MINUTES - Council - 19370503( 10 • TKE SIXTH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL FOR THE YEAR H37 wa,s held in the council room on Mond.~yeve.~ 3rd.with the mayo; presiding and the Reeve and councillors Bunn Baldwin Hulse and Stuart attending. The minutes o:f the fifth meeting were read and adopted on motion of Mr.Hulse and ~~B~ HULSE BALDWili that the action of the mayor in issuing ord.ers on the treasurer " far the payment of the :following sums be and the same is hereby confirmed 1 and that the seal o:f the corporation be attached hereto; on Apr.lOth• Mrs.Waites 7.00• l7th. Mrs.Waites 7 .oo .. ~.L.Ro'Qinson 9.00 •. 24th. Mrs.Jlaites 7.00• M:.Ro'Qinson 9.oo• May ht. Mrs. viaites 7.00• M:.Robinson 9.00• Carried. BUl'!N S'.i.'uART that the following accounts be paid, that .the mayor issue orders the treas.for Waterworks ¢~itr! ·- the same and that the seal of the Factory E~uipment Ltd. Clerk .. express Bell Phone Co. Bann11r Press corp.be atta.ched hereto; 5.278 40 8 3.3.0. 9.453 Carried. STUARTBUNN that the following accounts be paid,that the mayor ·issue orders ~ .. ~. . . . on the treas.for E.Light. the same and that the seal of the Ferr~nti Electric j corp.be attached hereto; 1.50• w Can. en.Electric .' ~.E.P.c. power for March E.c .M:ingay cartage O~Brett · saw filing Clerk stamps & express Bell Phone Co. 9 .83• 2278f85• 70 ° 1.oo• 4.35• &.50 8 Carried. HULSE BALDWIN that the following accounts be paid,that the mayor issue orders .. on the treas.for the same and that the ses.l of the corpobe attached hereto; Carp. Ough and Son. ?.so• T.&.Y.Roads Comm. g;.oo" Mrs.L.Rogers care Mrs.Callis 38.25 11 :&'.Rowland fire acct. 44.55" LaFrance Engine & Foamite 84.00" Attridge and Son 13.45" J .L.Geddes gas and oil 18.00. Aurora Building Coo 93.04. County liosp•acct. 50.37 8 Banner Press 71.22" Uuir Cap.Co. 2.20" B.G.Whitela.w 8.20" Bell Phone Co. 19•75 .. L~E.Frost . 47 ... Dr.Devins 4.00". Clerk stamps etc. ll.oo• B.F.Davis. coal 13.003 AoFleury outside trips 15 .5.0• Davis Garage fire truck 42.31• Carried. STUART KNOWLES tha,t the following accounts be paid 0 that the mayor issue ordiirs on the tre8 s.for the same and that:lhe seal of the corp>be attached ::ereto; I I l 'l Relief a F.Hal.e H.'J;'ravisa A~Hulse shelter Egan Smith (Xilpin Buker .Innes Higgins Buker ]'oerter Cook l?a.tera Collett ... S~L.uatic J;..~anbury M.~Buker :W~Steadman w;Williamson Mrs.Chapman N:rs •l'lliinehart w.sawdon W •SUllllllers A~&.P.Store Aurora yen.Store· :F .Morris Knowles and Sons Q,ueens Hotel Pa·tterscns .Dakery Aurpr'a l:i'ruit .i\Aarket :f.D.Lacey F.W.Teasdale ~erchant and Case Aurora l.lairy Scanlons C:ousins ]!ted•& Drug Assn• G .R.Ardill _ High1and Oil B~F~Davis Stiver .Bros 2 mos. 35 X Haight , tax account food 82 clothing fuel 4.80° 9.60" 4.8o• 1.20• 4.80• .. 3.50° 3.60• 4.80• 9.50• 4.80• 2.40. 3~60• ,. 7~20" ,; 88 .. 99. 101 .. 200' 20 .3Qec 5.10• go• 13.05. 78 II 18~oo• 14.900 l6.36• 47 .. 35° 3.7l• 12.55• 28.70 2.61• 9~5o• 14.40' 48.00" Carried. A letter was read and filed,from the Forestry -epartment.sta.ting tr..at the courses in tree trimming were held early in the year • Mr.w.P.Mulock M.P. undertook to secure the use of the drihll shed for the cor- onation holiday and the letter was ordered filed• A delegation from the Bo.ard of -rade enquired the situat:i!on respecting the- Peterboro -Orangeville highway• Messrs•R.Smith and s.Cook asked for more consideration in the matter of fuel for those on relief• The Sa.J.vation Army asked the privelege of holding a tag da.y on Ma.y.22nd. HUL8ii; 8'J:U.Ali...: that permission be given the Sal. vation Army to hold a