MINUTES - Council - 19370628~ THE ElGHTH :ll:EETING OF THE C.QUNCIL. FOR THE year ~937 was he~d in the counail room on MOnday-e~~ . .rune 28th.with the mayor prasiding and the Reeve 0 ueputy Reeve a and aouncilr,u·a Bal.dwin,.Bunn;.Lee and Stuart present. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read.and adopted.on motion of Messrs. Lee and Baldwin• Mr. ~unney appeared before coUV.cil and asked ii they would purchase equipment . i. - for a Junior .IJ;acrosse team ,retaining the club•s share of the gate receipts until the town had been reimbursed for the outlay. An offer from Mr.Dcnald Boynton 0 to purchase lot 53 of Pran 120 at the regular price was accepted and the SOlicitor instructed to draw up the necessary papers• on motien of Mr.Knowles and l(r.Jiil'alloy. The Clerk was instructed to write the Department of Highways regarding the patch- ing in the pavement nec-essary on Yecnge st. Mr~~nowles moved the council into c~ttee to consider the Auditors Report •• Mr~Lee in the chair~ The Finanae committee submitted the· following report on the same.•l.That the Waterworks committee consider billing the Water accounts to provide a disaount if paid by a certain date rather than under the present systam:.2.That in future the E.L.cards be identified to correspond with their entries in an index to be prepared and that the cards be dated.3e.That in view of the report of the auditor those responsible for making billa and copies be instructed to take greater care to make figures more legible .. 4.That $25.00 be set aside as a petty cash account :for the clerk•fi•l'hat a trial balance of E.L.Accounts be taken off monthly and water acetounts quarterly.6.That tax arrears: ledger be balamaed at the end of each month•7•That a filing sysj;em and guidea be installed and that all corres-pondence including al~ cepies of outgoing letters be filed and files properly indexed.8 a period of That office help be employed for one month to assist in esiabl.ishing an efficient filing systam and imProvement an offiae mamagement.9.That all. tenants occupyiug premises. where taxes are in arrears-be notified at once that rents in future must be paid to the town.~O.That owners and where possible mortgagees 0 whose properties are three· years or more in arrears of taxes~be notified that consideration is being given to advertise for a tax saltt and that arrears of taxes must be paid by July l0th.l.937 ... The committee rose and reported the report• BALDWIN l\itALLOX that the rppujtt of the Finance committee be hereby accepted and --::~~-:c:-:;-r;:~.;;: -~:-:----,-, :. 2. and that the seal of the corporation be attached heret.o.o sTUART .iillNllt that the report be am.ended by striking out. •ae clause 8 re:rerring to office· help a:nd that the balance of t.he report be adopted. The a.menmnent wa.a voted upon and declared lost. The original motion was then voted upon and adopted. :Che council adjourned on motion of the Reeve and lleputy.at 11..30. //~" llifa;yor • .. ,., ... , ..