MINUTES - Council - 19361005'"' ) 0 THE THIR'rEB:HTH ME:Ii:'I'ING OF 'IKE COUNCIL FOR THE YEAR 1936 was keld in the coun- oil room on Monday eve.Oct.5th.with the full council in attendance and the mayor :pre- siding. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and approved.on motion of ~ess- rs Bunn and Lee. KNOWLES BALDVVIN,tha.t the action of the mayor in issuing orders on the treasurer for ihe payn1ent of the following sums be and the same is hereby confirmed.and that the seal of the corporatio~ be attavhed heretor Sept.19th. Mrs .Waites M.Roblhnson 26th. Mrs.Waites 11l~Robimson. Oct. 3rd. Mrs.Waites M.Ro.b.inson E.L. Sept.24th. S.F.Johnstone,meter inspection 29tho II' II 7.00 9.00 7 .oo 9.00 7.00 g.oa 18.00 18.00 Carried. KNOWLES LEE that the following accounts be paid,that the mayor issue orders on the treasurer for Corp. the same and that the seal of the Bell Phone Co. J.F.Willis Boof H. :M.Graha.m teaming Nat.Iron Corp. sewer tops County reas. Hosp.acct. Collis teather Co. cinders Ough and Son. Can.Nat.Ry. sign rent Aurora Hdwe. H.Westlake arena Clerk stamps and express F.Browning Aug.& Sept. A.F1eury Taylor and Son. corp.be attached hereto; 14..98 1.35 21.70 59.40 74.25 3.50 2.72 1.00 s-.26 3·.oo 14.25 245.15 20.00 13.85 ·· Carried .. MALLOY BALlJWI"' that the following ac~ounts be paid,that the mayor issue orders on the treasurer for "\elief. the same and that the seal of the ]'.Hale shelter Egan S.Lustic 11 Haight l'llary Smit.h Est. Stephenson \iaterworks J.Jept. •• Pattersons Bakery food Westons Bread ]' • .D.Lacey Atlantic and Pacific Marys Fruit Store F.w.teasdale Aurora l.ieat J.iarket Aurora lien.Store Duffield Shoes,Welfare Egan. G .R.Ardil:l tt tt DoMinion Stores ]' oliliorr is l\ledical Ass•n 25 x 52 Dr.Boulding med.attn. corp,be attached/ hereto; 2.40 4.80. 9.60 4.80 2.18 6.75 17.05 8.45 35 16.42 93 62.95 4.20 6.45 6.33 16.25 13.00 12.50 Carried. BUNtr STUARt that the following accounts be paid,that the ma]>{or i:c<sue orders on the treasurer for w.w? ,,,.,. the s a.me and that ihe Bell Phone Co. Clerk stamps seal of the corp.be attached hereto; 3.58 7.00 Carried~ ' \.. 2 STUART .BUNN that the following accounts ·be paid.that the mayor issue orders on the treasurer far the same and that the seal of the E.L. Bell Phone Ca. H.E.P.c. August power J.Fleurys Sans P.Reynolds sharpening saws Sun Ins.Co .• :prem.band G.Walker per J.M.W~ Northern.Electric Co. Ckerk stamps and express H.E.P.c. pole rental corp.be attached hereto; 2.60 2428.98 1.00 1.50 7.50 35 .. 09 4.40 214.75 Carried. ,w.;•>.\>'-Y("j 'l'he clerk was instructed to write A • .ci:.Wilsan and Oo.a 8 king coverage for the Lia'bility polic:y while we ascertain if. any saving Cftn be effected -oy placing all the insurance under one ~rokerage firm. l>Jleusrs •. rowning and Jones .on behalf of the Fire Brigade asked the use of the 1-) rink far Wed.and Thursday eves.for an entertainment. 1~.Hulse announced that the Musical Festival had been announced for April 1937 that the annual meeting would be held an Oct.20th.in the u.S.Auditorium,and in- vited all members of council to be present. lwr.Bunn stated t1mt the Sisman Shoe Co.had enquired if an eight inch main could be extended from the BerczY St.main to their factory. lwr.Malloy,far the R.&.B.Committee submitted the report,11 In order to take care of the surface water on Berczy st.north of Mosley.which was very injurious to the pavement we ha.ve had installed two catch basins~one on eac;l! side of the street,also two catch basins on Edward st.north of Harrisonowhich was the only means to take care of the surface water.A catch basin installed an the N.E.vorner Mosley and Well, and another at the corner of Gurnett and Connaught.Appra:x:imate cost $115.00.Adop- ted on motion of Mr.Hulse and Mr.Bunn. Mr.Malloy far the Relief Comm.reported,"the number on relief for Sept.was 5 heads of families,l single,l3 dependents;for Sept.l935,8 heads of families,l ' \ single and 23 dependents •. :;ost of relief ,for Sept •1935 was $236.94 and for $195.4loAdopted on motion of Messrs.Bs.ldwin end Knowles. Sept.l936! The treasurer submitted his monthly report of receipts and expenditmres,and it was adapted on motion of Messrs.Hu.lse and Stuart. li/fr.Mallay brought up the matter of the approach for Mr.F.Teasdale and after some discussion the matter was again referred to the R.