MINUTES - Council - 19360203/ ~~-, ) \ THE SECOND MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OOR THEYEAR 1936 was held in the Counclll Roam onMonday.eve.F$b~~d.a.t s~. . " There being a quorum present,Reeve jnowlea called the council to order• .. The minutes of the preceding meeting were perused and adopted on motion of llt'ro:Baldwin and llt'r.MaJ.loy. KNOWLE~ LEE thllt the action of the mayor in issuing orders on the treasurer :ror the"'payme~· of the following amounts be and the same is,hereby0 confirmed,and that the seal. of the Jan•IBth• corpor-.tion be a.ttached her-etot Prov•~reaaurer tax tickets arena J.4th• 18th. 25th• Felr. lst• J~Uker relief llt'rs.Wa.ites Mrs.~aites Mrs.Waites 19.50* 10•80* 7.00* 7.00*. 7.oo*Garried• BUNN STUART that the following acaounta be paid,that the mayor iss.ue ordera: on the treas.urer for Waterworks I the same and that the seal of the corp.be Toronto Stamp & Stencil Co. plaque Clerk express Bell Phone Co• #12 attached hereto; 39.75* 40* 3.73* Catied STUART BUNN that the following aaaounts be paid,that the mayor issue orders on the treasliU"er for the E•Light same and that t.he seal of the cprp.be Can •La.co Lamps H.Southwood supplies H.E.P.c. power for December Trusts and Guarantee Co. rental Bell. Phone Glo • attached hereto; 26o3l.* 6.70* 2224.66* 264.'15* . 2:.98* Oarried• KNOWLES BUNN that the following accounts be paid,.that the mayor issue orders on the treasurer for Corp. the same and that the seal of the corp.be .£\•Westlake . arena H!Bowma.n Mech • .iiall. Waterloo pram• H·Bowma.n Town l:lall .-:a.A.A.co. J~M.Walton It · It L~•L•COo Tor.&; York Roads Comm. -C&loehlor• Davia Garage fire truek Attridge and Son• Bell Phone Ca. Clerk postage and rev.stamps A•Fleury trips attached hereto; 8.00* 30 .ao,. 10~12:* 36•00* 15.36* 1•25* 6.87* 15.84 .. 6.00* " . 3.00<> ":a.rriecb MALLOY BALDWIN that the follwoing accounts be paid that the mayor issue orders on the treasurer·:ror Relief .... -;•:·•.- the same and that t he F.HALE shelter E.Konni· Smith Est. E•L.Dept. Mrs. Chapman Swmners AoHulse w.Williamson w.Banbury s.Foote Waterworks Merchant and Case F.Morris Westons Bread Dominion Storea- F.W.Teasdale Aurora Gen.Store seal of the corp.be Egan· Smith Stephenson • ~eters .Laxaoct• Gilpin crook Ellis Hawkes JoStubbs food 2 mos. attached her-eto; 4.8o .. 9.60* 9.60* 4.80* 4.8o .. 4.80* 4.80* 9.60* 4.95:* 9.00.. 1.00* 17.35, 45.56* 6.75* 35.18"' 26.75 .. l62.4J.,. ~- ) 2 J.F.Morning household r~. J .H..Sloan • Stiver Bros fuel~ l3 ~F ~Davia Sup.Store clothing GoRoArdill 5. qt; to $ store F~ROwla.nd ~d.Relief 25 x 104 Atlantic and ~a.eifie food ~ca.nloria BakerY" ?a.tteraona :'akery Qousina Dairy :!J;nowles and Sons .. The mayor arrived and asslimed the chair.; 2•07 .. 6.13'1< . 3~60* 158.3Q<> 3.50" 2.87* 1~02* 49.70.* 26.00- 54.37* 5.02* 6.12* 15.18.. 14.04* Carried• The Library Board preaented their budget for the year asking a. grant of nine hundred dollars,and the secretary stressed the need of additional heating facilities in the library room• The !'orticultural S'ociety gave a synopsis of their work and asked to be con"' '" sddealed when grants are being budgeted. These letters were both referred to the Finance committee. A letter from the tourist information bureau was read and ordered filed. Mr.Hulse arrived and tookhis seat• / ·. .. ~_The resignation of :r.tr.R.A.Ha.cking was tendered and accepted with regret,know- ( ing' the cause to be ill health,.on motion of Messrs.stuart and Buhn. i --. I. l A petition trom G.Duffield et al.was read re.the enforcement of the early closing and Wed.af.closing BylawsaOn motion Of lllressrs.Lee and Malloy the petition -was received,.filed,and the police asked to use diligence in enforcing all Bylaws _of the town,and that merchants be asked to cooperate tawards that endo '·"'-STUART LEE that this council do go on record as deeply regretting the passing , of our late Sovereign,.lHng Geprge the Fifth,while at the same time expressing our sincere gratitude for the benefits to the Empire of hie wise and beneficent rlil.le i J and the example of his noble life to all His peopleo l..iarriedo A letter enclosing the balance of his account from w.S.Gibson and ~on was -· read and referred to t',he Finance committee• :r.tr.Lee for the Property committee reported as follows;In view of complaints I ha. I ving been made that the library room is never properly heated during the cold weat- her it has been considered advisable by your committee that there be installed an additional radiator but that first the estimated costs be obtained. HULSE KNOWLES that the Prop.committee be empowered to take whatever steps they deem necessary to provide satisfactory heating for the Pub.Library and that the seal of the corporation be attached hereto. Carried.o .. '---· \ . .._~_ . .