MINUTES - Council - 19370301~~ !" ~•e THIRD MEETING of the council for the year 1::137 was held in the council room on ~~daY eve.Marah l.st.with the mayor presiding and the reeve.and ao¥Jlcillors Baldwin.Bunn.Lee and Stuart in attendance. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and adopted.on motion ofthe Reeve and M.r.:!iunn. "' KNOWLES ~ that the action of the mayor in issuing orders on the tre ~urer for the payment of the following sums be and the same i• hereby confirmed.and t.hat the seal of Corp. the corp .. be attached to this resolution~ Feb .2nd .. return Mrs .Dunn to Niagara .ll'alls 5th. M.rs .Wai.tes . 13th • .Mrs .Waites C.P.):i.'.hcket for Mrs.Williams ~s ·Wa.i.tes 20th. 2.7 th. 14th. 27th. lli!is ;wu tes Amus~ment Revenue ~ranch .. Jl arena 5.72. 7.oo• 7~00• 43.05• 7.do• 'l.oo• 14.65 19.50 Carried. BUNl'f STUART that the following accounts be pa.id.,that the mayor issue orders on the treasurer for the same and that the W.Works Canadian Brass Co. Bell Phone Co. Banner Press seal of the meters ., 1.0· corp.be attached hereto; 24.20• 3 .oo,. 5 .1.3 • Carried. STUART BUNN that the following accounts be paid.that the mayor issue orders on the~treas.for the same and that the seal of the corp.be E.Light Northern Electric Co. Can.Laco Lamps l?hillips Elec.trical Works H.E.PoC•Of Ont. Jan.power Bell Phone Co. Ckerk stamps etc. o.Brett saw fil.ing Banner .Press attached hereto; 32.57• ·I 77.52• 65.30• 2398.488 2.50• 5.24• 1 .• 5o• 21.60• Carried •.. / LEE KNOWLES that the following accounts be paid,that the mayor issue orders on the tr!ias.for the same and that the seal of the corp.be Corp. Ough and Son United Steel Corp. B.G.Vihi tela.w belts w.R.Mc•iuade repair police clothing Attridge and ~on Taylor and Son E.C • .lillingay Will.ia.rnson Bros R.We 6 tlake gas express arena .. ~uality Stationers coal M.rs.L.Rogers care Mrs.Coll.is A.M.Birchard burlap mech.hall. B.F.Davis sand " coal Aurora Hdwe. County Hosp.Aact. H·A·F.Bowman ins.town hall F.R.Underhill. ·bal.prem.relief ins. llell Phone Co. Clerk stamps and express J .F.Willis F .Br'owning tile and cement L.E.Frost A·Fleury police trips Banner l' res a attached hereto; 1~.1.7• 14.64• 1.35• 3.50° 85.00• 3.9o• 35• 13.00 9.00 1.50• 35 .• 508 806 13.20• 79.5o• 20.11• 66.1.7 8 7.96• 15.29• 15.04• 10.28• 50.-' 5.50. 2.73. 17 .oo. 123.58. / /' I \ a. Dr.Willia.ma Dr.~oulding: Dr.Stev~nson ' - 21.oa•. 15.5.0. 9 .oo • Carried. STUART KNOWLES tha.t the following accounts be paid. that the mayor issue orders ---~--· ~ ..... ~--on the treaa.for the same and that the seal of the corp.be attached <t.ao• 7.20. 9.60. 7.20• 3.60• 3.60• -1.80. 4.8o• 1.20• 3.60" 9.60 •. ( heretot Relief FoHal.e shelter Egan. J:as.Closs " Closs H~Tr~viss ~ ~th A·Hulse ~ Gilpin ~~Banbury ~ ~lis · u Hig""ins . 0 S~Lustic M..Buker Mr.s .McCrea It II II c.urown tax W•Williamson •• Mr.f! .Chapman It 14:i's-9mith Eat. A!!ra .~ine~t :Mrs • .!Jobbs Innes Buker Smith .tiaight account Cook _Peters Stevenson Collett ;J?irchard Atlantic and Pacific food F. .Morris . Sce.nlons Bakery ~atterson.s Bakery Auro.ra General Store F.W.Teasdale Merchant and Case F~D~Lacey li:eo.Weston J;read Aurora Dairy J.)awsons..Urill J .F.Willis 4now1es and Sana Cousins .Ua.iry ;,r.F.:iiiorning B.F.navis fuel Stiver Bros •. Wiliia.rnson Bros. ~ighland oil .llliied.& Drug Ass•n. 25 x 118 9.60 it i' 4 .• 8o• 9.150. 4.80f 3.15~/ 77 .53• 21.35° 5.29• 23.QH 152.61• 12.86. 16.62• 32.91. 7.79° 15.5..53. 2.oo• 75• 23.215., 13~08• · 4~oo• 25.. 70. 73.78. 