MINUTES - Council - 19351104I_ ~---,_\ r L r I ~ THill FOURTEENTH ]l!l:EJliTING O:E' THE COUNCIL FOR THE YEA...'l ~935 was held in the Counci~ ro~m o~ Mo~day eve.Nov.4th~with the mayor presidin~ and all the members in attendance. The minutes of the preoedi~ meeting were perused,and approved on motinn of Messr&r.Hulme <Uld Ba~dwin .. M;r.Duffie.~d. appeared,~ain asking permission to open up on certain eveninij;lil for :;:.ppo.intments reg~P-rding c.orrective shoes. HULSE LER,that November ~lth.be proclaimed a ho~iday for thEa munieipality in ~cordance-with the Dominion proclamation. Carried• Invitations from the Vet- erans of Aurora and the council of Richmond Hill to attend their services were read and filed. KNOVU,ES LEE that the action of the mayor in issuing orders on the treasurer far the paymentb of the following accounts be and the same is hereby,confirmed• <Uld the seal of the corp.attached hereto; Oct.l9th. Mrs.Waite!l corp. 7 ~00/1 M.Rob.inson 9.00/1 A.Bunn E.Light. 1;£..90 (\ ;r .Stubbs 2.40/1 26th. Mrs. 11 ai tes Corp. 7 ~oo II M.Robinson 9 .. oo II ;r .Stubbs E.L. 2.40 (\ A.Bunn ~0.~5 {\ S!ila.rt Turner lila-50% contract 68~.50 1\ C.Kielty rE?lief.rent Buker 12.00,1\ Nov.2nd. :Mrs :iVai tes Corp. 7 .oo 1\ li[~Robinlllon 9 .oo 1\ AoBunn E.L. 11.201\ ;r ;stub·os 2.401\ Carried• KliTOWIJ!lS LEE that the fol~owing iil.oco8ntl0 he paid, that the m;o.yor issue order a on the treasurer Gorp. for the same and that ihe lieu of the oorp.be attached hereto; Taylor and Son. ~~:as and oil 34.99 II Davie "'a.ra~e repairs to fire truck 39.95 1\ W .spra~~:g removing and replaci~ pump 10.50 1\ J .H.Sloan office supplies 1.67 (I County Trea.e • .<iosp charges Bunn 9.62 11 J.A.MitoheH 1.76/\ S.C.Taylor glass 1.851\ Attridge ahd Son 3.23 1\ Aurora Hdwe. 9.07 II C~erk pas tage 4.00 (\ R.Westlake arena 8 nighta a.OOI\ William.son Bros. co~al 32.50 f\ A·Fleury outside trips 30.ooA M.Hi~born 3 moe .salary 75.00,.. Carried. MALLOY STUART that the following accounts be paid,that the ma~or issue orders on the Relief ",· treas.for the same and that F.Hale for Egan, E.Konni " Smith ~tts.Chapman Peters J.H.Sloan household J.F.Willis " :;._;.,· the seal shelter It remediea of the corp .. be attached 6 .oo f\ 12 .oo 1\ 1.20 (\ 2.85" 1.42" hereto;, \ \ ' , __ . \.. .2 B.F.Davia fue~ F.c.:oavis " Pattersons Bakery food Frosts Merchant and Case A.&:.pf.P.&tore _ Dominion Stores· triawie& and Sana Medica~ re~ief.25 eta on 42 14.00/1 251\ 2.651\ 1.4.15 (\. 10.31.1\ 34. 'Z 4 (\ 1.0.281\ 3.04 1\ 10.50 Carried. ' BAL:JJWIN I..:!!lli. that the fallowing accountli 'be pa.id,that the mayor issue orders ~ '' --. on the trea.a.far E.L• -' the same and that the selii..l of the corp;oe Attridge and Son. 'fJ oSpril.gg .. Ql1;1rk postage and express. RE.E.P.a. power fer 9 ept. Northern ~ectrie Co~ il. t tached here to; 16.131\ 50 1\ 1.871\ 227 3.11 II 98 .51ft Carried .. BUNN STUART that the fol~owing accounts be paid,that the mayor issue orders an thetreas.for w.w. the same and that the seal of Township of King taxes D.H.Flem.ing Eng.fees a.s.stark lead pot Attirdge and San Aurora Hardware the corp.be attached hereto; 16.451\ ll7 .65" 7 .oo fl 4.50 fl 10.351\ C&rried .. The treasurer gave his man~hly report of receipts and expenditures for the several departments,and it was considered and fi~ed. Mr.i"ulse for the Fire committee reported;The pump on the fire truck has been repaired and is now in good wGirking order.1'he truck hc.s been overhauled