MINUTES - Council - 19351202'_('''•.
THE FIFTEENTH 1vl.EETING OF T"ri...E COUNCIL FOR THE YEAli. 1935 was held in the council room
on -Mond;o.y eve .liec ~arici._.,!.ith the ma.y~r presiding and an members in a ttend;wae ..
The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and il.<iopted,on motion of Mr.Blimn
an<i Mr.Lee.
11Ll:.C.Tind.Ol.le asked.on heru..lf of the "unior nockey associat-ion for a better price
for the·arena for an exhibition game as they would sell tickets at large including
several draw pri~es.
Mr.Mingay appeared and. aske<i what progress was being amd.e towCJ.rd.s giving title
to the lot he and. his associates wished to purchase.
HULSE STUAR1' that the Aurora Junior Hockey Club be granted the use of the Aurora
Arena on Dec.l9th.or such other date as may be necessary.for the exhibition game
with the Barrie Colts for the purpose of raising fund.s to aid the club,on a ten per
cent basis of the gross receipts,and the hockey club be responsib£e.in addition.for
the price of the amusement tax. Carried ..
LElE MAJ..LOY that the action of the mayor in issuing ord.ers on the treasurer for
,-.. ...
the payment of the :fi'ollowing sums be s.nd the same is hereby confirmed,and that the
seal of the corporation be attached hereto<
ifov.9th. Mrs •. ••aites
l6th. i\i[rs •. •laites
23rd. ¥is.Waites
30th. Mrs.Waites
7 .oo"
9 .oo"
7 .oo (\
2.45 (\
7 .oo A
9 .oo 1\
7 .oo f\
9.001\ Carried.
KNOWLES LEE that ·the following accounts be paid,th~t;t the mayor issue orders on
the treas,for the same and. that the seal of the corp.be
Dr.Stevenson sal.M.O.H.
J.C.Thomson fire truck
Ough and Son
Caulfields Garage Chev.truak
Veterans Ass'n. wreath
:H;.C.l!ingay express
Smart Turner fire pump
F.Browning gravel and pipe
" Mech.Hall
County Hosp.ahgs.
Motor Vehicles Dept. one licence
Tor.& York Roads Comm. cal.chlor.
Pedlar People sr;~ow fence posts.
Davis Garage fire truck
Vi.F.Ev"-ns frames
Bell.l'hone co.
Clerk postage and express
Tax aact. frontage M.Hall
R.Westlake axena.
H.Armitage riartford vo. prem.arena
H~A.Bowman Glens Falls 11
F .R .underhill lia.b. 11
11 relief workers
11 Town employees
L.E.Frost cl saner
:·:· --::~.-. -,-.; .-;:-::.-;--:-:7:· ---;~-.--~-; ------,-7'
attached hereto:
360 .oo 1\
6.30 1\
10 .oo (\
63.18 (\
7 .oo (\
10 ·24"
1.45 1\
10.73 1\
27 .6.(\
6 .oo /\
25.60 (\
(;> [
J? .H. .DeLa.Ha.ye
A-~~eury. po~ice acct•
:J;>anrier Press
Qounty :gaj;e
. . .
~6 .65/\
43.97 (\
~2923.631\ Carried•
MALLOY ~that the fol~owing accounts be paid 1 that the mayor issue orders on
' the tre<i.s 0 for
the same.and that the seal of the corp.be
F.Hale Egan shelter
4..80 f\
EeKonni 9mith she~ter
]\[i's.Chapmll-n Peters 11
_Srili tp. Es t.Stephenson "
:;j:.L.Dept. _ 11
$Ullllllers Tax .acct.
A.~Hulse (Jilpin
B.F.Davis Brom. e
l;Ierchant and Case food
We:;;tons Bre:o.d
Ji' ~Morris.
AUrora Gen.Store 2 mos.
~cnowles .and ..Sons
Aurora Hdwe fuel
J?•O.Davis u
B• Ji"D · '' ·~· av~s '" Medical acct. ·.25 x 74
cousins Dairy food
Atlantic .and Pacific co.
:f.Rowland clpthing welfare bd.
G•H.Ardill 11
4 .so It
9 .601\
4 .so 1\
3. 60 II
5 .• 00/\
~2.37 1\
41.20 (\
18.87 (\ Carried.
BALDWIN LEE that the following accounts ·be paid,that the mayor issue otders
on the treas.for the same and that the seal of the
E.L. H.E.P.c' power for Oct.
" r~ntali for poles
Bell Phone co ..
Colille Transport
Aurora Hdwe.
Clerk st=ps
F.R.Underhill prem.employees
C.Read. sharpening saw
Banner Press
corp.be attached hereto~
50.00 f\
3. 05 1\
50 ,
5.04 1\ . Carried.
BUm~ STUART that the following accounts be ~aid,th~t the mayor issue orders
on the treas.for the same oo.nd that the seal of the
w.w. Smart Turner Co,. bs,l.contract
Bell Phone ca.
Cor~. frontage tax
J .Bla,ck
Bam1er Press
corp.be attached hereto;
681.50 f\
1. 75 (I
6.541\ Carried.
