MINUTES - Council - 19371101THJl: FOURTEENTH MEKTING OF THJl: COUNCIL FOR THE YEAR H37 .wa.a held in the Council room n~-MOn~ eve.Nov.lst.with the Mayor presiding and the Reeve.Deputy ·' Reeve and Councillors Bunn Baldwin Lee and Stuart in attendance. The minutes of the preceding meeting were considered and approved on motion of Messrs .Mal.loy and Baldwin. LEE KNOWLES that the action of the mayor in issuing ordera on the treasurer ~ ·-·---- for the: payment of the follow:ing sums be and the same ia hereby confirmed.and that the seal of Oct. 9th. 16th• 23rd. 30th. the corporation be attached herete; Mrs.Waites. :!IL·Ro'Qinson :P .:l.{ccaoakey Mr_a. 'Wa.itea :!IL.;.Roqinson p.][cCl.oskey Mrs :.Waites :!IL~Roi)_inaon P•JiiLcCl.oakey ifi_ss.J.;_.£ea.s.d&1e :a.-of HelUth ).1.~Smij;h, :Eollgh t Mr§·11 aitea- )ll!:.~hhinaoli · P.:l.{cCl.oakey &~~th E.L. 7.00 9.000 1.3.20 ?.oo 9.00 &.40 'l .• oo s.oo 1.3.20 1.00.00 13.20 7.00 9 .. 00 13.20 6: .. 00 Carried;. LEE KNOWLES that-the followiilg-accoun~s be pai.d.that the mayor issue orders on the treasurer Corp. for the same and tbat the seal of the B.F.Dav1B coal town hall Remington Band Co• · corp.be attached 26.00 1.00 11.84 Municipal. World. Mrs .L.Rogera care and te;J.ephone calls. M.Hilborn audit County Hosp.Ac:ct;. Alirora Hdwe. of Mrs.Collis for Oct. Waites Service Stn. Sejectors of Juror's :E>ell Phone Ero.O Dr.Williams. Dr.Devins subject Clerk stamps Aurora Building Co. Banner .Press Ough and San :ji'.:D.Lacey .i.lr.Boulding 39.Hi o~ third quarter 7a.oo 104.50 8.59 19.98 6:.00 16.39 10~00 .t.Q. o.K~ of M.o.H. 46.oo ?.39 33.94 327.13 5.95 49 hereto; A~.!i'ieury trips o_.;. of to om 14.00 s.oo Carried;. STUART MALLOY tha.:t the :following accounts be paid• that the mayor isaue order1 -~ .... on the treasurer Relief for the same and that,Ul,~ ~eal of the Medical , ssociatiotl ;;;; x 13 W .Sawdoni'! shelter El".ight w.Williamson ~ ~ook Aurora General Sttte food Atlantic nd Pacific Co. Pattersons Bakery Dominion Stores Marys Fruit Sto~e Stiver Broa fuel Knowles and Son<> ;f.cod F.W.Teasdale corp•be attached hereto; 4~55- 4.80 9.60 25.04 16.73 1.00 8.92 3.0 6'.00 5.57 2.50 Carried. ,. ., .. ,,,.,,/ \ -· a STUART BUU~ that the following accounts-be Paid,that the mayor issue otders ,_ ~. ' - on the treasurer for the same and tha.t 1he seal of the E.I.igh.t Ltne and Cable Accessories If_.E.~.c·, Qf Ont!> power for Sept. (la.n._,1e~iElea .. co.- J?el1. ·'Phone Co. Clerk.. . a talp.ps and express J?a.nner Press corp.be a.tta.ched hereto; 37•99 2529.38 4.0:5 2 .• 50 1 .. 35< 48.098 Carried:. BUNN STUART that the following accounts be paid, that the mayor issue orders ·----on the yreasurer w.works for the same and that the seal of the E.C.Mingay Bell Phone Co. cs.ri.~:Brasa CQ• L.td. C::lerk _express Banner Press corp.be attached hereto; 60 3.37 l5.5...13 3.5.7 l4 .. 31. Carried. A deputa.tion consist.ing of Dr.Williams,P.M.'fh.ompson and Mr.W.King in the int- eresta of the Boys Band asked that the council submit a B;y:law to the Ratepayers at the .T&\'lUa!'y'lt election to raise the sum of five hundred dollars per year for a period of three years to assist that cause. ! Jlli:r.Gubraith and Mr McGhie were ,;.cresent to qoute the premium price on the Liab- ility insurance policy protecting _the town against damage actioas fer accidents• Mr.Bunn for the w.w.Committee reported that Mr.Brown,the well digger was prep- ared to sink a.weli'5tt'in diametea. for $2.90 per foot of depth with one dollar ,, per foot deduction if no water is found. Mr.Stuart submitted the follow:i,n,g report from the E.L.Committee which was con- sidered in committee of the whole council;•wherea.s there is no means of knowing at present the elec tria power demab.d at the various factories ,in Aurora,and whereas the distribution side of .;the electric department appears to be in an unsatisfactory condition,.we reOO'!ltend that power demand meters-be installed in the various factories,so that actual power used may be asaertained each month, Which will make it more satisf.,.