MINUTES - Council - 19360504THE SIXTH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL FOR THE YEAR l9Z6 was convened at 8.30 on ""'onday ·~-ve;Ma.Y:' 4.th~P.ll the meriibera were present except Messrs. Hulse and Malloy, .•' ;ho were Tiisiting other councils. in the intereats o:f this muni"c.ipality and were therefore excused. The minutea of the last meeting were read and confirmed,on motion of the Reeve ~nd Councillor Eunn~ KNO~LES BUl~ that the action of the mayor in issuing orders on the treasurer ~----· ___ ., -.-·, .. ,~--' for t.he payment of the following_ amounts. be and the same is hereby,eonfirmed,and that the seal of the April. 11th. 18th. 25th. May 2nd.. c.orp .• bea.tta.ched lllil:a~ Wa.i tea M.RoJ:tinaan Mr§•Waites M-~a:Qinaon lllil:a. Wai tea. ii~Robinacm Mrs Wa.itea M.~Roginaon •-.) hereto~ 7 .oo .• 7 .50· 7 .QQ, g .. oo .. 7 .oo.-. 9.00• 7 .• 0,k 9 .oo-Carried .. Kl'WWLEtl BUNN tha:Cthe following accounts be. paid,that the mayor issue orders on "~·~ ... M .. ~ ... __ -.-.••<•< the treasurer far Corp. the same and that the seal of the Ough and Son S.R.Rart a.hd ca. Qo~ty Rosp.c~s. Q6llis L,eather Co. cinders Waitea ~ervice ~tn. Aurora Rdwe Ben l'hone oa ~ B.F.Davis :B .F .:pavis IVL.Hall G;E~'{Jnderhill __ ~~;~.D.Rainey re M..Ha.wkes London Masco Co_. batter_:i,ea ]'ire s.cct. Clerk·_· express postage etc. F.Browning pipe A~Fleury trips outside corp.be atta..ched hereto; 5.85" 16.08· 55..62.~ 6.00· 1.,50··· 1.6.71. •. 14.37'-' 29~00' 6~00 14~79•· 15.00" l.6.0Q·If 13~85"" 2~75···· 16.00'' Carried. LEE KNOWLES that'the following accounts be paid,that the may:or issue orders on the-tre;,:sur~r-for Relief the same Merchant ,Pi.tlantic and that the seal of and Case food & Pacific :.Ia.rch II Aurora..Gen.Store Westons _Bre!l.d )[.Morris L.;BJ.Fl'ost F~W.Tea.sdale l'ai_tersons Bakery :Pom; Stores K.now:J,es & Sons Cousins Da.!ry Queens Hotel l)awsons Grill April F.Hale _shelter Egan E.Konni Smith W~SUllllllers :$olton Est. Mrs • Cha:pman Jl,.Hu:t.se tax 'If .Williamson Max:y Smith Est, E~L.Dept. acct. Buker Peters Gilpin Cook Stephenson It the Mrs .Graham Smith 3.60 Haight i.ie cor:p.be attached 18.29' 54.95• 68.47:: 135.02 8 ~ 75* 34~49'' 4.45'' 8. 90'' 9.13·::- 101.13'~' 6.84''' 16 .13<> 1.40? l~OO• 4~80,, I 9.60# . 4 .so~ -1 4.80' 3.50•/ 4~80~ 9.60·''' g .60" .; 4.8Qco.; 7.20 hereto; (' I I t I ( r \\ W .L .Banbury L~Cowieson Mrs.Ellison H~Foote J.F.Morning J;H.Sloan J;F;'iiillis :E;:n;;:Davia A.ti.J:(iJ:a Hdwe. Q..tg:ti. and, Son 9tiver Bros. FaRowland ~~··"elief 2 ElHs Higgins Foote Tinda.l.e Hawkes .household rem. fuel aloth,ing 109 at 25 1.20 ,. 4.80 ''· 3.60 4.80 4..80 ,· 1.38''' 5.81•1 2.07~ 94.8Qv 1.76,. 1._oa. 4.73' 6 .04.·!; 27.25 Carried. BUNN STUART that the following accounts be paid,that the mayor issue orders on the treas~i.'reZ:.'.far the same and that the seal of the corp.be attached, hereto; w.w. Bell Phone Co. 3.47« '-'arriede STUART Baldwin· that·· the follllnling accounts ·be piad, that the mayor issue orders on the· treasurer for the same and that ihe seal of the H.E.P.C.of ant. march power Bell :Phone Co. · ~orth~rn El~ctric co. corp.,be attached hereto; 2159.00 .. 2.98%' 6 .60<~-Carrie(!. The Ass.essor,Mr.w.H.Ta.Jlor presented his Roll and a summary of'the figures showing a total of ~h57'e6o4.oo,population 2758,bithhs 30,deaths 27,dogs 143,child- ren of school age 520.Accepted on motion of Messrs Lee and Bunn. ~r.J.G.McDonald presented the treasurer•s report for the month and it was accepted on motion of Messrs.Baldwin and Stuart. Mr.I.ee for the Property committee reported, Wfour CO!Ullli t tee has inspected the house occupied by Mr.Langman and recommend as follows;that in view of the ohim ney brick being loose and falling down that the chimney be rebuilta.nd that the contract be given to Messrs.Knowles and Pattenden.That in view of the roofing over the kitchen being thin and porous in places,the old roofing be removed.and a new heavy asphalt roofing be la.id,and the contract for this purpose be