MINUTES - Council - 19360921L
Hili T•iELVTH hlEETING OF T,LE COUNCIL JfO,'l. T.cL. Lll:AR 19:56 was held in the coun-
oil rgom on Monday eve.Se:pt.2lat.with the mayor presiding and the Heeve and coun-
cillors Baldwin Bunn Hulse Lee and Stuart in attendance.
As this meeting was to be in the natlitre of a conference,Messra Abbott,Mc-
J,aughlin Lindsay and Willis ,representing the Collis Leather Co as well as the local
11.0 .H:-were present ..
The l>iayor called for consideration of the minutes of the preceding meeting.
Mr.Stuart took exception to the fact that the report of the Ptoperty Comrni ttee had
been entered in the minutes as considered in committee.The Mayor ruled that the
report hatl ·oeen properly considered by council in committee and therefore had to
be printed as received.
l~.Btuart appealed from the ruling of the chair.
On the question,"will the council sustain the ruling of the chair&!"the
tnajority voted in the affirmative and the ruling was sustained ..
On motion of Ji!ir.Knowles and Mr llee the minutes were !l.dopted as :printed•
Mr.l~aughton read the writ and statement of claim l?.gainst the corporation
and the Collis Leather Co.jointly.
A considerable length of tixne was spent in arra.nging for joint action in
' defending the situation and the ;twa--solicitor& instructed a.ccordingly.
At 9.40 lii:r.Hulse moved,adjournment,seconded by Mr.Ba.ldwin s.nd carried.