Counai~ room on MOnday eve.oct.l.Sth.with the mayor presiding and the Reeve.Deputy
-·-· Reeve and CounaaLlora Bunn Baldwin Lee and Stuart in attendance.
The ~n~tea of the twe~vth meeting were reviewed.and approved.on motion of
Mesara.M&l~oy and Budwin.
Signs to prohibit dum.ping refuse on Catherine "rescent were ordered pl.aced•
--and those guil.ty-of having al.ready used the l.ocationa aa a dumping ground are to
be forced to remove it.if their identity can be diacovered.
The app~ication of s.aook for special consideration re rel.ief was considered
and the Clerk instructed to ascertain mf the Deps,rtment of Welfare will permit the
expense to be included in the monthly rel.ief account,.wlil.e on motion of Messrs
M&ll.oy and Baidwin it waa decided that rent at the regular relief allowance would
be p&i_ci from Oct.1st.anci while the fam.ily iii on re~ief.
l\llr.Withrow from the .Tunior Hockey Club asked for pecuniary assistance for
the club and for some alterations in the entry to the arena to give better-control
during rwsh moments,.as well as for proper storage space for equipment•
KNOWLES STUARt that the money allotted at the close of last winters Hockey
sceason fff~ the purpose of entertaining the club and showing appreciation of their
efforts and succes:s,in the amount of fifty dollars 10be paid to the new Executive
of the .Tunior Hockey-C:l.uib :for the purchase of equipment.and that the seal of the
corporation be attached hereto. _ c-arried.
The matter o:f a~terations to the entrance and repairing lockers was referred
to the.~roperty committee.
A letter was tead from the Deputy llliiinister of Highways stating that the ~ept .. ·
could not contribute more than 50% of the cost of traffic lights was read and filed,
STUART LEE tha.t a six inch main be extended from the end of the eight inch
main on :&erczy-st.to Wellington St.and conneeted and connected to the four inch
main at that point ta improve the water service and increase the fire protection
with a six inch connection left of:f for the Aurora Flour and Feed mills and that
the seal of th~ corporation be attached heret•• c-arried.
:na:r.Bowes of the Cross Country .tlighway Association was present and explained
the reasons to proceed at once with petitions :for the connecting link and it was
decided to ask the Board of Trade to meet with the counci~ on Wednesday eve.to
discusa the matter with JIU-,.Bowes and to launch the undertaking.
Counc~ adjourned0 on motion of the Deputy Reeve a.nd
1llifiG ~~---