and the motor m.s now in first class condition.A general inspection of the alarms in the T.Sisman Shoe Oo.and the firemem;; homes has been made and the necessary a.djust- ~ents made.Acc~pted on motion of Messrs .t•nowles and Bunn .. Mr.Hu.lse far the Musical .llestiv!U committee reported;A general raeetin~.?; of the -dolll!lli ttee open tp the public was held in th e H.S .Audi torium,on ]'rida.y~Oct .18th, Capt • .r.c.Atkinson,chairma.n of the Canadiii.n Bureau for the advancement of musia gave an address which was enthusiastically reoeived •• Musical num.Uers were contrib- uted by Messrs.Bailey~Black,T•W.Stephens,and Mrs.Rutledge,and Miss Jean Hunter of Newmarket.A general committee,ha.s bee formed consisting of the followinat;Rev.G.O. Li~htbourne,Mrs.C.Willis,Mrs.c.R.Boulding,Miss L.Atkinson of Aurora,with one each from the Board of Trade and the_W.Institute,Miss J.Hunter.Mrs.S.Rutledze,Aubrey Bailey of Nev1ma.rket ;Rev.Lynd,Mrs.I .Colville and Ewart Pinder of Whi tchurch;Revs. Davis and Wrixon of King;A.D.Buoha.nan of Ric:b..mond Hill 1 Miss Marie Draper of E.Gwilli uobury;Mr.D.Ross of St.Andrews College;Mr.Frank Murch of Pickering Coll.and Bro. Victor of DeLa.Salle College.A general committee meeting will be held next week and in the folJ.owin!l: week a. Musicale will be held in the H.S .Audi torium,free to the' Public • Received on mati.on of Mr.Bunn and Mr.Knowlea. Mr.l~nowles for the Finance committee reported;your aommittee considers it .,,. r i --"- 3 advis.lil.ble that <lll proper formlil.lities be taken so that a tax sale may be held in the early part of the new year and for this purpose it is suigeated that the town clerk take counsel with the solicitor.Your GJOmmittee a.lso feels that it may be advisable to include in the tax sale not only vacant property but also house property more than three ye&rs in a.rrea.rs.It is particularly urged upon all those over three years in arrears of taxes,and also others with less than ~ee years arrears to make every effort ~o ~ay a part of the arrears before the end of the yea.r.Adopted on motion of Messrs.Hulse and Malloy. J\llX.:Ma.lloy· for the Relief committee reported 0With the winter season a.p:proac:hinl there have been more a.pplioa.ticns for relief.We¥a.re fortunate to have two addit- ional men added to the Holland Landing l1oad construction workwhich is now taking care of six of our unemployed.The present number on relief is six heads of fam- ilies ,one single.Cost for October. $135.39,for Oct~l934,$393.37.Adopted on mot~ ion Of Messrs .Hulse and Bunn. Mr.Ma.lloy for the R.&.B.Ccmmittee teported;the to\7-n foremen have gone care- fully over the sidewalks and repaired any place that was dan,g;erous to pad&lllt;ians'i Any information concerning any fUrther repairs needed.left at the clerks offiee vlill be appreei;o.ted.A catch basin has been installed at the corner of Spruce and Centre sts.to take care of the water that floods the walk.The condition of Kenn- edy St.is such that it requires immediate attention.:Received on motion of Messrs Stua.rt and Hulse. A letter from the H.E.P.c. regardin!J: grqup i nsurance was referred to the Finance and E.L.Committees.