MINUTES - Council - 19360601( ~!·. THE SEVENTH MEBTONG OF THE OOUNCIL l!'OR THE YEAR L936 was held in the council room·on Jlli:onday· eve.June lsto.'rhe·Reeve·opened· the meeting at 8.15 with the Deputy and councillors Bunn Hulse Lee and Stuart attending. The minutes of the sixth meeting were read and adopted on motion of Mr.Hulse and Mr.Bunn• LEE HULSE that the actio n of the mayor in issuing orders on the treasurer for t payment of the following sums be and the same is hereby confirmea,and the seal of the corpol!'ation Jlli:ay 9th. at tache d. hereto; 15th. 23rd. 30th. E .L.22i!B:. . , 2.8th. li/Irs .• Waites li/I.Robinscm Mrs.Waites M.Robinson Mrs.Waites Msmobinson Mrs.Waites li/I.Rob.inson Receiver General tt:' meters 'loOOc· 9.00··· ?.oo· 9.00 7~00 9.00 7.00 9~00 11 .70i- l9.5Q.,.; Carried • BUiiti STUART that tb.e following a.ccounts be paid,th~t;t the :rm.yor issue orders on the treasii~er-·:far W6worke the same and that the seal of the corp.be attached hereto; 3.00« Bell Phone co. #12 Royal ... lna.CQ• C·A·Fry 0 insurance ~en.Forsyt~ _d~c~ratiog Can.Brass Co. . . $mar.t Turner co. F.Browning contract etc. 45.00" 10.00«' 157.0'1«- 82-11- 18·3~' Carried. SJ'UAi'.T BUlm that the following accounts be paid,that the mayor issue orders on -.. ---' , .. the treasurer for E.L. the same and that the seal of the H.E.P.C.of Ont. April power F erranti El-ectric ~td. ca.n;Gen;Eleatric Bell Phone Co. # 240 Clerk stamps and express corp.be attached hereto; 2213.18* 60.2& 53* ;>.06* 3.39'~ Garried.o HULSE LEE that the following accounts be paid,that the mayor issue orders on the tre~surer for Corp. corp.be attached 14~64'' 20~00 20.00. the same and that the seal of the United Steel Corp. belts Guardian Ins.Co~ bond M.L.A. Norwich Union Go. •~ .T.G.JIIi:. Amusement "'evenue Branch Lic.M.H. ~ EeM Dr.stevenson att.convention .r.H.Sloan Auro.ra Hdwe. F.Browning County Hosp.Gharges Roofers Supply Co. M.Graham Bell Phone Co. Clerk postage Davis Garage fire truck B .F.Davis gravel and lime G .E.Underhill gas F.R.Underhill fire truck liab. Banner Press AoFleury outside trips 3.00 3.00 30.00' 1•15' 17~15 10.60,, 39.12 '· 52~38 13.45'' 14.22 15.0(}"'' hereto; Masic ~estival shield 4.90''' 82.30 n.7ll1· 35.00, 61.06 14.00' 15.00 Carried. ~ '';'j•'' 2 MALLOY IJ!JE that the following accounts be paid,that the mayor issue orders on the treasurer for Relief the same and. tha.t the seaJ. of the corp.be attached hereto; Aurora Hdwe. fuel 81;·. Ji'•Hale . shelter Egan 4.80· E.Konni ~ Smith 9.50- w;summers tax acct. 3.50 Bolton Est. J.Buker 4~80 vi ;·w'illilVllson s.cook 7 .20• !~y Smith Eat. i;tephenson 9.50·•· E~Ligl:J.t liept. ,. 4o80 Bolton Eat. J.Smith 2~40 Jli>Banbu:ry Higgins 4.80• w.smith Haight 4.80* :I!~Q.owieson Foote 1.20···· Mrs.Ellison Tindale 4.80 • S~Lustic Haight 1.20· hlerchant and '-'ase food 4.41 Westons .Bread-5.37, Scanloms. 5 • 41· l'attersons 2.82" ]'.W.Teasdale .31.86• F.Morris .30.53•· lil ~.l) ~Lacey U• 99 · Aurora Gen.Store .90.55 I):nowles &: Sons 90 Allantic and Pacific 71.93, .:Pominion Stores 29 .5o. 1\l:ed.J.-ielief 25 cts on 85 21.25 Carried• The ""'ayor arrived and to.ak the cbair. The treasurer :pres.en:t:ed his monthly statement. A deputation from the Aurora Agricultural Society consisting of Messrs Evans Leacock McCaul and Kirkwood.addressed the council on behalf of that organisation. The Bylaws committee reported that no direct grant could be made. to the band but that the band could be hired for a seriea of concerts. The Waterworks committee presented the following;1~'1 e recommend that meters be installed in all premises which are operating water-cooled refrigerating systems. That a charge of ten cents per thousand gallons be made with a minimum charge of seventy five cents per month.That meters be read and accounts rendered monthly.by Mr.Geo .. Walker.That the necessary number of meters be purchased from the Canadian Brass wo.at an approximate cost of $235.00. HULSE MALLOY that the report of the Waterworks colll!llittee be adppted and the seal of the corp.attached hereto. Carried. The E~.Oommittee reported,••Owing to ·numerous complaints from various parts of our town regarding inadequate electrical power we recommend that the services of an expert electrical engineer be secured to advise us as to the most efficient manner in which to make our electriciU equipment satisfactory to all consumers. The report was accepted on motion of Messrs.Knowles and Malloy. The R•&.B.Committee re:ported,~Your committee was empowered by council to repair the pavement on Berczy St.We found it necessary.in order to make a permanent job to install a galvanised culvert l8rxl8tf at a cost of $53.4s. w.e had 62 yards of '"•'····:>•'- ">. ·, ,, ;; road grave~ de~ivered on the w.w.