MINUTES - Council - 19371108•
room on MOnday eve.Nov.8th.with the Mayor presiding and the reeve~deputy reeve,
and councillors Bunn Lee and Hmlazt in attendance.
The minutes. of the prece(l.ing meeting ... e::e ccm::idered.and a.pproved.an motion of
Messrs..Bunn and Knowles..
Mrs.s.E.Graham applied for wewer connection to her residence on Centre st.out-
side the sewer area.The report of t.he measurements taken by Mr.Dunham was read,
and after diacussion the following motion was carried,li:ALLOY KNOWLES that she be
-~ --
informed of the cost,the difficulties involved,.and assured that the connection
and service could not prove sa.tiafactory•
The Reply from the c.N.R.Superintendent at Allandale prom4:sing to cooperate
in the anti noise campaign·was read and filed•
The notice of appeal from the decision of the Court of Revision by the Executor
of the T.H.Lennox est•was ~a&~ea-read and ordered handed to the solicitor,with
instructions to the clerk to ascertain the cost of giving evidence from seme local
An application for the use of the upstairs hall one night a week fOr the. use
of an undenominational youth study group orought forth a motion by Messrs.Stua.rt
and Lee that the schedule of rates be fixed at one half .of that charged for the
Mechanics Hall which was carried.
A verbal application form some Electric light customers on Kennedy Sy.wes t
of the corporation limit for the termination of their account and undertaking
that they might purchase their electric current from the Rural Hydro was referred
tothe E.L.committee with power to make whatever arrangment they might deem to be
in the interests of both parties.,on motion o:ff Messrs.Lee and Knowles.
A request from Mr.F.Teasdale for the changing of the location of a pole on
Centre St.so that he might have eetrance to a double garage was madeThe workmen
reported that any change in location would necessitate the erection of·an extra
pole so that it was decided that the town would be willing to do the work if Mr.
Teasdale cared to pay for the necessary pole•
The exposure of a considerable distanae of creek without garriaade or fence
along the edge caused by the alterations to the creek by the Collis Beather Go.
wa.s discussed and the clerk instructed to •;rite t!'le company regarding the danger.
MESSRS Sowe and Jones asked that the firemen be given a rebate of the rent of
the Mechanics Hall for the band benefit of Oct.22rtd.and this was agreed to on moti~
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of Mesars>Lee and Bunn.
Mr.Murphy of the ~angamo Electric Qo.was present and addressed council regardi~
-the e~ectrica.l. situation.
~.H.A.F.Bowman intr&duced Mr.Poo~e of Armstrong DeWitt and Crossen.Lnaurance
Brok~rs wha-dLscussed the liability insurance question at some ~ength.
Mr.Lee in committee of council brought in a report of the Finance committee.
After cons.idering the report the committee rose and reported progress and asked
~eave to sit again next MOnday eve.when it was hoped to have the Auditor present•
Attention was drawn to the chipped atone on the aidewa~k on the west side of
Yonge St•south of Ty~er St•and the c~erk was instructed to write the owners of the
property and tel~ them of their ~iability in the matter.
The counci~ adjourned,.on motion of Messrs.>Bunn and Ma1~0Y•