MINUTES - Council - 19361109<•' T E FIFTEENTH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL FOR THE YEAR ~936 was held in the council room on M.onday~ eve.Nove:m:'ber 9th.wi th ~the mayor presiding and the Reeve•"'eputy reeve and Counc:illors Bunn :Lee and Stuart in attendance. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and adop:l:ed,.on motion of Messrs. ~ow~es and Malloy. ' llll.-.Case appeared for Cousins .uairy.asking a conaession in water rates.lie argued that a small industry using a grea.t deal of water should have the advantage of a graduated sca~e. 'l'he council resolved into committee of )P.e whole to discuss insurance with ll4r. · Knoilr~es in the chair • .iiii.r.Hulse appeared and took his place. Messra.Walton,tJnderhill,~'ry and Armitage addl:essed council. After much discussion the committee rose and reported that the matter mf engag- -ing a broker.or brokerage firm to handle the insurance of the town was not adopted. The co:IIIJlcil aacepted the report of the commit tee • Representatives fararm. the Fire Brigade asked for the use of the Mech.Hall for ~ Nov.Z7th.or ne~ date. MALLOY LEE that the firemen be given the privelege of using the Mechanics Hall . -~--- o•n a suitable date not previously taken .. Carried. - The counci~ resolved into committee of the whole to discuss the matter of '~ the price of wa.ter by meter. Arter discuss:ion the committee rose and reported that the matter had been referred to the w.W.Committee w~4k-a-Peee~e-to ascertain whether a sliding scale of charges for water used by meter could be considered. The counci~ adppted th':! report of the committee. The council adjourned,at 11.50 P•M..on motion of Messrs.Hulse and Stuart. ----------------------- Mayor. ! .