-/ 3 ~he treasurer submitted his report of the months receipt& and expenditures for al~ the departments and the statement was ordered tab~ed. Tne Waterworks committee,Mesars Bunn Stuart and ~ee submitted the fo~~owing -. - report,~We recommend that the fo~~owing notice be enforced regarding water con- sumers who are in arrears;that the paymenj;sof arrears to whom this bylaw effects shall. pay their arrears on the following basis, to avoid hardships in making such paymenta.In addition to the regular quartei:ly rate the sum of three dollars must be paid on aceount of arreara.In cases where the amount of arrears is in excess of twenty dol.larsthere must be a payment of six dollars in. addition to the regular quarterly rate.Any fail.ure to pay the arrears in this way will result in water service being ciit off without further notice.Reconnecting service under the bylaw a charge of fifty cents will be made• a.We reaommend that when ~abor is available the expension to Sismans Shoe Fac --·~. tory be made from the eight inch water main on Berczy st. to the present smaller main on JICosley st.thereby giving the T.Sisman Shoe Co.satisfactory fire probation at an eetimated.cost of $365.00.We f~ther recommend (3) that if satisfaatory to the Relief Committee that men on re~ief be allowed extra hours of labor to assist in payment of water consumption••(4J.Wheras part of arrears of account #133 accrued while the premises wrer occupied by a consumer who has made an assignment and is now a nonresident,therefore we recommend that this amount •• 30.00,be considered doubtful and be transferred to the doubtful accounts• HOLS:E BALDWIN t~t the report of the committee on Waterworks respecting the Rayment of w ter arreras (Cl.l.) be received and adoptedeMr.Stuart asked that the vote be recorded and on the poll being taken every member of council was recordeld as voting yea. The motion was declared carried. HULSE KNOWLES that the recommendation of the w.w.crommittee respecting the water situation at the T.Sisman Shoe 8o .be received and adopted and the seal of the corporation attached. Carried. HULSE KNO~LES that the recommendation of the w.w.committee respecting the arrears of those on relief be received and referred to the Relief Committee for consideration. Carried. HULSE BALDWIN that the. recommendation of the w.w.committee respecting accoun' number 133 be received and adopted• Carried. The plaque was inspected and approved and the foreman was instructed to place it on the outside of the new pump house in a propinenti position • .. , .. , ... ,,. I .. - 4 The E.L.Comwittee Messrs.atuart Eunn and Ealdwin submitted the following; Whereas tn~·councils of l933 0 l934.and l935 0 ag~eed that the following resolution s-hould be enforced0 ttthat all electric light consumers who are in arrears for el• light or power must pay their present monthly consumption and an equal amount of their arrears ;consumers in arrears for fifty dollars or over must pay a minimum of five doll.ars as wen. as their present monthly consumption;eonsumers in arrears who fail to comply with this resolution within thirty days shall have their electr~ current cut off and a charge of fifty cents be made for reoonneoting•We again reo-· ommend that this resolution be strictly enforced in the present year. 2.That on and after the second of March a rebate of ten per :cent be made on a:l..l domestic accounts when paid on or before the last business dq of the current month;such rebate not illo apply to the minimum charge.We further recommend that if satisfactory to the Relief Committee tha.t men on relief be allowed extra hours of labor to assiat in payment of electricity oonsumption. (3~-.W"hereas part of ti the arrears of account number 314 accrued while the premises were occupied by a consumer who has made an assignment and is now non-resident. therefllre we reoommend that the amount,30.l3 be considered unoollectable and be transferred to the doubt- ful accounts• HULSE Irn.OWLES that the report of the E.L.Committee respeoting arrears of Electric Light consumers be received and adppted. On the yeas being asked by Mlo Stuart the poll was called and all recordeR as voting yea• LEE HULSE that the recommendation of the E.L.Committee respecting the matter .. of monthly rebates for prompt payment of electric light bills be referred to the ··~~ town solicitor for an opinion on its legality• Carried. l ! j The Relief committee reported as follows,~that the total cost of relief in the town of Aurora for the month of January was $709.97, the number being twenty I families.3 single.and 81 depe·ondents•The cost of relief for Jan.l935 was 1649.79 J 41 heads of families,3 single,l30 dependents.adopted on motion of Messrs.Rulse and~ @ .li.nowles.. The R.&.E.Committee reported.•we wish to bring to the attention odf the citizens of the townthe fact that there have been placed at certain public places A billboards on which all notices in future must be posted.The citizens are reminded·f of the bylaw prohibiting the posting up of any notices on any post tree or struct•1 . j ure • It is to be hoped that the citizens will cooperate in enforcing the bylaw ·1: and in so doing make our streets more attractive .Adopted motion Mr.Lee and .Mr.Bunn} A Bylaw number 786 was passed,in regular form,appointing aev . •G.o . . .. ,·,·;-,·· ···;·-······ ... -,-... ., j J.. ightbou:l l ,r··. . \ a member of the High Schoo~ Board in place of Mr.R.A.Hacking.resigned. On motion of the Reeve and ""eputy the council adjourned,at 10.50. J:.f(~ ----------------- Mayor • ,._-· I I I