&.:B.C,amm. on motion of Mejgsrs .Bunn a.nd Lee. Mr.Lee presented a request from the Veterans for a tag day. The mayor reported for the committee named to discuss police protection for children crossing Yange st.at busy hours,ststing that they were placing ]Jr.Gould- ing in uniform at some of the rush periods and that the police would be an hand I I 3 to help the small children across Yonge on Sunday and at school rush hours. HULSE LEJi: the.t the Aurora. Veterans 'be granted. permission to hold a tag day on the lOth.and llth~of Nov.l936 Carried. IDJLSE l~OY that the report of the corMaittee on additional police protection for children crossing Yonge St.to school be adopted.'l'he committee recommending that Jas.Goulding be made a special officer for the purpose to assist the present police ofi icers and a uniform be purchased for him and his salary De incresed from $16 .oo to $18.00 per week, couunencing Oct.llth.in view of the additional responsi'bili ty in- valved and that the seal of the corp.be attached hereto. Carried. 'Phe property corruni ttee reported various prices secured for a furnace for the Mechanics liall,and a.fter giving the matter consideralble consideration it was moved by :M:r.Hulse.seconded by :M:r.J;a.ldwin ~:tnd carried,that a furnace be purchased f11nmthe Aurora Electric Shop for installation in the Mechanics hall at a. price of $269.00 ;.· , that tender being the lowest received.ahd the seal of the corp.attached to the res'n.- By a majority vote it was decided to install the ordinary rather than frost proff toilets e.fter which the following resolution was carried ,on motion of Mea srs .Hulse and Knowles."tha.t the tender of Geo.Ryman for installation of toilets and basins in the Mechanics "'-all 2. t a price of .~161..00 be accepted 0 this being the lowest recei ved• and that the seal of the corpora.tion 'be attached. h'ULoE BALDWIN th t the Aurpra .l!'ire Brigade ·oe granted the use of the Arena Wed.an Thursday evenings Oct.7th.and 8th.at ~l.OO per evening.for the purpose o~ donkey baseball games,with the understanding that the town be absolved of all liability for provincial tax and any additional expenses incurred. Carried. A card of a:pprecia:jlion from MR.anci Mrs.Fisher Dunham was read and filed. Jvfr.J'.Offord asked for the use of Wellington st.from Victoria st.east 0 on Monday Oct .12th.a t 10.30 A·M· for a bicycle roa.d race • .on motion of Messrs .Lee and i'lialloy the request was granted and the police instructed to cooperate. The York County Childrens Aid asked permission to hold a tag day on Oct.l7th. HULSE BALDWI~ that the York County Childrens Aid be granted permission to hold a tag day in Aurora on Oct.l7th. Carried. A letter was read from the Oshawa ~eneral ilospital stating that the hospital a.ccount of :M:rs .w .Patrick had been paid in full.Filed on motion of Mr. "tuctrt a.nd Mr. Baldwin. A letter from Mr.Dutton,pres.of the Central Ont.Highway Ass•n,in accord with the resolution of this council in "ept.was read and filed. fjr/Jr ':/ 4. A letter of complaint from Mr.Konni regarding relief rent for ~os.Smith brought instructions to the clerk to write Mr.Konni that we have no further responsibility in the matter. M:ALLOY BALDWIN that the Council of this municipality hereby go on record as being in favor of the resolutions of the highway 'between Orangeville and Peterboroue Manvers Township.:arooklyn .cisat 3ck milesl>and the planned system of highways as set out in the attached resolution herein,and that the seal of the corp.oe attached hereto. Carried. A lengthy report from the M.O.H• and the Provinoia.l liepartment was read and discussed regarding the condition of slaughter houses .in to'<vm a.nd the various met- hods suggested to improve conditions.The clerk was instructed to write the proprietc rs of these premises asking what steps we:ee being taken to comply with the report and suggested improvements. A letter from G.H.& D.Whitmore making complaint against the threatened cut off of water and light for nonpayment of rates wa.s read and filed. LEE HlT.LSE that the application of City iJairy Ltd • for licence to sell milk in the town of Aurora be refused and that the clerk be directed to inform the applicant accordingly,a.nd that the seal of the cprporatoon be attached hereto. Carried. The council adjourned.at 11·55 P.M. on motion of Mr.Baldwin and Mr • .,alloy. ----~----------------- Mayro. -·--~.