MINUTES - Council - 19370405THE FIFTH MEETING OFTHE COUNCIL FOR THE YEAR ~937n was he~d in the counci~ room on Monday eve.A:pri~ 5th.with the mayor :presiding and the reeve.and counci~~ors BaldwinaBunn.Lee and Stuart in attehdance. The minutes of the :preceding meeting were condidered and adopted on motion of Mes.srs Bunn and Stuart. MesJs:rs nowe and " 1 ones for the Fire .Brigade .asked that the Fetch co a. t be :purllhased the fire brigade offering to :pay the difference in :price,thrt 200 feet of hose be :procured..and a firemens truss ~adder,25 foot ~ong. LEE KNO'I<'LES that the action of the mayor in issuing orders on the trea.surer for t: the payment of the following sums be and the same is hereby confirmed,a.nd that the e sea~ of the corp.be attached hereto; lila.rch 5th. Mrs."aites ~3tho It 20th. It 27th. ·~ Apr. 3rd.. It ~oh.~8th. Meter Inspection E.Light 7.00• 7 .oo. 7.00. 7 .oo. 7 .oo. 1.0.50• Carried. LEE KNO~'LES that the fo~~owing accounts be :paid.that the ~ayor issue orders on the treasurer Corp. for the same and that the seal of the Ough a.nd Son. Aurora Hdwe. ;r .F .Wil~is Eell Phone (:::o. Williamson JJros. fuel .!reb. A•iove acct.refeered to Solicitor, Remington Rand Collis Leather co. A·Fleury outside trips Morning and Son. LaFrance Fire Engine County Bosp.acct. B.F.Davis fuel Mrs.Rogers care Mrs.Collis J .A.Mitchell Waites bervice" Stn. Davis '"arage T.K.Fice Wards '"arage B .G .Whitelaw B..West~ake arena corp.be attached hereto; 21.20° 5.99• 50° 17.97• 39.oo• 48.58° ~.oo• 1~.oo• 19.00f 9 .95• o-.oo• 28.50• 57.50" 38.75' 4.55. 4.5o• 3.31" ~-35• 40 .17• 7~ C~erk stamps and cash disbursements Dr.llevins a.oo 40 .. 90 11 ~?.oo• ~3.oo• Dr.Bou~ding Dr.Williams 17.00° Carried. BUNN STUART that the fol~wwing a.ccounts be paid.that the mayor issue orders on the treas.for the w.works same and that the Bel~ Phone Co. B.G•Whitels.w Can.:Brass Co. Clerk stamps seal of the cor:p.be attached hereto; 3 .oo t,\ 1.25~ ~84.70• . 7 .oo• Carried. STUART BALDWIN,that the following accounts be :paid,that the mayor issue orders on the :teea.s.for E.Light the same and that the seal H.E.P.c. :power for .l!'eb. Bell Phone Co. E•C.Mingay freight Can.Laco Lamps of the corp.be e,ttached hereto; 23~0.08• 2.50" 50" l7.9filt I 2 Northern E1ectr:Lo Co •. o.Brett saw f:L~ing :(.ine an<i Ca.b~e Accessories Atirora Hd.we. _ C~erk . stamps an<i disbursements 23.06& 2. 75. 49.78• ~.oo • 2.44• Carried. STU.i\.t'-.1. KNOVILES that the foilowing accounts be paid• that the mayor issue orders on the treasurer for the same an<i that the sea~ of th.e she~ter Egan carp.be attached hereto; 4.80 10 Re~ief F.Ra~e C~osa. H • .!fravisa A.Ru~ae :(.~Banbury ... S~Lustic JiJL.Buker C~Brown '.Y~:ililliamson .lJlXs. Chapman J~Faris Mrs.Rhinehart Jiiirs .JiiicCrea Mrs.l>raham Med •. & Drug.Ass •ns. F.W.Teasdale. Westons Brea<i Merchant and Case Dominion Stores At~antic and l'acific ~rora Co .Operative :f.D.Lacey F.M:orris Marys "'ruit Store Aurora·General Store $canlons Pattersons .r.c~oss R.Smith L.GHpin E-El~is A·Riggins J?.I.nnes J~Buker tax acct. S~Cook .r.;reters A~Stephenson T~CoHett H~Iiaight .N~Foerter 35 x liO food Knowles & Sons. J.F.Willis drugs on voucher .r .F .Morning B.F.Davis Highland Oil Stiver £lros Williamson Bros Cousins JJairy It It fuel food 7.2o• 9.60° 7.20* 1.2o• 3.600 4.80• 4.80• 2.40• 9.60• 4.80111 7.20° 4.ao• 3.5o• 2.40"' 38.50 14.32. 10 .5'£" 13.76. 57 .58• 62.22. 