given to :M:r.F. Browning.3.That the dining room be papered with paper costing not more than 25 cts per roll,and that the contract be given to Mr.Ken Ji'orsyth.4. That new eavetroughing be constructed around the main part of the building and that the contract for this purpose be given to Messrs Ough and Son.The co!Ulllittee has inspected the Mechanics ) hall and work is progressing in the excavation of the cellar.After considering the / report in committee the following motion was presented, .. KNOV/LES BUNN that the report of the Prop.Oomm.re repairs to the residence at the Waterworks be adopted and that the seal of the corporation be attached hereto. Carried. Mr.Naughton reported regarding the Whitmore situation.LEE BUNN that we take proceedings under the L:l;cencing Bylaw and the solicitor be requested to carry out the .necessary details.; Carried. Mr.Walton introduced a deputation on Band matters.Mr.Thompson expressed the I / 3 need of the Band for financial a.ssista.mce,cffering in return for a. grant o:f one hundred dollars' that the ·band' would' pu.t on at least tl:;ree street concerts as well as sa.cre<l aoncerta. in the pa.rk on Sunday evenings. Mr.Bunn reported that the present consumption of water in town amounts to 2:?.0,000 geJ.Ja.per day~ Mr.Stuart for the E.L.Cormnittee reported, and after considering the clauses in COlWlli.tte~ the following-w~re adopted..ll'.lhat the tree on the Waterworks property ' which we have been warned is a danger to building and high tension wires 0be sev- erely pruned..autting back all litn'ba a.bout forty feet from the ground 0 and that a clamp be used. to prevent the crotch in the tree from splitting.A. test meter was installed at the Picture Show and we find that the electricity consumption is well taken care of under the present rate and we therefore revollllllend that no cha ng be made." ln connection with the first clause a letter from the Prov.Hydro was read. and the clerk instructed to 1!frite that we will begin to prune the tree upon a date suitable to the :E.L.Department,and that we have no _objection to their send- ing someone· to watch their· interests at their own expense. Adopted• The Finance col'llrJlittee reported,"that notices be fprwarded on or before the fourteenth day of May~to all in arrears of taxes~a.dvising that a tax sale is to be held to cover all in arre•rs of three years or over ,and that e. meeting of the Finance committee is l>eing held on Wed • .i.liay 27th.l936~to those who are in arrera.s to come before the colWllittee to arrange for payment of the taxes .On production of lists of all those in arrarasof three years or rnore.both on vacant and improved properties.the splicitor be author1ised to carry out all the legal action to eaaure .a valid tax sale.STUART BUUN that the report of the Finance colWllore future tax sale be rec·eived and adopted. Oarriedo. A letter from the T.&.Y.Rpads Cornrn.re wage paid was read and filed. The damaged manhole west of Reuben St.wa;s referred to the R.& .B .ColWlli ttee. A new set of belts for the Disposal Plant motor was referred to the Prop.Comn KNOWLES BUNN that the mayor and clerk be authorised to obtain prices for a police uniform with po wer to purchase same when obtained,and the seal of the corporation attached hereto. Carried. The bulletin issued by the Dept.o:f Municipal Affairs was read and :filed.O STUART BUNN that the Assessment Roll be accepted and handed to the town clerl and that a Court of Appeal be appointed for revision,i:f necessary to meet on May 29th at 8 P.M.in the-council charnber.The names of the Mayor Reeve,and ~essrs Bunn Baldwin and Malloy were agreed upon. Carried. 4 The matter brou.ght before c.ounc.i~ by the de~egation on Ba.nd. matters was •. referred to the By~aws c.ommittee.in view of the rec.ent legislation referred to in the bu.l~etin .}u.st read.. The Bylaw forbidding dogs to run at large after May lst.was emphasised.. '· ' Counc.il adjourne<i,a.t 1~.45oon motion of Kessrs Bunn and Lee. Mayor.