~ot at cost of $62.00.'I'his gravel has been used to put the atreets in a pl'"oper condition before oi~ing.We received three tenders for Asphalt Dust~ayer , the Mun~"'oad Spraying & Ot~ing Co. • the Bituminous Spraying co.and the .Jupp Oonstruction Co .. An. The tendel.'s. were the same price 0 ll 1/4 cents As the Bituminous had given sati~faction last year we felt their tender should be accepted.'oie recommend that two thirds of the cost be charged to the property owners and one third paid ·oy the town.That Wed.June 5i:ll.bethe date set on which the council make an inspection of the town,to meet at the town hall at 1.30.HULSE STUART that - the report of the R.&.B.Committee be adopted as read and the seal of the corp.be attached hereto. Cai""ried. The Rlief Comnhreported, .. The total number on relief for all or part time for ~ the month of~ ,one single,fifteen heads of families and sixty nine dependents. The total cost of all accounts presented being $310.97.1ast year was 3 single,l8 heads of families and 68 dependents.,cost $397.37 .Accepted motion Messrs Bunn and Lee BUlu~ STUART that a letter be sent to B.F.Davis and Son requesting that they conform to'tb.e'intention of the contract tci--s~pply gravel etc.with town labor.Carrtd KNOWLES LEE that we as a council do hereby go on record as expressing our deep appreciation for the very successful effoi:ts put forth by the Musical .,.estival Comm. Mesars •. iiulse Malloy and BaJ.dwin 1 of this council. and their associates of the North j)ork .lklttsic I eache!'"s ;ederation and others in bringing to such a successful conclusion. the First vounty Musical festival on may 2mst and 22nd.in this town;and we trust that the committee will. continue and begin plans for the next~without delay. Carried. 1 The :B'inance committee reported on the arrangements made with those in arrears for taxes and on the preparations being made for the ta.x sale. Letters from the H.E.P.a. regarding the safeguarding of the elm tree on the W~W.lot were read and filed. A letter from the E.L.Ruddy Co.asking a lower rate for the signboard~LEE STUART theat the E.L.Ruddy Co.be instl'"ucted to adhere to the original resolution of 1934• Carried• The Clerk of Windsor asking endorsation of a resolution respecting relief work was read and filed• Letters from the Milk Board regarding the sale of milk by unlicensed vendors were read and filed. KNOWLEB HULSE that the council of the town of Aurora go on record in declaring that whereas the rural municipalities are carrying an unjust burden in the matter of ·"ospital costs in the county of York we petition the ;povincial Jilgislature to -··,-,---·"-----·.-,._ .... ,.;--· "::::·· --,_,.: ( 4 provide enabling legislation permitting each municipality to bear its own cost o:t: hospitaliz.ation .. Carried. KNOWJ..il;S RULSE that a :further interim grant o:f two hundred dollars be made to the ~-;~d.it-~f-the Library Board to 'be paid as required,pending the disposition of the matter o:f grants by the Finance aollllllittee ,and the seal of the corp.attached; hereto. UarriedO. A l.!ylaw to have the assessment taken in the autumn was introduced by Mr.Knowles given its several readings and passed.It provides that the rolls will be returned by Sept.30th>in each year,upon which the assessment and voters list of' the succeed ing year will be based .. IJ&. J3UNN that in view of Mr.Whitmore not having carried out the agreement with the town ~~r the payment of arrears of taxes against his f'arm,the solicitor is and he ia hereby instructed to proceed at once with the Bailiff''s seizure al'ld sale. Carried .. LE.l!i-KNOWLES that the Auditorts report for the year 1935 -be accepted. Carried .. .i':Bylaw· -~as introduced by l\l.r.Lte,gi ven its several. readings and passed;appointi~ Mr.~.Rilborn,auditor for the year l9~6sat the same salary as he received last year• ·lilJLsE LEE tha.t the Mayor attend the convention of' :1./iaycrs to meet in Orillia on June 11th and 12.th.and that a suitable grant be made to cover his expenses.Ca:i:ried. LEE BUNN that a grant of' one hundred dollars be made to the Agricultural Society That a grant of twenty five dollars be made to the Horticultural Society.That the Aurora Band be employed to pro..,ide four concerts during the summer season,a.t a place or places and on dates to be arranged,and that the band be paid twenty five d! dollars· for each concert,and that the seal of t·he corporation be attached heretG; Carried. The council a.djourned,on motion of Mr.Malloy and Mr.Bunn,a.t 11.30. Mayor. "'· ';''