MINUTES - Council - 19370315THE. FOURTH MEETING OF THE. COUNCIL FOR THE YEAR ~937 was he~d in the council ""'oom on~Mondey ev~~March 15th.with the mayor presiding and Messrs Malloy Bunn Hu~se Lee and Stuart in attendance • • The minutes of the third meeting were read and approved,on motion of Mr Hu~se and Mr.Leeo. -· Mr.Hu~se introduced a By~aw to sel~ ~ot ~0~0 Plan ~20,south side Connaught Ave • . to Mrs.Jennie L.Robinsan.The Bylaw was given its several readings and passed. ... ., Mr.Mal~oy for the R.&.B.Cannittee reported,11 Your committee has received tender1 far ·th~ necessary supplies of cement sand and grave~,and a~~ types of ti~e for tht period beginning April ~st.and ending March 3ls.t.~938.The tenders have been care- fu~ly considered by your'committee and we recammend as fa~~ows;sand,grave~ and a~l types of ti~e,to li'.Browning>in each case we have accepted the ~owest tender. We re~~rommend that the supp~y of cement be divided among the fol~owing 1 A.ttridge and Son.B.F.Davis and Son.and F.Browning~these tenders all being the same per bbl. We recommend that a checker board sign be placed a.t the corner of Mark and Spruce Sts..That two popla.er trees on the east side of Spruce,north of Maple be cut,the trees an the south side of Connaught,east of Wel~s be trimmed;and that a guard rail be placed on Yonge St.west side,at front of Lot l,p~an 9.Adopted on motion of Messrs Bunn and Lee• Mr.Lee introduced the Bylaw to wet the tax rate far the year 1937.The Bylaw was given its severa~ readings and passed,setting the rate at forty mil1s 1 the same as ~agt year. Mr.Lee for the Finance co~~ittee reported,11 we recommend that the ~937 taxes be col~ected in the fa~lawing manner;:l.the taxes be divided into three equal in- stalaents payab~e on the third days of .Tune and August and the fourth day of October 1937 1 and that penalties of one half of one per cent be added immediately after the respective due dates and a further one ha~f of one per cent be a dded two months after these reppective due dates,until the statutory penalty which is to be added on the fourteenth day of December 1937 .That a discount of 2f % be al~owed on the whole or any part of the taxes paid on or before the 15th day of April 1937.LEE HULSE that the report of the Finance committee a s to the collectil of taxes be adopted. Carried• On a recorded vote being demanded by Mr.Stuart,the resu~t was,yea,~he mayor,deputy reeve and Mess.rs.Bunn Hulse and ~ee;nay Mr.Stu~rt< Mr.Hulse introduced. a Bylaw to put the foregoing sahedule into effect. The Bylaw was given its several readings and. passed. The council adjourned,at 11.30,on motion of Messrs Bunn and Hulse.