-ctory to the town and to the consumer.After meters • have been installed a readjustur"Y.1t must be made against the meter reading as our peak l.oad-only occurs between the hours of 11 and 12. A•M.We also recommend tha.t seven five ampere 575 val tp2!> c-rcle ty-pe c..:J .s polyphase· combined demand energy meters be' purahased at a cos:t ~ $11.6.49 each inc-luding transformers.Present meters are from 1.5 to 25 years old and any parts required to-repair same at any time would have to be speciallY' made • ..-The committee rose and the council. adopted the report.:KNow:L.ES LEE that irt aonsideration af the adoption of the report of the E.L.Committee the purchase of 7 demand meters be authorised at an est:ima;ted cost :: of' $il6.49 each,.and that the o;;.eal of the corp.be attached hereto• Carried. l ~· r :·"":·:-··· --------( I. -~_,.~_._;,....,...._~;;.--~ 3 The Auditors report for the third quarter was. read and referred to the Finance Committee. The treasurers sta.teneont for the preceding month was read and adopted on motio1 of Messrs • .oaldwin and Lee• A ~etter from Mr.T.A.M..Hu~a.e tendering his resignation from council was read• KNOWLES BUNlr that ne; resignation of Mr.Hulse be accepted with regret. Carri-ed• The S.A.Captain asked the free use of the Mech.Hall on Sunday eve.Nov.7th•after the churches wetr:e closed for a sacred band concert .. STUART KNOWLES that our usual . . charge for the hall be maintained. Carried• The counci~ of Richmond Hil~ invites the counci~ and others to a.ttend their Rememhrance day service on Sunday ~4-~h.at J.ctc;:ack.The invitation was accepted with the unders. tanding that al~ who can wil~ at tend. distribution of The c~erk was instructed to w~ite the Rai~way Board regarding the cost of a Wigwag warning at Wellington St.and to Allandale in regard to the speed of trains and the amount of whistling b~ing done. KNOWLES BALDVUN that the solicitor be and he is hereby authorised and instruct ed to prepare the necessary Bylaws for the next regular meeting of the council to submit to the Electors of the town of Aurora the question of raising the sum of five hundred dollars per year for three years to assist the financing of the Boys Junior Band,and that the seal of the corp.be attached heretoo. Carried• KNOWLES LEE that the liability insurance be awarded in a company through A.E.Wilson & ao.Ltd.at a premium of $1300.00 per annum on condition that should the town decide to place the insurance in a different company the po~icy may be cancelled and the town be allowed rebare pro rata on the unearned premium. Carried. It was decided that the :pe~ition for '.;:"c ':::;:o;:;;; Country Highway be circulated through the factories and around town and that the necessary help be employed for that purpose at the regular rate per hour paid by the town. Remembrance Da.y.Nov.llth.beil'!g a Dominion holiday,it was decideli to proclaim it as such and to aall upon the citizens to observe it accordingly. On motion of the Reeve and Mr.Lee the council adjourned,to meet again on Monday eve.Nov.Bthioto further consider the insurance matter and the reports of Committees• ------------------Mayor• r TF.E COURT OF REVISION FOR YrlE YEAR ~:t;58.to consider the a,ppea.~s from the Ass~~Sm.ent fQ~ that yea.r.and compQaEHi of the Ma$Qr.Reeve 0 :Ueputy Reeve and Counci~~ora Lee and Stuart waa he~d in the aounci~ room on MondaY eve.NOv.lat. at 7 .30n with all the members in attendance. The Appe~s were as fol~owa and were disposed of T.K .. Lennox Eat. overcharge. land 9aO.OO bldga Mrs ~a .Birc:h!i..J:d .. 850.00 950 .. 00 ( F.W.Freeman ... 3.00.00 2400.00 ' c ~K~Sheppard overlooked 1880.00 KNOWLES,MALL.OY that the Assessment Roll as amended be seal of the Corporation be. attached hereto. Carried .. '·, I Chairman. I 1. ·····,·:/ ., _____ ·. /1 . c-.J~--~