1'he treasurer submitted his report for the month of November showing receipts
and expenditures about e~ual to thaae of Nov.l934.
lv!r.Hulse for the ]'ire collllnittee rep;orted;That the firemen be paid the annual
grant of $270.00.Your committee desire to express at this ti.me,their r;~ppreciation
of the efforts of our firefighters in affording us the maximum of fire protection
at a minimum of cost.(2).1'hat an extra grant in the sum of ,~5.40 be made to the
Fire Brigade to cover the time lost by certain firemen being forced to remain on
duty on 0ct.23l·d.at the reaidence of MroHarris on Kennedy st•3• ycur collllllittee
c -\._
have under considerlil.tion the request of the :E'ire Brigade re the division of money
received for fires outside the town limits.A full report will be made at the next
meeting of couno.il. "'eceived on motion of Messrs.Lee and :Bunn.
M/l.LLOY BiiLD'<VlN that the annual grant of $270.00-be made to the Aurora Fire Bri-
" ·--·-.... gade and the seal of the corporation attached. Carried.
BALDWIN MALLOl!: that the fire brigade be ~ranted the sum.of $5.40 to cover wages
.. ~ ....... " lost by firemen remaining on duty at the Harris fire on Kennedy St.on Oct.23r.d.and
the se~l of the corporation attached hereto. Carried.
~rr.Hulse for the M.usica.l l!'esti val committee reported progres c.
M:r.Knowles for the :E'ina.nce committee submitted a lengthy document on the insuranc
situ01.tion prepared by an insurance expert endorsed by the Underwriters association
indicating that our insurance is carried mainly at tariff rates and that no reduct-
ion in rates can be effected without eliminating some of the uses for which the
buildings are engaged.The report was lifted by the committee to have co ies made
and placed in the hands of each member and a meeting c alled for Dec.9th.to dis-
cuss the whole matter of' insurance.
The Waterworks co~nittee reported that the official opening of the new water
supply pUJ!lp house and pumps had taken place on Sat.Nov.30th.lW:any citizens and
representatives from neighboring municipalities were present and an enjoyable and
instructive :a.our spent in listening to addresses from representative men after
which the Mayor tDr .Boulding, tul·ned on the power in the motors and declared the
system open;.
The Property committee reported that they have had a q_uantity of sand placed
in the basement at the Mech,nall ready for continuing the work there.
'l'he n.&.B.Committee reported th8.t they have had the creek bed in the rear
of l!fu.chell Ave cleaned <~ •. nd s:l:r~a.i tened and all ca. tch basins etc .put in sh&pe for
The attention of the council we.s called to the fact that dogs are strewing
garbage around the street at night from the receptacles placed there.The suggest-
ion •'ras made that it be again advertised that covered containers should be used.
ai1d that it may be necessary to order dogs restrained from running at large from
sunset to sunrise.
Messss.Hulse and Bunn mo-ved the thanks of council to the reeve and deputy
for their hospitality in entertaining the council and officials li..dl the banquet
to the Warden during the closing session of the year.
LEE IDJLSE that the solicitor be authorised to prepare the deed and look after
the details pertaining to the sale to the nominees of JVJ:r.W.S.JM:ingay odl: the east-
erly 80 of the northerly 40' of lot 6 plan 68 as authorised·.,.t the last meeting ...
of council,providing that the municipality has documentary t~tle at a price of $3.
per foot frontage, the deed to o.ontain no gl!a~a!'l'i!e-ee-as to title .and the sale to be
subject to the erection of a suitable building at a cost of not less than $1200.00
Messrs.Stuart and lvi&lloy moved in amendment that the l!l.tter clause governing
the cost of the building be struck out. On the vote being t~ken the amendment was
defeated and the original motion being voted was declared carried.
Letcers from 1\l:essrs Fleming and Roberts relative to their &ttendance at the
w.w.Opening were read and filed.:li'rom the l27th.battalion inviting the council to
the ·reunion on s.,.t.evening react '"'nd the clerk instructed to reply accepting .. The
]'ire Brigade relative tl:l their grants and division of revenue from outside fires•
'rhe milk control Board ,and the annual report of the Jvi.O.H.which v1as tabled and th
clerk instructed to print the main items ..
LEE lviALLOY that the Aurora Poultry Ass~oiation be granted the use of the
. .
Mechanics Hall for its usual annual exhibition on the 17th.l8th .. and 19th.of Dec.
1935 at a rental of one dollar. Carried ..
STUART BALDWIN that the mayor ?.nd clerk be instructed to secure prices on a
~ ~ ~ " -
greatcoat for Constable Fleury and complete the transaction at the best price.
A Bylaw was introduced by Mr.Knowles given its several readings and passed•
providing for the nomination of Mayor,reeve,deputy reeve,five councillors and
three public school trustees on lvlonday eve.Dec.30th.and election,if nece~sary on
STU~tT BUNN that a suitable notice be inserted in our local paper in the fort
hcoming two issues regarding the final date for the payment of taxes to escape
the peni.l ty.and that the clerks office be kept open until six P.M. on S&>.turday
Dec.l4th.that being the final date. Carried.
The council adjourned at 11.30 on motion of the Reeve and Mr.Bunn to meet on
Monday Dec.9th.at 8.15 for the discussion of insurance.