MINUTES - Council - 19360706' i THE. ElG.liTH ME.t;TlNG OF THE COUHCIL FOR THE YJ!J\R 1936 was held in the council room a;· M:ond.a:Y · ~ve~j~ ·6t:b..~:Lt.h · ;J:i.e -mayor presiding a.nd the reeve deputy reeve and councillors Bunn L.ee and Stuart in attendance. The Illinut.es. of the preceding meetimg_ were studied and adopted• KNOWLES LEE that the action of the ma.yor in issuing orders on the treasUII:er far the ":Pa.Yment of the following accounts ·oe and the a.ame is hereby confirmed,and that the seal of June J.ath. 19th. 26th. 6th. 13th. 20th .• 27th· JuJ.y 4th. the corp.be a.ttached hereto 0 S.F.Johnstone 1neter inap. E.L. .. . -II :M..:Rabinson :M:r.a.Waites ~;Rob_inson 1\ira.Waites M~Ro:Qinson j,j:rl:! .Waites M~Rob.inson Mrs.Waites M~Rob_inson Mrs.Waites Corp. 15.75" 17.49% 16.80<>' 9.00>· 7. ~00" 9.00 7 ~oo·· 9.00 7 .oo 9 .ooc 7.00 9 .• 00 7 .00» Carried. ·"·:-,>'""'! KNOWLES I'iLALLOY that the following accounts be paid, that the mayor issue orders on the'ii~easur~~ Corp• Relief for the same and that the seal of the Ough and cion supplies ~avis Garage fire truck j· .J;' .l\iorning supplies w .Ji.lilj:cQ.uad.e police county .. l'reasurer .ilosp .acct. }3it.~Spraying & Contracting Co. o:U B.G.yYhitelaw _ liosp.for Sick Children charity J ~Fieurys .. Sons. 'barrow J.H.Sloan soda bicar. etc. F~Caulfield att.chev.truck Bell Phone Co. Aurora Hdwe. :M.~Hilborn quarterly sal. London Guar.& Ace. Co. firemen liab. Clerk sun\lries B.F.Davis & Son gravel etc. M.Graham teaming A.Fleury trips J.Morning and Son. F.Ha1e shelter E.Konni Bolton Est~ Mary Smith Est. Waterworks Dept. W.Banbury S.Lustic W .summers Geo .vVeston :M.erchant and Case J!' .)) .Lacey F.Morris ];' .w .Teasdale Dam. Stores Atlantic & Pacific Knowles and Sons. Marys :li'rui t Store Cousins Dairy May 6W4 Egan Smith Buker Stephenson It Higgins Haight tax acct. food June 586. corpabe attached hereto; 13. 56•· 2~55• 1.50' 34.00· 69.27' 611.66 20 1.00· 5 .oo·· 8 .95·0 5.30•· 19.18 9 .05•· 75.00· 142.42 24.70·• 61.10 25.20 13.00" 25.01,. Carried. 4.80 9.60" 4.80• 9.50' 4.80 3~50 4.80' 4.80· 5 .61· 5.01 36 .77, 19 .92· 11.44" 7.42" 47 .Ol· 5.12 1.28· 12.80,. ( I --~--' 2 Ucanl.ons .bakery :g.F.JJav:is. fuel 2.04;- 75 91'. 3o.70w• 16.00 95.95 2.01· Aurora Hdwe .. .:[ ;:a;sloan · household reill. l\iled.Asan.. 64 x 25 AU:t:ora Gen.store food l).uroaa P. chto $ store :Pr .. Williams .l:!:r.:S.oul.ding ~r.])evina 16.00· 20.50 9.00 Carried. :BUNN STUART that the following accounts be paid,that the mayor issue orders on -· '·-·-.... the treasurer for the same and that W .worka l!'act.ory Equipmwnt Ltd. J.Fl.eury:;J Sons Knowles anci Pattenden dan.Brass Co. BelL Phone Co. Ough and SO!l• Clerk the seal of the corp.be attached pulley and repairs 7 ~82 ··· repairs 10.04 ·· chimney 16.00 .·. meters 196.58 ,., 4.54. contract hereto; stamps express 18.25 8.30. Carried. STUART BUNN that the following accounts be paid,that the mayor issue orders on the treasurer for the same and that E.Light Ben Phone Co. liydr9 .. Elec .J:'ower Co=• H.E.~.c. of.Ont. .Can.Gen.Elec tr ic liiir.Iiulse took.his.seat. the seal of the tree ililay power corp.be attached hereto; 3.13• 60.00 2224.66 85.02 Carried• HlJ.LSE BUNli that all doctora accounts ·be covered lJy the proper form. Carried. ia~ov~i.Es ·s·ruAHT,that one medical account be ordered tabled,for further inform- ation.not being deemed a proper account. Carried• Mr.Lee for the Prop.committee submitted the following report,~tyour co=ittee met on the 22nd.June ,and along with the mayor viewed the condition of the basement of the Mechanics Hall.After obtaining expert opinion as to what course should be followed.having regard to present conditions,it was decided to tear down the present retaining walls,and to construct a foundation under the old walls,such foundation at the top to -be of even width with the present walls,and the base somewhat wider to allow for greater fortifiaation.Your committee requests this council to go, on record as confirming the action of the committee. HULSE MALLOY that the property committee be empowered to take any and all step' they deem necessary for the repair of the wall of the Mevh.Hall which is in a precarious condition,as economically as posaible,inoluding engaging expert opinion if necessary,and the seal of the corp,be attached hereto. Carried. The Auditors qu8 _rterly report was referred to the ]'inance committee. Mr.Stuart for the E.L.Committee reported," .. e recommend the purchase of one tra - nsformer to replace one at the corner of Tyler and George Sts.and that the one taken from there be installed at the north end of Yonge st.where complaints have been received of poor swxvice.