9.oo• 14.00• 29.50~ -- Carried. Messrs Wootten and Willingham appeared before council and asked that Kennedy st.be better lighted. The treasurers monthly report was considellled and adopted on motion. of Messrs. Knowles and Baldwin. J~ • ..,;aldwin for the Fire collliJlittee recommended the purchas.e of the following supplies 1 3 rubber coats~3 pair rubber boots.l pair drivers mitts.and 1 drivers helmet 1 at a cost of not more than forty five dollars. KNOELES LEE that the report of the Fire committee re the purchase of the above list of supplies be adopted.purohase to be made from local merchants and the seal of the corporation attavhed hereto. Carried. In the absence of Messrs Hulse and Malloy.waiting upon other councils regarding the Musical "'estival 0 Mr.Lee submitted the report of the Property committee;l'hat B.F.Da.vis and Son be awarded the contract for supplying coal and coke to the muni- :·:· ····':··· I I '·· .,. 3 c.ipuity as. per tender advertisemants.this tender being the lowest submitted. Repairs and alterations to the Mechanics Hall are being carried forward to complet• ion.The stage has been renovated and the wa.lls and woodwork freshly decorated in a suitable color scheme.Citi~ens are urged to make use of their hall which now ranks with the best in the county of York.KNOVILES LEE that the report of the prop. committee be herewith accepted and the seal of the cprp.attached hereto.Carried. Mr.Stuart for the E.L.com<n.0 11 as agreed by council at the b'eb.meeting.strdmger ~ ' lights have been installed on the business section of Yonge St.which has received high commenda.tion from a great many of our citizens.Numerous requests have been made for increased lighting in various parts of the town,.and in reply your comm. i:ecognise that it would be unwise to c.onsider this matter until the approved plan for bet i,ering our electric power which is now under way is com.pleted,;we recommend that three lights be installed at the Aurora Flour Mills connected to street light ing at a cost of approximately fifteen dolla.rs,.the same to be charged against the Aurora Flour Mills at a cost of ~15.00~ per year.Regardingared light on Yonge St. to be controlled by a telephone switch"'board operator 0 for the purpose of calling a constable.the telephone company refuse to accept any responsibility whatever. Your committee recommend that applications be received for the position of meter reader and any other duties that may be required of him. in the E.L.Dept.or the various utilities of the town.This will allow Mr.Walker to devote his whole time to the practical side of our Electric depart!Jlent.At present about two weeks per month of his service is taken up by a duty that could be carried out by a lad of high school age.The relief committee consider it unwise to make any change in the payment of electric bills by men on relief,as we find the majority of those on relief are willing to meet their bills according to the resolution.In answer to a question regarding the new pump at the pump house,.Mr.Langman assures me that the pump is automatical:Ly cut off between eleven and twelve,the time of the peak load. Improved lighting behind the stares will be installed in the near future on the west side of Yonge St.At present higher power is being installed from Centre to Wellington St.as per plan.Light has been improved on Mary St.by a longer bracket and stronger light as this has always been a dark street."The report was considere' in committee and,after agreeing to lay over the clause regarding applications for a meter reader,the clause to serve as a notice of m.otion.the report was adopted on motion of the Reeve and Mr.Baldwin. The mayor stated the facts of the case where a Mr • .w.eyer had been cut off light paid a sufficient amount to warrant recannection,at approximately five O•clock ...... ,., .. 