8.32• 22.7~· 16 .o3• 40° ~38.8~· 8.48' ~4.13• II..57• 1.ao• 8.48• 38.40• 19.20• 95.60' 30.95. l0.4zll Carried. K1l"OWLES BUNN that Vvestons -"read be notified that their account wi~l no longer be honored for relief sales•Carrie<i. Messrs Chapman.Mills and Harman from George st.asked that they be given a sewer from the corner of l>eorge and Tyler north and east to the corner of lifill and Wel~'t 6..- "' or if that is not feasible that the town would consider extending the private drain ·southerly on George St~to provide cellar drainage. The ~reasurers report was received on motion of Messrs.Knowles ans ~tuart. BALDWIN BUNN that twa hundred feet of fire hose be purchased from the Dominion Rubber Co. at one dollar per foot,and the seal of the oorp.attached. Carried. BALDWIN BUNN that a 26• firemens truss ladder be purchased for the brigade and that the seal of the oarp.be attached hereto. aarried. The ~inance committee reported negotiations for the purchase of one property taken in at the tax sale e.nd were instructed to proceed with the negotia tiona. -·-:--.-.-~:-~:-;-:--:-:--;-;~ ... ~ .. ~--~-,- 3 An app1ication from Mrs.Winnett fpr water connection was read.BUNN STUART that ~s.E.M.Winnett be .granted a water service.not over 3/4 inch in size~that a metet be installed ,the rate to be thirty cents per thousand gallons,and that the seal of the corporation be attached hereto> Carried .. Mr.Malloy arrived,having attended Richmond Hill council re the Music Festival,. Mr.Bunn was asked to secure an estimate on the cost of a 5 11 main to Wellington St at the C.N .• R.crossing. Mr.""ai.loy gave a report of the Uoronation,i!' committees efforts to date and was assured of the backing of the counciltalong the linea indica ted. A letter from the Veterans regarding J.Egan was filed.motion of Mr.Bunn & Mr.Baldw: and one from the same association offering cooperation in the coronation ceremony was referred to the Coronation committee om motion of Me 6 srs.Lee & Baldwin. One from the Shanks Estate was filed on motion of Messrs Stuart and Knowles. ~rom the c.N.R. re Mos1ey 0 that Mr.Mosley be informed of therough estimate of the cost of moving the bui1ding 1 of the amount the railway might consider spending and that the town could not undertake any financial responsibility in the matter. KNOWLES LEE that day1ight saving tame for the town of Aurora shall take effect from Saturday April 24th.midnight.until Sat.Sept.25th.midnight 0 the above being the same dating as the city of Toronto. Carried. A letter was read from tr.e Davey 4 ree Co.respecting the care of trees and the cler was instructed to find what short courses there are available in tree husbandry. The asses;;;ment notice from Aing for the lot on Yonge St.was read and filed• Mr.Stuart was appointed a member of the Home ~provement Plan,Knowles baldwin. I.EE BALDWIN that the tariff of fees in futwre for the Mechanics Hall be as follows. :I!' or community service $3.00 in summer and $5.00 in winter.o ther lo ca1 organization! $8.00 and non local organizations $15.00 .. and that the hall be opened for by the cmtixens of the town on Sat.af.May lst.next. inspectio LEE BALDWIN that the application of Mr·7eo Hodgins for the rental of the Meah. Hall for roller skating be left with the mayor for attention.and that he be auth- orised to enter into a lease at $5.00 a day for 3 days a week,after consultation with the so1icitor as to the towns liability. Carried. LEE KNO~~S that a telephone be installed in the home of the present a~ting Fire Chief,Mr.·rank "'awe,same to be a town telephone. Carried. The clerk was instru·c:ted to purchase a new flag. The council adjourned at midnight,on motion of the Reeve and Mr.Lee. • liif'<YOr. ·--,..,