•• recommend that tihe service of an expert from the . e ,----- I .. ~ ;) Hydro Electric Commission be engaged to investigate the light,heat,and power installation in Aurora,and make such recommendations as he considers necessary to give all parts of our town satisfactory service.appuoximate cost ~175.00~ h"ULSE li.:.NOiil.E5, that a transformer be purchased for installation at Tyler & Georgl -.. ·· --... , streets,and the old tran:Uormer be installed at North Yonge st.to rectify the existing conditions in both districts,and the seal of the corp.attached hereto. Carried• HULSE LEE that the services of an engineer from the H.E.P.c. of Ont. be engaged to survey the present electrical system of the municipality~at·approximate cost of $175.00 and the seal of the corp.attached hereto. Carried. lU>.Ma.lloy for the li.&.:a .comm.reported, "the town council recently made the usual surveyand decidld that the following new and repair work ·oe done; l'atch tne walk in front of lVirs.Chas .Dunha.ms ,·w-ellington St .E. Nal.k in front of :~ueens Hot.el w.Q.em :u.rr.:..urray __ ready to r~new the ·boulevard; Qheck up on culver.t at G.eorge and Nelllngton Sts. Qulvert and wooden walk .. .at west en;i_ of Tyler Ejt. Qros~ing at Mill st.stub in the walk. .. ·~"fill st.grad~ the road,take out old sleepers,widen woodan culvert; Raise ... two blocks on Tyler,front of K.Deans; Qne block on Victoria.front of Miss. Browns~ 75 feet of cement walk from E.Eyeleighs to J.Geddes'; Raise block between w.s.IHngay• and A.Tew's; Guard rail to protect gatch ·basin on_Berczy St.~ I~nhole in front of Sisriians house,Mosley andBerczy; ~evel. out the heap on. the east sid.e of Berczy .• 5 blocks,sidewalk front of J .Oughs.; 4 inch tile at •rowns hause,We:).lington St. Raise blocks at. United Churc:~.n corner> . ~emove stump,Cen.tre st.west end; Approach in front cof •ilrs .Hogers property, Tyler St.in dangerous eondi tion and.owner be notified toremove or repair. STUART BUH-'i that the report of the R.&.J3.0 ommittee be received and adopted, andthe seal of the corp.be attached hereto. Carried. lir.Ma.lloy for the Relief committee reported,"the relief cost for the month of ~une was less than that for the same month in 1935 being 320.54 as against 368.00 in l935.Your committee recommends that any relief recipients who may be excused from the usual work as a result of a doctors certificate,certifying that tile relief recipient is needed t.o aid in the home be x·equired to make up the time for which he received relief vouvher while so excused.Adopted Bunn."'nowles. The Aurora Horse show thanked the council for their grant and the Orange Ladies ~·edge thanked them for granting the privelege of holding ta.g 1 ay. The members and staff are invited to attend the annual York County Golf Tourn- ament on Wed.J'uly Sth.in Aurera. 'fhe Band committee asked for the use of the park for concert etc.July 24th. and the request granted•,on motion of Messrs.Lee and Malloy. i 4 The notice fwDm the E.L.Ruddy Co.that they would remove their sign as of July lst.was noted~and filed~ The Horticultural Society thanked council for treatment accorded them and asked the use of the council room for a small show on July llth.The request was granted on motion of Mesars .Lee and Stuart .• • ".. letter from mr.H.N.E.Curry re the Vlhitmore case was read.and further ex- planatory correspond-ence ·was. supplied l:ly Mr .Haughton. STUi~ci MALLo·:.::, that the solicitor oe and he is here·oy authorised and instructed to have t;he tax sale of the good~ of .Janiel and Gee .H.-i1hitmore,advertised for July llth.l936. be stopped on the :payment of all the arreats of 1933 taxes together with all costs legal and bailiff,on or before the tenth of July 1936,MeEsrs.Lee and Knowles moYed in amendment that the words,"if the consent of the Commissioner of Agriculture be obtained,"be added to the end of the resolution.The ~~endment was . carried and the motion so amended declared adopted. J!' • .rl.Underhill submitted additional coverage for the firemen known as a Med• ica.l Aid ~ndorsement for the additional-sum of six dollars. LEE KNO~{LES that the Medical Aid Endorsement referred to in Mr.F.Underhills -' ., letter 'be obtained to be attached.to the Firemens policy at a cost of six dollars and that the seal of the corp.be attached hereto! Carried. Bmm STUA~U that Mr.F.-il .:E'reeman be appointed to represent the Corporation of the Town of Aurora at the unveiling of the Memorial at Vimy,ii'ranoe ,in honor of those who have made the supreme sacrifice for their country.and that the seal of the corp.be attached hereto. Carried. STUART BUNl;j that an agreement be entered into between Mr.W.Yia.rd and the town of Aurora allowing him to :iJlace a porta1>le garage on the old rieht o1fJ way railway line at the corner of Mill st and Tyler st.this garage to be removed within forty eight hours when given notice by the town of Aurora Carried. On motion of Messrs .• BUJan and Lee the council adjourned at 11.30. Mayor • . \·