MINUTES - Council - 19371115'~
room on MOnday eve 0 Nov.15th.with the mayor presiding and the Reeve 1 and councillors
Bunn Lee and Stuart attending.
A deputation of you.tha,Mesara. B.Teasdale,K.Southwood and Q.Doolittle .presented
their reasons. for requesting a lower rental for the Cpurt room.for weekly club
meetings.lt was decided to ask their sponsors to attend the next regular meeting
to discuss the matter.
On .the matter of the Liability policy,Mr.Galbraith introduced Mr.Coates of the
ProYincial Servic.e Agenc.y who went into detail in the matter .. M.r.Poole made further
explanation of the of'fer of the i.o.ndon Assurance Ca.and also submitted a model
copy of a Bylaw co"!fering1 sign liability--and insurance.
The Council resolved. into committee of the whole to· discusa the quarterly repor'
of the Auditor"and after dis.cu.saion recommended the adoption of the following
report~''That in view of the report of the Au.s!,itor dated the 29th.of Oct.l937 we
recommend that. the present auditor,1k-.:•nbor~t,.be placed in charge of the office
as chief ac.countant,he to have s.upervision of the books.0 a.nd office generally.and
to make a monthly audit fo.r the balance of the year at a total cost of $75.00.-
T:t<.at the chief accountant be responsible for ~·ocuring the new filing cabinet and
installation of the filing system. That temporary help be obtained for the purpose
of asaisting in the filing.~tKNOWLES BUNN. that the report of the Finance Committee
~· .. ~ ... . -.
re Clerks Office adjustments be passed and tpat the seal of the corp.be attached
here toO. Mr.Stuart demanded the recording of the vote with the following result
Yea~the mayor reeve,and Messrs·.Bunn and Lee;.nay M.r.Stuart. the motion prevailed•
The clerk was instructed to forward to each f?-ctory using considerable power a
letter explianing the i!).tent of t}le oo;,mcil ill-arranging for the ins taLq tion
of demand metera.
The Bylaws committee was instructed to hao:u a Transient Traders. Bylaw ready
for the next regular meeting.and also to look into the matter of unauthcbrised
KNOWLES BUlffi" that the petitions. for the c·,~oi!'B country highway be gathered up
and forwarded to Mr.Bowes .. Carried.
A letter of appreciation of the attitude ~.;.ken by the members present at the
faam the Exec.of the Ass•n
meeting in ~ewmarket was read and fi~ed. ;
A letter fa~ the Dept.of Trade and Comme-~e re meters due for inspection
this year was referred to the Electric LighY Commi ttee•
A letter from the Collis Leather Co.in reply to that forwarded on instruct
ions pf ~he ~aat counci~ meeting was referred tothe Road and Bridge Committee.
on motion of Mesara. ""now~ea and Bunn. i: - '
The counci~ adjourned 0 a.~ 1~.3d,on motion of the Reeve and Mr.Bunn.
Mayor .•