· Letters from the l\Ulk Control Board were r·eadand the clerk instrueted to reply and urge that the Boa.rd push the matter to a definite eeae*~e~e~solution. KNOWIJ!lS nm: that the offer for the purchase of a 44 feet lot on the s. side of Connaught Ave.by Mr.j.L.Geddes~for the sum of $125.00 be hereby accepted as stated in the terms of the offer of purchase and that the seal of the corp• be attached hereto. Carried. A letter from ll.llX.Miniay re purchase of a lot for the Faith Baptist lillissiol 1 was read.STUART BUlU{ that the town solicitor be empowered to make satisfactory arrangements with J\llX.liingay re lot north of Arena on Victori a St.for a sale of same between the town of Aurora or the Trustees of the Public School and Mr.Mingay Ua,rried. Kl~·owus MALLOY that the request of the Veterans Association of Auror& for holding a tag day on Nov.9th.be hereby granted. Carried. 4 • The hlayor asked. the so~icitoriil ru~ing re<J:arding the request of Mr.Duffield. and W<il.il informed th<il.t under the Byl<il.w no consid.era.tion cou~d be shown Mr.Duffie~d in the matter of keeping his store open for a certain claila of business during the evening. Mr. now~es for the R.&.B.Collllll.oasked that the clerk be instructed. to write the k County Engineer giving him power to sand Yonge St.at no cost to us~and freein& the county from ~iabi~ity for any damage done to the sewer system by the lodging of much se.nd.•'l'his was aa;reed to by council. The mil.kpasteurization a~teration petition was; Gl.gain considered.,as preilented by c.Nay~or et.a~~.&tuart moved,seconded. by Mr.Hu~se,that the so~icitor be instr-i ~ ucted. to bring in an amending By~aw to provide for the sale of raw mi~k produced ! within the town from a tubercu~in and. abortion tested herd,duly oertified.,and those handling the milk having been subjected to a monthly medica~ inspection. Mr.Hulse . -j asked that the yeas and nays be recorded with the following result;yea~Me~sr~. Hulse lillalloy and Stuart;nay, the lillayor Reeve and liiiessrs Baldwin Bunn and Lee.The motion was deo~ared lost. LEE KHOWLES that the placin_; of the public liabi~ity and property d 8 .mage insurance be left in abeyance unti~ the 12th.of ~~ovember 1935~to furnish the Fin. collllll.i ttee an opportunity of obtaining further reports ,but failine.t any further fav- orable reports on this insurance it sh;&ll be underwritten in lloyda of london En~. f~om the 4th.of Oot.l935 0 at the premium of $487.75 and that a che~ue for payment of the premium be issued on de~ivery of the policy and the seal of the corp.be attached hereto• Carried.• The chairman of the E.L • asked regarding delinq_uent accounts and was informed, ' • that the members would support unanimously the resolutions passed regardine.t such• Mr.Knowles asked regarding the prize offered for decorated oars at the time of the Jubilee celebration and the ma~or asked the clerk to look up the wording ~ of the billa for the next meeting. The ~uarteily report of the Auditor was tabled and referred to the Fin.Comm. A Bylaw to provide for the prohibition of posting bills notices etc. upon posts trees and structures was given its ilevera~ readings .and passed,ilubject to the approval of the Dept.of Highways. ' ' ! HULSE BALDv/IN that the R.&.B.Comnhbe and. are hereby authoriiled and iniltruated] to have bulletin boards erected at· the following places within the town of Aurora; 'rown Hall,cor.of Mosley and Victoria.llliosley and Wells,Welline;;ton & Yonge;Wellington ,, :.<.\,• 5 Berazy Sta.a.nd the Po lilt .Office .for the purpoae of Qif;pf';i,e!l ... having noticea or .. . Publicationa posted or placed thereon. Carried. On motion of M.essrs.Runn and Knowles the council adjourned Ql.t 11.10 ·\. Mayor• i I ,_:r ) l f I ··-.. -.-·