MINUTES - Council - 19370712r TI:I& NINTH MEETING GIF THE COUNCIL FOR THE YEAR ~9~7 was he~d in the counai~ r.,om on MOnday ~~e.Xu1y 12tn.with the mayor preaidLDg and the Reeve,Deputy Reeve,and coun oi~lors Baldwin Bunn and Stuart attending. The minutes of the eighth meeting were considered and,on motion of Messrs :Bunn and Know~es.a.pproved• - KNOWLES :BUNN that the action o:r tne mayor in is suing orders on the treasurer for the ~ent of the fol~owing sums be and the same is,hereby,confirmed.and that the seal of the corp.be attached hereto' June lath• ~9th. .26th• July 3rd. 6th• l.Oth• Mrs .·viaites lid.•Ro:binson :Mra.Wa.ites M:•Rob.inaon D ·11fcCloskey llrs.Wa.ites M..luibins:on D .Jire!Uoskey S~J?.Johnatone liCrs.Wa.ites: JI[.Ro"Qinson D.~Closkey E.L.Met.er inspection li~E.P.c. power for ~ Mrs-~ W&:itea M..Robinaon D JI'ICCloakey 'l.oa 9.00 7.oa. 7.6& 13.20 'l ~00 s.oo u;.ao 15.30 7.00· s;.oo 10.80 21.22 .. 23 7;.oo s;.aa 13.20· Carried• KNOWLES BUNN that the following accounts be paid,that the mayor issue o"r'd:el's on the treasurer for the same and that the seal of the corp• be atta.ahed hereto; Corp. w.R.M.aquade po~ice F.R.Uuderhil~ fireman ineuranae :BitUI!iinou8 Spraying C:o• C:lerk stamps Remington Rand C:o• w.F.Evans police Mrs.L·~gers care Mrs~C:oll.is County .i.reasurer Hosp.aoat. J .Fl.eurys Sons J.F.willis B•of Health. Aurora Building Co• Attridge and Son T .K.Fice po lice Dom.Rubber Co• Ough and Son Davis Garage Jas.Black Frankcom Garage M..liilborn first quarter sal. Bell. Phone Oo• Dro.WilUams Dr .:®uldi.ng A·Fleury 64•00· 68.27 5780.68 lHOO 1.oo 2.50 37.70 87.87 ' 50 1.65·' 550.90 290.82· 2 .• 25 196.00' 5.00· 2.16 27.65 50 75.00· 16.4'1 l.l..00- 10.50' l.El:.OO Carried. STUART KNOWLES that the following accounts be paid.that the mayor issue orders on the teeasurer for the same and tba.t the seal of the corp.be attached heret.o; Relie:r. w.sawdcn rent Haight 1..20 .-·· 2 Mrs •Cha:p:D.an rent Peters w.summera tax account Me.i.and Drug account · 30 x 35. Kliow~es and Sons Genera~ Store ]f.W.Teaa~e A-Ua.ntic and Pacific !'at teraons B&ltery li' .D •Lacey Cousins Dairy co-Operative Marys Fruit Store Davis Garage . fuel 3.60 3.60 l.0.5Cl 70 35.1.7 11.48 1.4.73 4.36· 1.4.40. 2.20 1.5.25 6'1 ". 1.00· Carried• BUNN STUART that the :fol.1Gwing accounts be paid.that the mayor issue orders on the ;reeaurer. far the same and that the seal of the corp.be attached hereto& ;j w.w ... rks (I Bell. Phone Co. Clerk. ~twnps J~orning abd Son. 3.53 7~00 7.5a Carried. STUART BUNN that the followirll1 accounts be paid.that the mayor issue orders on the treasurer for the same and that the seal of the corp.be attac:hed hereto; E·Light Bell Phone ao• Northern Ele~:trio Co. E.C.Mingay Superior·Elec:tric Co. alerk stamps and Express Can.Laco Lamps: Can.general Electric 3.42· 63.32 1.20 :r.oo 1.35 16.93 2.'15 Carried• Fire Chief Rowe made his report.stating tbat there are several premises which have been notified to clean up their properties ,and he enumerated the instances where the prolllised improvement has not been attended to.He also asked tbat the fire- men be permitt d the use of the park for a date to be set. Le~zets from the Dept•of Highways regarding the patching on Yonge st.and the app- :lication