MINUTES - Council - 19370907THE ELEVENTH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL FOR THE YEAR ~937 was held in the council room om Tuesday eve.September 7 th.wfth the mayor presiding and the Deputy reeve, and councillors Ba~dwin.Bunn.Lee and Stuart attending. The minutes of the preceding meeting w.eee read a.nd approved,on motion of Mr. Bunn and Mr.Lee .. I.EE BALDWIN that the action of the mayor in issuing orders on the treasurer for the payment of the following sums be and the same is herleby confirmed 1 and that the sea~ of the corporation be a.ttached hereto; Aug.7th. Mrs.llabtes 7.00. M .• Robinson s.oo D.McCloskey 10.80. 14th. Mrs.Waites 7.00··. M:.Rob.inson 9.00 .. D.M:c.Closkey ~3.20 2~st. Mrs.Wa.ites 7.00 M.Robinson 9 .• 00 J).McCloskey 13.20 . 28th. llii:rs. viai tea 7 .. 00 llit.Roi!inson 9.00 D.MaCaoskey 13.20 Sept.4th. Mrs.VIaites 7.00 l\it.Robinson 9.00 D.McCloskey 13.20 Carried. I~E BALDWIN,that the following accounts be paid.that the mayor issue orders on the treasurer for the same and that the seal of Corp. J.F.Wil~is O.D.Hess Oughand Son c.cook Municipal World Dept.of Health insulin Attridge and Son Keith Davis Mrs .Levi Rogers care Mrs .Collis Davis Garage fire truck Macnabf! Garage Wards 13 arage United Stee~ Corp. B.F.Davis J.B~ack G .]].Underhill Waites "'ervice Stn. Aurora Building C~h n>. ~ o Clerk stamps and express Bell Phqne Co .. County Hosp.accit. A·Fleury police trips F.Dunham piad telegram Dr.Boulding the corp.be 1.52 95 6.60 9.00 15.31 3.68 27.34 4.00. 38.75 l.OS 1.8.80 5.50 1.4.64 ?8.30 19.60 1.3.02 7-35 28.80 9.76 19.74 64.82 1?.00 35 13.00 attached hereto; Carried.;. BUNN STUART thta the following acco6nts be paid, that the mayor issue orders on the treasurer for the same and that the seal of the corp•be attached hereto; w.w. Bell Phone Go. 4.79 Carried. ~" -·· 2 STUART BUNN tht the fallowing accounts be paid• that the mayor is sue orders on the treasurer far the same and that the seal of the E.L. il.E.P.c power for July i Can.La.ao Lalllpa :I? ell .. Phone Co. Clerk. express corp. be a ttaohed hereto; 2542.3fi 61.57 2.50· 1.01. Carried• STUART MALLOY that the following accounts be paid.that the mayor issue orders ., ' . --~ on the treasurer far the same and tlla.t t..he seal of the Relief Mrs.Chapman shelter w.~awdon M;ed.and .Drug A6 s'ns 23 x cousins Dairy_ . food Mar.ys .li'rui t Store ]'.W.Teasdale. F•I!•Laaey Atlantic and Pacific ~c:ira General ~tore :Pawaana .Grill .. Merchant and Case I\nowles and Sons Davis l.l-arage fuel Petera Haight 35 corp .• be 2.40 .. 3.60 8 .• 05: 2.09 33 27.38- 14.40 10.30 . 44.93 25 65 1.55 23 attached hereto; Carried. The monthly report of the treasurer was considered.and filed.on motion of Messrs.Baldwin and Lea. The report of the auditor for the first half of the year was considered and received.on motion of.Messrs.Stuart and Bunn. Mr.Bunn for the w.w.committee reported;,.we reaemmend that the price of water tQ commercial users not already covered by previous agreements be ten cents per thous and gallons for the first hundred thousand~and the remainder at 7 cents per thous and gallons,accounts to be rendered monthly and 5% penalty added to overdue accoun1 and that this claise be retroactive to April lst.l937.Whereas Aurora has.a suff- icient supply of water under present conditions 0 and whereas 75% of this supply comes from one sourae.whiah source could be seriously affected from causes beyond any human control, .rf such a thing j;J.appened during a hot period such as we have experienced this summer it wpuld be a calamity to Aurora;therefore we recommend that test work for a further water supply be commenced in the very near future. The council resolved !into committee of the whole to consider the report.The camm itte rose and presented the repart,amended as above. STUART BUNN that the report of thenw.works committee be adopted as amended. Carri It was definitely agreed that payment for the Mech.Hall must be made when the order is accepted.and that failure to pay the rent voids the engagement of the hall A letter was read from the Clerk of the County ,stating that any applicant for admission to the House of .li.efuge must be examined by Dr."esley,physi¢ian of the hou se.On motion of Messrs Stuart and Lee the clerk was instructed to write and protest the ruling. believing that the local M.o .H. ws.s quite qualified to make the exam- imation • Carried• --~~--~--------.--;><"<~~---,:-::---.-.-.----·~"""""-""""'""'~~""''''"''"·~-"=~"""'""'~~"':..-•;."'····--'·-·~-'---'------=--·~--~--"""~"-.:,;.~~~~~ .... ~._ .• N---,~(,..,.,-~~·------~-----~ .. -------,-' 3 A letter from a Mr.Kirkwood.Taronto.wiahing to secure advertising contracts for the purpose of securing industries was read and referred to 'the Ind.."ommittee. Various ~etters pertaining to the inst.aJ.~ation of a traffic actuated light at Wel~ington and Yonge Sta.were read and filed,.and the clerk instructed to write again and give reasons in detail for the reques.ted increase in the proportion of the cost tp be borne by the province. mte clerk was instructed to pJ.aee in the Aurora Banner a grateful. acknowledgment of t·he consideration shown towards the community i~the epidemic spreading over the province by the management of the Local Theatre in voluntarily closing the doors during the continuance of the threat to all. children under the age of sixteen. 'l'he council. adjourned.at 11 P.M:. on motion of M:r Bunn and Mr.l\tlalloy. ~ - ---------------------- Mayor.