MINUTES - Council - 19360914/ THE ELEVENTH !illiETilifG OF THE COUlfCIL FOR 1'HE TEAR 1936 was room on Monday eve .Sept.l4th.with the mayor presiding and the held in the council Reeve,~eputy Reeve,anJ councillors Baldwin Bunn Lee and Stuart attending. , 1 The minutes of the tenth meeting were perused,and adopted on motion of Messrs. Bunn and Stuart .. I Kl'TOWLES LEE that the action of the mayor in issuing orders on the treasurer fori the payment of the following sums ·be and the same is hereby,confirmed,a.nd that the' seal of the corporation be attached to this resolution; Aug.8th. Mrs.Waites M.Robinson Mrs.Waites M.Robinson Mrs.Waites M.Robinaon Mrs.Waites :;.;:.Robinson Mrs .Vvai tes M.Robinson Mrs.:ilaites MoRo'k~inson 7.00" 9.00·· 7.00 9 .oo 7 .00" 9 .oo·• 7 .oo. 9.oo. 7.00 9.00 7.00 9.00 15th. 82nd. 29th. Sep. 5th. 12th. Carried. BUl'fJT <:;TUART that the following accounts lle paid, that the mayor 0ssue orders ·on the treas.for the same and that the seal of the corp,be attached hereto; 19.53 .. W.Works Banner ~ress Frontage Tax Bell ~hone Co. 21.03 4.22 Carried. STUART :aumr that the following accounts ·be pa.id,that the mayor issue orders on the treas.for the same and that the seal of the corp;be attached hereto; 25···· E .• L. E.C.Mingay cartage Can.Laco Lamps H.E.P.c. July power Can.Ltne Materials Bell Phone Co. Clerk stamps and express Aurora Hdwe. 42.84 2307.32 40.90 . 2.71• 4.75 ... 2.15 Carried. F~OWLES LEE that the following accounts be paid,that the mayor issue orders on the treasurer for Corp. ·•:·· the same and that the seal of the corp.be attached hereto; Attridge & Son lbr 106.32·· Banner Press 35 .19' Municipal World·'-ssessment supp. 15.48 County .iiosp .Acct> 69 .oo •·· J ·H.Sloan fire 31.35"' J;·.w.caulfield. town truck 7.40 Ough and Son 2.70 Aurora Hdwe. 9 .25·· Collis Leather Co. cinders 4.00 c.cook teaming 2.00·•· Mech.Hall frontage 27.61 w.F.Evans police watch rep> 3.75'· J .F.Willis Boof H. 1.25•·· Davis Garage fire truck 5 .25·'• B.F.Ds.vis and Son. 40.15 M.Hilborn quarter sal• 75.00" Bell Phone Co. 13.83" Clerk stamps 21.00• A·l!'leury trips away· 21.75 .{ .. -"·i ~/ Carried .. ' J I \ -~~-·--·-}''''"'"·-· --'-.,--, ) 12.---2 liiiAlJ:.OY BALDWIN th8 .t the following accounts be paid,that the mayor issue orders ' . . ' on the t:eeasurer for the same & that the seal of Egan Stephenson .. Relief F.Hale shelter Mary Smith Est • E~L.Dept. " W aSUllllJler s . tax ace t. Wa:Banbury shelter J.irs.Bolton Est. •• s.Lustic " E~Konni " The A.&.P. Store Aurora General Store F.D.Lacey 2 mos. F.W.Teasdale F.Morris Dawsons G:l:ill Dom~Stores Cousins Dairy Merchant and Case Geo.Weston bread 1\J:iowles and Sons Pattersons Bakery Higgins Buker Haight Smith food Lindenbaums clothing Ough and Son fuel .iilied.Assn.Relief 53 x 25 Drt Williams med.acct. Dr.Devins July and Aug. Dr.Boulding July and August the carp. be attached hereto; 4.8Qec 9.60. 4.80· 4.80·· 4.80, 4.80 4.80 2.40· 13.80· 98.06, 28.54 13.29·: l2.sr 1.00 3? .52 8.69 4.65 6.44 1.65 2.79 1.00• 41:'' 13.25 30.00 n.oo 26.00 Carried. Two accounts fer services to families working on small wages were referred ·oack • lvir.Lee for the Prop.Conmlittee submitted,"Mr.O.McBride has under negotiations the sale of (1. small piece of la.nd lying at the N.w .. corner of his property,for $25 .oo Ln order to give good title 0he will require a release of the piece of property from taxws .. Your committee recommends that this piece of land ·ae released.from arrears of taxes including those for the year l936 0 on payment to the town,to be applied on taxes the full sale price less the necessary legal costs,in connection therewith,not to exceed five dollars." KNOWLES BUUi§ that the report!) of the Prop.Cammittee re the sale of piece of land,(O.McBride)be adopted and that the seal of the corporation be attached hereto. Carried. Mr.A.A•Cook asked if he would be permitted to build an approach to the rear Of a proposed building on hia praperty~at the rear,caming out where a jag of sixteen feet occurs in the east street line between the lots facing on Metcalf St and those facing on Harrison St. KNOWLES BUNN that the application of A.A.Cook for the right to build an approach from his lot to the Highway shall be submitted to the A.E.Wilson Co.Ltd.and if appro- val by the said A.E.Wilsan Co.Ltd.is obtained,the said application shall ·oe granted, and that the seal of the corp.be attached hereto. Carried. Mr •. Cook was informed th8 .t wi1en he made an application for water and sewer conn-· .