tag day on .. ~-·--.. -. Saturday,~ 22nd.l937, Carried. HULSE BALDWIN that the Mayor nd Clerk on behalf of the Municipal Corporation ri be empowerer to enter into an agreement with the Home for Incurables as per sched- ule attached hereto,.for the care of Mrs.Mary MwDonald and the seal of the corporatic be attached hereto. married. Mr.Hulse for the MUsical Festival reported a very successful season,with great ly increased attendance and more than double the number of contestants. A specimen copy of a model building Bylaw was submitted and the clerk instructeG to procure copies for each member• The ~ayor was congratulated on his recent success at the Toronto dog show. ·>"'",'' .. 3 It was agreed that no action would be taken in the fuel matter for relief recipients. other than that decided previously by the Committee .. The Acting Fire chief.Medical Officer of Health and Mr~Dunham..inspector.w:.ere ·::i, ,:\:,:1, ~ _. H ... '-1-v'~-·-· requested to make the regular springtim.e inspectioj of propertiea for fire hazard and sanitary condition. The monthly report of the treasurer was received and adopted.on motion of Messrs Eunn and Knowles. " ]fr .. Lee arrived and took his place. BALDWIN HULSE,that the offer of Jas.Raeside be accepted.when title is satis- .. factory for the sale.and that the mayor and clerk be and they are hereby authorised .· and instructed to sign the offer and cause the seal to be attached .. and that the seal b_e attached to this resolution. Carried• BALDWIN HULSE.that the offer of R.C.Osborne be and the same is hereby accepted and tnat the mayor and clerk be and they are hereby authorised and instructed to sign the s.ame and cause the seal to be attached thereto ,and that the seal be att- ached to this resolution. Carried<. . A letter was read from the Library Board embodying a complaint from that body regarding the caretaking of that room~and asking that the floor be washed and the woodwork cleaned.. BALDWIN BUNN that owing to the complaints which have been received by the council in reapect to the caretaking of the public buildings.,.that the clerk be inst- ructed to have inserted in the Aurora Banner notice calling for tenders for the work of caretaking of the Public Buildings in the town of Aurora,and that the seal of the corporation be attached hereto. unanimously adopted• The clerk was instructed to arrange ~&th the Registrar of Deeds for North York for a aopy of eaah tran~fer of property within the town. STUAJ:t1' BUNl~-that applications be received for the position of meter reader and other duties connected with the electric accounting department and the various uti~ities of the town. Carried<. Mr.~tuart for the voronation committee reported that the booth priveleges iU l~--the park be let to the Veterans ~that the decorations have been purchased,.and all. plans for the celebration 'aell in hand. K~WLES LEE that the tender for supply and application of Imperial Asphalt Dust Layer at llf cents per gallon(Imperial) from the Bituminous Spraying Co.for the same amount as ·last year be hereby accepted.and that the seal of the corp•be att ached hereto• Carried. . . ·: ""''" r "---/ 4 B.1JI.SE LEE that the Road and Bridge Comm.i ttee be empowered to purchase a battery for the town truck as they deem advisable.and the seal of the corporation be attached hereto. Carried. s•rUART BUNN that the mayor and clerk be authorised to procure new unif'lhrms for the police depa.rtment.at the lowest cost possible and that the seal of the corp- o.ra.tion be attaahed hereto. Carried. The council adjourned • .at. 12 P.M.. on motion of ""esara.Bunn and Baldwin. Mayor. "