them. Carried. MALLOY KNOW~S that a grant of fifty dollars be made to the Central Ontario Highways Association and tha.t the seal of the corporation be attached hereto. Carried Samples and :prices to supply two of the police with new overcoats v1ere referre' to the lVtayor and Clerk for selection at a later date. : . _The council adjourned,at 1 AoM on motion of the Reeve and .L!eputy • • a.e?/h ---~_!!£( ~-1(.. _______ _ Mayor.