MINUTES - Council - 19361207=0 ,_/· ! C' THE SIXTEENTH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL FOR THE YEAR 1~35 was held in the council '" ·- room on MOnday eve.~ec.7th.with the mayor presiding and the reeve,deputy reeve,and councillors Baldwin,Bunn.Lee and Stuart in attendance. • The minmtes of the fifteenth meeting were r ead and approved,on motion of Mr. Bunn and Mr.Baldwin. KNOWLES BUNN that the action of the mayor in issuing orders on the treasurer for the payment of the following amounts be and the same is,hereby,confirmed.and that the seal ofthe corporation he attached heretoi NOv.7th. Mrs.Waitea 'l.OO · 9.QQ·.· l.4th. 2.1st. 28th. Dec.5th. ~.Roqinsan :Mrs.Waites M.Robinson Geo.Ryman Mrs.Waites M.Robinson l\/!Xs.Waites ~.Robinson :Mrs.Waites MoHall 7 .oo .· 9.00 1.31.00 7.00 ,, a.oo·· 'l.OO ~.oo 7.00. Carried. BU.Nl~ Si'u.IU:i.'£ that the tallowiag accouats oe pai.d,that the. mayor issue orders on the treasurer for w.works the same and that Can.Brass Co. Township of King J.Fleurys Sons Bell Phone. Co. Clerk express the seal of the 0 orp.be attached hereto; 55.28• taxes 1.5 • 05 · 5.00' 3.80 1.72' Carried. STURRT BUNN that the following accounts be paid,that the mayor issue orders on the treasurer for the same and that the seal of the corp.be attached hereto; E.Light H.E.P.c. power for Oct. J .• c .Bodfish Beli Phone co. E.C.Mingay Northern Electric Co. Maloney Electric Co. Can.Line Materials Can. lten .Electric Clerk stamps & express o.Brett filing Banner Press 2515.8!P 5.6.8' 2.92 lolO 2.41·•· . 512.00. 42.78> 212.51"• 2..44 ·. 1.50 5.13' Carried. KNOWLES .l:l\JJ.'"' that the following accounts be paid,that the mayor issue orders on the treasurer Corp. for the same and that Jno.Morning and Son. Ough and Son Taylor and Son the seal of Tor.& York Heads Comm. Collis Deather Co. Aurora Y'etera.ns B.F.Davis and Son. wreath gravel coal J:j' o.tlrowning J.A.Mitchell and Son. Attridge and Son. Bell .:Phone Co. the corp.be 31.48' 27.53 34.08'' 18.00 3.50' 10.00' 43.40' 53.00. 7 .74' 4.50' 38.55. 15.21 ------------- -•.ounn ror -r;ne w.ow-;·aoinmi'flee submitted the fOllowJ.· n g report; . :-:' attached hereto; . -,,·,;-i'':-'i'l<··· ...•. '"'·"·'-•. ------• 3 • We rec.ommend that the charge for water-l!'att.&&aervice on meter be ten cents per thouaa.nct gall.ons for the first two hundrect thousand gall.ons.and eight cents per thou~anct gal.s.-for the balance used per month.That a charge of 5%" be added to all meter acc.ounts that remain unpaid by the end of the month of rendering ... The council. reaol ved into commit tee of the whole with Mr .Bunn in the chair and considered the report.Mr • .lil!e.ll.oy moved,seconded by :Mr.Lee that the report be adopted.:Mr.Knowles asked for a recorcted vote.The report was adopted on the following vote;yea.Mayor and Council.lors Baldwin1 Burui 0 Lee and Stuart.Nay the Reeve and Deputy Reeve. Mr.Ma.lloy for the R.&.B.COJ:lllllittee reported.1•The committee have had the cracks in the pavement properl.y cleaned and fill.ed with a hot tarvia preparation in readiness for the approach of winter to prevent any moisture getting bel.ow the aurface.We sec- ured material. and e<Luipment form the T.&.Y .Roads commission for this operation at a cost of $22.98.Grave1 and calcium ch1oride ·to treat it have been secured in readines~ for slippery roads and walks at a cost of ;15.0.40 and a liberal application made todaj As the premium on the insurance to safeguard the corporation against cl.aims for a.cc- ictents due to sl.ipperiness caused by big changes in the temperature has been mount- ing every year 0 we woul.d solicit the c.ooperation of all. citizens in keeping the walks in front of their properties as clear as possibl.e,and thus assist us in preventing a condition liable to cause accidents."Adopted on motion of Messrs.Bunn & Baldwin. Mr.Malloy explained that the garbage in the section of the town north of Yonge St.had been collected today by town employees.Me 8 srs.Lee and Bunn moved that the matter be left in the hands of the R.&.B.Committee to carry on for the balance of the year and until the new council meets. Carried. The treasurer submittee his monthly report and it was adopted on motion of Messr• Stuart and Malloy. The solicitor reported the tax sal.e ~n order for Thursday. The clerk presented the annual report of the M.O.Hea.lth~and it was adopted on motion of Messrs.Knowles and Bunn. The Fire .l:irigade wrote,aaking for their annual grant. Lettera from the HoE.P.c. and the County :.L'reasurer were read and filed. The thanks of the .i:'ublic School was presented far the use of the arena on Hallow e'en in a letter sent by Bill Thompson and was ordered filed. Bert Dunham applied for the booth priveleges at the arena,upon the terms on whic! he had it last season.The Prop.cr~ was instructed to deal with the matter and emp- owered to settle the matter. I L I I f I I \ ..... \';). 1; j 4 The Bowes "'_om.pany gave notic.e of a c:ollission with a wire which the E.L. employees were erecting when turning into a lane.The letter was ordered filed on m.otion of MEssrs.~tuart and Baldwin. The application fo.r a sign on the street was referred to the R.&.B.CollllJlittee The Property m:ominittee was instructed to charge 25 cents for skating for all adults and fifteen cents for children under sixteen years of age,.on motion of Messrs.Malloy and Haldwin. STUART ~UNN that the Aurora Fire Brigade be paid the usual grant of $270.00,. and that the seal of the corporation be attached hereto. Carried. A Bylaw was presented by Mr.Bunn given its several readings and passed,prov• iding for the '".om.imatians to be held on MOnday eve.Dea.28th.at 7.30 in the Mech. Hall and the election~if necessary on Monday Jan.4th•from. 9.A.M:. to 6 P.M. LEE BALDWIN that one "reat coat and three caps be purchased for the Police Department a.nd that the seal of the corporation be attached hereto.Carried. Tbe council adjourned,on motion of Messrs Malloy and Baldwin.at 11.55 • Ma.yoil',. • .... , ·''"""~. ··~"'<-·~,"~·