MINUTES - Council - 19351216('
THE SIXTEEN'rH MEETING OF 'rFIE COUNCIL FOR THE YEAR 1935 was hdd in the council
room.on ]l[onda.y eve.uec.16th.w:ith the mayor presiding and the reeve deputy,and . .
councillors Ba;Ldwin Bunn Lee :md Stuart attending ..
On the perusal of the minutes of the preceding meeting ]l[r.Lee stated that the
resolution regarding the sale of p01.rt o.f lo.t 6 plan 68 to w.S.]i[ingay and others
the wording "subject to the erection of a suitable building" should be "subject
to any suitable lJUilding which may be erected ".With this correction the minutea
were adopted on motion of ]i[essrs.Lee and Baldwin.
Kl'fOWLJ!;s LEE that the action of the mil.yor in issuing orders on the treasurer
for the pa~~ent of the following amounts be and the same is hereby,confirmed.and
tha,t the se01;l of the corporation be ;o.ttached hereto;
...,ec.7th. ]l[rs .. Waites 7 .oo (\
9 .. 001\
7 .oa"
9 .oo"
' M.Il.ob.inson
l4th. :M'r'! .Waites
]I[;Il.obinson Carried.
KNOWLES li.ll.LLOY that the following aJZcounts bep:il.id.that the mayor issue orders
. '
on the treasurer for the s~~e and that the seal of the corp.be attached hereto.;
26.50 1\ Corp. Williamson Bros. fuel
Attridge and Son. lbr.
]) .M.Gal.brai th prem. truck liab.
Fr;o.nkcom Gar. g""a
R6y:itl Co. C •Fry <~.reaa. prem~;
London Can.. J !M.w. " u
G.A.Phillips stove Mech.Flal.l
Bell Phone Co..·
Haughton and Jenkins sal.& disb.
F.Browning sal fire chief
24 .. 00 1\
l5 .. l.6 1\
50 .. 20 (\
25.60 II
5 .• oo I\
50.00 II carried.
BALDWIN LEE' that the following accounts be paid,ths.t the mayor issue o.rders
on the trea:ourer for the: same and that the s es.l of the corp.be attached hereto;
22l0.421' E~L· B:.E.P.c. po.wer far Uov.
Ferranti Electric
.a.m.Laco. Lamps
No.rthern Electric
Can.Gen.F.lectrio. Co. ..
Bell Phone
Clerk express
7i .. 581\
5.42 (\
3.30 I'
65"' Carried•
BUNN' STUART yhat the following accounts be paid.that the mayor issue orders
on the reasurer for the same and that the seal of the co.rp•be attached hereto.;
w.w. Williamson Bro.s. coke
Bell Pho.ne Co.
Town for ba.l. salary pro.p ..
c.A.Cook sawing limbs
3 .oo f\
503 .. 00"
3.00 A Carried.
A lett€r was read from the co.unty clerk announcing that Dr.Cooke has been
appo.inted inspector of ho.spi ta.lizatio n for the county.
Prices for the supply of a bronze tablet for the w.w. wrer read from the
-..:or,Stamp and Stencil Works and from R.Barnard Co.
From the Gen.Accident Co..again asking for the return of the Jordan Roberts
contrlil.ct bond.The clerk was instructed to write Jordan Roberts that the bo.nd
will no.t be relinq_uished until the ai te l:l..as been rru;:.de watertight •
The Tourist Information Bureau asking that we cooperate in having a more
effective o.rrangement for the distribution of authentic information to tourists.
The letter was ordered handed to the Board of Trade.
An account from the Trusts and Guarantee Co.regarding rentald for 1931 was
referred to the next council •
The consent of the Deputy liiLinis.ter of Highways to the Bylaw passed regal!!ding
erection of 1ni11.etin boards was read anci tabled ..
]fr • .dulse appeared and took his place.
STIART BUNlif that the deed of the lot being sold to Mr.mingay be amended to
conform with the resolution as passed by council on Dec.2nd.and that it be ret-
urned· to our solicitor fer correction. Carried.
STUART BUNl{ that a suitable lolate be purchased from the Toronto Stamp and
Stencil Works to be erected at the new waterwokt building at a cost of $37.50
and that the seal of the corporation be s.ttached hereto. Carried ..
Mr.lvialloy for the relief committee submitted the following report;"We are
pleased to report that the number on relied at the present time this yea r,as
compared with the s<>.me time last year is consid.era.bly improved.At this time last
year there were on relief_ 3 single 0 •H heads of f4lJ!Ililies with 130 dependents ,where
as there are now on relief only 16 .hes.ds of families with 60 dependents o 11 mr .Me.llo~
reported the formation of the Welfare League to look after the clothing needs of
relief recipients,and destitute.
A Bylaw was introduced by Mr.Knowles.given its several readings and passed
empowering and instructing the mayor and clerk to sign the deed to the part of
Lot 6 ~lan 68.
The mayor atated that Mr.E.Armstrong hs.d asked him to in~roduce the raai;ter
of a reconsideration of the refusal to give a grant to the horse show.
STUART KHOWLES that inasmuch cs we have a resolution standing that no grants
be :paid this yeu.that no grant be given to the Horse Show for this current year.
Carried ..
S'EUAR.T RULS..,; that no action be taken by the town regarding the request of
Mr .D.Willialnson tha. t work be done on his property known s.s the Williamson Pond
on Gurnett St. Carried.
The Relief Committee submitted thel.l/ evidence given by Wtr.s.nd Mrs.H.Haight
when called before the committee in response to the rumors abroad and the order
was given that every J:>e-&ib]?<i,e.a~ head of family receiving relief who has not filled
out the regular application form since Nov.lst must do so forthwith.
I / -
and the council will -oack u:p the cormrrittee in whatever decision they may make.
lvir.MCDonald submitted the statement of receipts and expenditures for the year
Dec.l5th.l934 to Dec.l5th.l935.
S1'UAR'.r BUl\fN: that the sta.tutory number of copies of the annual finO?.ncial state-
ment be printed for dis tribv. ti.pn among the ratepayers ,and that the seal of the
corporation be attac.hed hereto. Carried.
HULSE BALDWIN that a grant of ;~37 .50 ·be made to the Aurora Fire Brigade l>eing
one half the receipts received to date from attend<J.nce at fires outside the town
limits and the seal of the corporatioj attached hereto. Carried.
lfr.Knowles for the F'inance committee read the following report.
STUART BUNN: that the clause regarding the market be struck out. Carried.
IDJLSE MALLOy th<;~.t the report as amended be received rimd passed on to the next
council • Carried.
The mayor expressed in fitting terms his thanks to all members of council and
all employees for their cooperation during the year and stated his position
regarding the election for the next year.He was followed by the Reeve,Deputy,
and all menibers of council ,each of whom referred to the harmony existing during
the year and gave some indication of their intentions respecting the coming
'l'he minutes of the council were read by the clerk and adopted on motion
of 1lr.Hulse and Mr.Baldwin.
The council s.djourned sine die.
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