MINUTES - Council - 19361215THE SEVENTEENTH MEETING OF THE C.OUNCIL FOR THE WEAR 1936 was held in the cou~cil room on Tuesday eve.Dec.l5th.with the mayor presiding and the reeve and councillors Baldwin.Bunn,Hulse.Lee and Stuart in att.endanc:e. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and adopted,on motion of Mr. Stuart and Mr.Bald.win. KNOWLE::Oi HULSE that the action of the mayor in issuing orders on the treasurer for the payment of the following amounts be and the same is hereby confirmed and that the Beal of the corporation be attached hereto; l\lfrs.Waites Dec.lath. 7. Carried.. KNOWLES LEE that the following accounts be paid,that the mayor issue orders on the treasurer Corp. that t.he seal of the . fuel disbursements corporation be 25.00 "' 11.55· for the same and Williamson Bros Bell Phone Ca. J.H.Naughton Hosp.Anibulance Whiteraws service re J.H.McDonald 28.43' 8.oo · 35• Qlerk s ta ... mps q.A.Fry prem. arena J.M:.Walton H.Armitage H.A.Bowman F.J:>rawning W .R.McQ.uade sal. fire chief stove at arena 7.00 50.2.0 25.10" 50~20'" 25.10' 50.00' 5.00 attached hereto Carried. BUNN STUART that the following accounts be paid, that the mayor issue orders on the treasurer far the same and thatbthe seal of the W -Works Aurora Greenhouses Sunclo Products Bell Phone Ca. corp.be attached hereto; 12.30' 11.00 3.89 Clerk express 35 Carried. STUART BUNN that the following acc:ounts be paid,that the mayor issue orders on the treasurer for the same and that the seal of the corp.be attached hereto; E.L. Can.Gen.Elec:tric 29.92· Northern Electric . 57 .oo · Clerk express 35 Bell Phone Co. 3.07 H.E.P.c. power for Nov.to be paid when presented.if fOUnd correct. Carried. M:r.Hulse :pepoeted that the Syllabus for the Musical .!festival is now ready for distribution,and that arrangements for the next :i!'estival are progressing steadily and favorably. Suggestions from the auditor were referred to next years council,on motion of ~aeMessrs.Hulse and Baldwin. Application from Mrs.W.Bodfish for licence to sell a few quarts of pasteurized oreamwithfue M.O.H.approval was filed on motion of Messrs Lee and Bunn. M:r.Bunn introduced a Bylaw to authorise the town of Aurora to buy lands at an adjourned tax sa.le.The Bylaw was given its seweral readings,in regular and legal form. ,M:r.Hulse in the chair in clilmmittee,and passed. The council then resolved into committee and completed. a schedule of prices • a for each and everyn :parcel of land unsold at the first tax sale,to gUide the c-lerk in purchasing the properties for which sufficient bids are not received. The" Committee rose and reported the schedule as complete and the council adopted the report of the committee ,on motion" of Messrs.Lee and ~aldwin. The question of removing a tree as requested by Mr.Hickson was referred to the R.&.B.Committee for their attention. · A petition was. offered regarding Miss Gaisse 1 s" cancer cure .and it was decided to --· - leave the petition in the clerks office for individual signatures. BUNN STUART that a sum of one thousand dolla.as be transferred from the W .works 'if ...... account and placed in the general account and that the seal of the corp.be atillached., Carried. Mr.Knowles submitted the auditors report for three qua~ters of the year and the report was adopted on motion of Messrs.Hulse and Bunn. Mr•McDonald.treasurer,submitted the annual statement (financial) as prepared for printing. BALDWIN HULSE that the statutory number Of copies of the financial statement be printed for distribution among the ratepayers,as requested,and the seal of the copporation attached hereto. Carried. .. The iitayar thanked the treasurer for his presentati.on of the statement and for the monthly report given council throughout the year. The Mayor then thanked a.ll members of council for their attention to business during the year and spoke a word of appreciation for all the purmanent employees. Each in turn then gave expression to his sentiments as the concluding meeting of the year was drawing towards its close. LEE KNOWLES that the council do express its loyalty and devotion to the new ll:ing and Q.ue~n and wis~ for them. a long and happy reign. Carried. The minutes of this meeting were read and adopted.on motion of Messrs Hulse and Baldwin• The council adjourned,sine die. Mayor.