•u ~· J~ ( \, 5 ection,the towns share of the connection would be determined by the proper comms. The treasurer gave his monthly report showing the receipts and expenditures _in each department and its comparison with that of the previous year.The repprt was received on motion of the Reeve and Mr.Stuart. Messrs.Browning end Jones appeared and asked that the fire alarm buzzers for ten members of the Brigade be repaired or renewed. BALDWIN LEE that fire alarm bells be installed in the following firemens homes, H.Jones;J.Browning,H.McKenzie,E.Davis.c.Milne,C.Griffith~H·Squibb,S.P atrick and E.Anderson.and that the seal of the corp.be attached hereto. Carried. lvfr.Lee for the Prop.committee submitted the following report;"l.That in accordan with the authorization of council.the excavation of the basement of the Mech.Hall has been completed-and the floor fully cemented.After obtaining the advice of an expert builder,it was found necessary to tear down most of the retaining wall erect ed last year,and to construct a new wall underneath the old wall.This,also,has now been fully completed,giving a. very pleasing effect to a work,which in the early sPring of this year presented a real problem to your committee""2.Your committee now recommends that immediate steps be taken to install a heating system and also toilets in the rear of the basement • .U.eat is required to protect the building from dampness: and e.lso subsequently the fros t.:.l ~our committee has obtained plans and speaifications for heating systems fro.m a number of firms in the trade,and each of these will be presented to your council.In view of entirely different systems of heating having been presented,with their consequent wide difference in price, the members of your committee.present to consider seme,found it difficult to make any recommendations as to which tender should be accepted.This was made al~ the more difficult since Councillor Stuart left the meeting at its opening~for reasons best known to himself.In view of this.the other members are reticent in making a definite recommendation.although,.we do recommend that a firm carrying on business in Aurora be given the contra.c:t;.•tThe first two clauses were adopted and the third referred back to the committee to secure further particulars from schemes arising out of the discussion. }~.Malloy asked if it were possible to make an approach for Mr.F.Teasdale to the front of his home on Yonge St.The matter was left with the R.&.B.Committee. The mayor and ~.Malloy reported for the colllillittee acting on the Orangeville to Peterboro Highway~detailing the work of several meetings and progress made. MALLOY BALDWIN that a grant of $25 .oo be given to the Central Ontario Highway ,, .;J,:; / "· 4 Association and the seal of the corp.be attached hereto.Carried• ::;TU~i.T .i>UNL' xesol ved t.tw.t the folJ.owing letter be forwarded to the l-'resident of the Central Ontario highways ASS • n, "At all ofthe meetings oi' the above association it was decided by all the members of the association that the asciOCiation use its influence to obtain a Highway through Central Ontario fromw1 east to west,and that the route of the same be left for future consideration as the main object was to get the .tlighway,.Last week an item,(a copy of which is now enclosed)appeared in the Newspaper.This item is,we believe,a breach of the agreement made at the meet- ing and we would ask you to have the a·oove item reetified,and given the same pub• licity in the papers as the above item referred to.Thanking you in advance" Carried. The matter of police protection wkea-at the hours when small children are due to cross Yonge st.was given some attention and a committee composed of Messrs. . . Ma.lloy,Knowles,Stuart and the Mayor appointed to consider the best method to empl . ~ •,. An invitation from Richmond Hill to attend their Armistiae day ceremonies on } J .o.teport of milk tests by the l'rov • .~.oab.irom the M.o • .H. of Co~sins milk showing 1 Nov .8th.at 3 • .t'.JioL. was read and f'iled, the clerk being instructed. to reply • i 3.o butterfat and low baateria was read and filed. I Oshawa General Hosp.giving no~i•e of the admission of Mrs.Patrick as a The clerk was instruated to write and enquire by whose authority she ·:as as an alleged aharge upon the town. patienf I admittl ! --f The Veterans Association thanking for the use of the truak to attend a was Qrdered filed on motion of Messrs .Lee and Baldwin. ]': J reunill: The Dept of Municipal Affairs re bonding of offiaials was read and filed• KNOWLES LEE that the sum: of $784.00>e paid by the E.L.Dept.,and the sum of~1 $944.80by the i/.W.Dept.as their proportion of the salaries of the foreman,trJ ' ~ ' -\ ~~ urer clerk and auditor,and that the seal of the corp.be attached hereto.Carri~ Application from the City Dairy Co. for a licenae to handle and distribute anfi .from G .J:i. Whi tmare to peddle milk in toWJll were read. l.J.W,. J>Ul~N tl.lat tile decision of the counail re the appliaation of the City D1 Co.Ltd.be withheld pending further investigation and that the solicitor be at ised to write the City Dairy Co • .~.>td.advising that they must cease the deliver and sale of their milk in the tcwn of Aurora until their appliaation has bee disposed of. Carried. The report from the n.E.P.Q.of Ont.re the electrical system was quickly p¢ ',-·;-•;-;·:·-··· •••• ', c, • ··'"'~'·'-'··,( :--~·; -. :" :.:«-~d-)<;<.,-~c:-;>:o;.~ ,:.,:.::,;,;,.. 'i· ~ ' .• ;-;-. ' -., ·:' -• j !. I ' / -\ __ ) 5 used and was then referred to the E.L.Corami.ttee for study and their report on the same.om motion of Messrs.Know~es and. Iiiralloy. STUART BUNN that the sympathy of this council be extended to Mr.amd Mrs.Fisher Dunham on the occasion of their sad .bereavement,which they have sustained in the death of their son William.and that a wreath be sent on behalf of the town of Aurora and that the seal of the corporation be attached heretm. Carrieti. The council adjourned,at 12 P.M.. on motion of the Reeve and Deputy. r i I