4 and the' je:fartment notifltC.d according~y and that when he applied to the mayor at about 6.30 for reconnection he gave instructions that the matter shou~d be attended to without further delay but that the matter was not comp~eted ti.nti~ next morning. After considerable discussion,it was moved by Messrs.Stuart and Lee and carried that the clerk be instructed to write a ~eeter to Mr.Walker,stating that it was the unanimous decision of this council. that when he receives an orcler from the mayor, on all. future occasions,it must be obeyed. LEE KNOWLES that a grant of i750.00 be made to the Public Library :Board,and that . it be paid as .§he :Library Board desires,and the seal· of the corp.attached.Carried. The .norticul.tura1 Society asked for consideratio.n when grants were being allotted and the clerk was instruced to inform them that the usual grant of $25.00 had been s·et up in the budget .. on motion of Messrs.Bunn and Baldwin .. The MUsical "'es.tival Committee asked for i/J.Ji-Jii/.JPJ{/iifi/i shield as last year. LEE KNO.WLES that a grant of $15.00 be made to the Musical '"estival for the purchase ~- of a trophy tp be used by the committee as it may deem advisab~e.and the seal of the corp .• a ttached hereto. Carried. An offer from A.E.Barr and Son,contractors,to purchase lot 61 plan 120,for the sum of $~50.00 was ·read .LEE BALDWIN,that the offer of A.E.Barr and Son for the pur< chas-e of the lot at the S.E.Corner of Wells and Harrison ave at $150.00 be accepted subj'ect to plans and specifications of the contemplated buil.ding to be built thereo: being submitted t.o and accepted by,council. Carried. Bulletins from the Mayors Association,.from the Union of Can.Municipalities and from the Rail.way Ass•n were read and filed. The statement of the countyn levy was tabled, the amount,$12.256.33. ~'otices that the County commissioners would sit each 2nd.& 4th.Tblirsday at 10 A.M. ;of the requirements for each applicant far admisaion to the Industrial Home;and of t..l-J.e prepaymen:i plalll for County levy were read and tabled. ~ A letter from the ~iarden,out~ining the proposed police legislation for the county wa.s read and council rsslved into committee to conaider the various alauses.The committee rose and reported that the clerk be instruosed to write that as our force is small.consisting of three~of whom only one is on full time :police dli.ty.the matte does not refer to us and that we therefore do not make any recommendation. It was decided that a deputation would wait upon Whitchurch council and definitel ascertain thelilr attitude regarding calls for the Fire Brigade from their township in order that the position may be clearly st~ted in the .rrees• c .• p / ~ The ~ueation of srnne tree trimming was referred to the R.&.B.~ommittee. . - BUNN KNOWLES• that at the re~uest of t.he owner and on behalf of the corporation the ~··---·-clerk write the c.N.R.asking if they will still co.nsider their offer,made some time a.go,.to und.erta.ke-the coat of maving the houa.e on the east side of the railway and the north sid.e of Wellington St.back from the railway right of way,in order to clear the view at the approach to the crossing 0 coming from the east. Carried.. A. letter suggesting coronation decorations was read and the mayor appointed Messrs. Malloy Stuart and Hulse as a committee in charge of the coronation celebration here. STUART BUNN t.In:a.t the lighting be improved on Kennedy ::>t.to maat the wish of the Ratepayers delegation. - Carried.. The Fire Brigad.e asked that an Acting Ji'ire Chief be appointed u-:&l!!.eto act during .. - the illness. of Mr.F.Browning and suggested the name of Mr.F.Rowe. BUNN. BA.LDWlli that -~.Frank Rowe be appointed acting Fi.l.:e Cliief owing to the illness of·llirr.F:B~o~ning,a.nd. that the seal of the corporation be attached hereto. Carried. The cotinc.il adjourned~at 12.30 A.M:. to meet on Mond&¥. eve.Ma.rch 15th.fro the purp- ose of consid.ering the levy bylaw.· •·. Mayor.