made by the town for the installation of a Robot sigh at Yonge and Wellingto!l were read and filed. From the London crouncil regarding the starling nuisance waa ordered filed and the questionarre acknowledged. The Equalixzation AssesSIIlent :Bylaw for the county and the appeal of Swansea were presented and tab:led. Miss JIJlr:r Webster wrote complaining that. the sidewalk in front of her praperty is sinking at on e side.The chairman was instructed to notify l'iliss Webster that steps are being taken to drain the spot• Mt.Knowles introduced a Bylaw to authorise the sale of Lot 53 Plan 120 to Donald Boynton.The Dylaw was given its several. readings and passed. . ~ BALDWIN MALLOY that the mayor and clerk be and they are hereby authorised and instrullted to sign the agreement with Frank w.'l'easdaleofor the lowering of the side- ,,.. .. 3 wUk: and to eause the seal of the corporation to be attached thereto ;that the sol- icitor be and he is hereby inatructed to register the same•and that the seal off the corporation be attached to thia resolution• Carried• ~r.Malloy for the R.&.B.CQWmlttee submitted the following report;•The town coun~il-·made the usua.l -a~~ey and decided that the uaual. new and repaitt wilrk be Walk in front of Field:ings 0 est.eost.~5o.oo..provided Mr.Fielding contributes share towards the intprovem.ent .. and the curlll to be cut and smoothed Walk in front of Mrs.Robins.cms,.Connaught A.ve•40 1 x 42• est Dirt :fill. to wide_!l rol!!.d on Conna.ught weat!' :ga.tching on Yange St .. in fro!lt of property of ChiC.Case • ..it'our blocks ()n the.sout.h side of Kennedy.. . . aa required. 28•00 done his ;!!Yl.er St•at Bridge and at Oarsons,. 4 blocka,repa.ir at lilill. '.,l:rees front of R.Moaley.""&ple st.& R·Clole,Centre,.clean .out & Driveway in fro!lt of w.Seagles referr~d to _Mr.Fox,.the owner. Catherine Ave.alea.n out_ ditch on N'orth aide ... ~~.20 11.20 cement if needed. Patch Wellington St.north side west from the mil.l. li'our bl,ocks boulevard front of F .. Teasdales 'lwo blocks front of J .G.McDonalda. Wel.lingtoh st-.south side Patch on Wellington st• front MrS:rlillliotts property- Wellington St.ea.st fJ;>om Yonge .120 _X 5° Yonge St.eciuth from Wel~ington.East side replace walk to curb New walk in front of F.Qhapman,new house. 1~.20 6.40 144.00 2 blocks 5 •oo 20.00 etc KNOWLES BUNN' .that the report of the R.&.B.Ool!llltittee re repairs be hereby accepte and. that the. _seal of the corporation be attacbed hereto. Carried. · . indicated s·ruART BUNN that the clerk be instructed to write the storekeepers mea•kluHl in th~'hre Clhiet•a report to c~ean up the rear of their premises and to provide proper incinerators for the burning of refuse. Carried. -The clerk was instructed to get prices for renewing the pigut en the sign over the Yonge st.on the subway at south of town. BUNNKNOWLES that the solicitor be asked to be present at the hearing of the appeal from the Vounty ,ssessment by Swansea and to make a written report on the case for thiE> council• Carried. li!ALLOY BALDWIN that the J[ayor Reeve ~and Mr•Lee be a committee to inaugurate the ~ubilee celebration during 1938 Carried. On motion of Messrs.Mal.loy and Stuart the council adjourned.at 10.15. -------------------------Mayor ~