MINUTES - Council - 19351015. r"'· r·;-::< ) ~.-,,"""'F ,, TIIE THIRTEl!.'NTH MEE'riNG OF 'lliE COUNCIL FOR THE YEAR 1935 vvas held. in the Council' Chamber on Tuesd.~ eve.Oct.l5th.with the ~.yor :pras:Lding and the Reeve.and coun- cillors Baldwin Bunn Hulse Lee and Stuart in attendance. The minutes of the :preceding meeting were read and adopted. LEE HULSE that the action of the mayor illl!l issuing orders on "!:.he treasurer for -< •• - the payment of the following al!l"counts be and the same is hereby confirmed amd the s1 seal of the corporation attached. hereto; Sep.l4th. 2ist. 28th. Oct.5th. 12th. Mrs. Waites lli[.Ropinson Mrs .·W"ai tee ,i.L;Jiopins.on Mrs.Wa.ites. ¥i:;Robinson Mrs.Waites M.;Robinson Mrs.Waitea rvr;Robinson J.Stubbs EoLtght acct. A;:Bunn " 7 .oo II 9 .oo () 7 ;oo 11 9.00 II 7 .oo" 9.00A 7 .oo 1\ 9 .. oo ll 7 .oo II 9 .oo 1\ 1.501\ 5. 25/) Carried.. KNOWLll$ LEE that the following accounts be paid,that the mayor is.sue orders on ----the treas.for the same and that the seal of the corp.be attached hereto~ Corp. Caulfields ~a.rage chev,truck rep. m6.95/l on B.G.Whitelaw cash books 20.00 ft J .H.Sloan supplies 42•11 AUrora Hdwe.. 10.40 1\ County Treasurer hosp.acct. 2.62 ll Davis Garage fire truck 11.50 II J.C.Tholll$on gas. 3.55/\ F.Browning tile and cement 38.72 II Attri. dge and Son 27.84 [\ C~N.R. sign rental subway 1~00 h J .Black teaming 72.80 1\ Local Selectors of Jurors 6 .oo {I Bell Phone Co. 32.41. fl Clerk stamps 7.50 II 'elief RoWestlake arena acct. 4.00 1\ F.Ha.le shelter Egan 4.8011 ,. E ·Konni Smith 9 • 60 1\ S .Foote Buker 7'.20 II Mrs .Chapman Peters 3.60 1\ Mrs.Smith Est. Stephenson 7.2oA EoLoDepto ll 3.001\ M.erchant and Case food 10.74/\ FoMorris 2:5.1il21\ Frosts 7.57 II A.&.P.Store 23.53~ F.W .Teasdale ------------15.85/\ Aurora Dairy 9.56 I( Aurora ~*en. store 79.07 fl Dawsons Grill 1.75/\ 1 J .H. Sloan household rem. 6.00 fl ,, B.:B'.Davis fuel 14.00 {I Carried. ·if Medical l'ielief 10 ·25t 'J BALDWIN LEE that the· following accoun;Y;s be paid, that the ma yor issue orders : the treas.for the same and that the seal of the E.L• Bell Phone Co. 240 2 mos. J.M.Wa.lton Sun Ins.Co. prem. G.w. Clerk postage and expreas Ouj1;h and Son sundries Can.Gen.Eleotric Co. H.E.P.o. power for Aug. corp.be ll.ttached 5.95 1\ ~ 7.501\ 3.17/\ 901\ 70 ·6411 2240.38 A hereto;. :1 ~ .1',·.1 ' ~' I I I -~ I t 2 A·L~ngman meals and exp.re storm Can.Line Materials t;Blaak teaming P~l.Reynolds filing 2.10 lA 7 .oo (\ 1.75 /l 3.501\ Carried• BUID~ STUART that the following aaconnts be paid,that the mayor issue orders -· ' __ .,.. on the treas .for the s~JD.e and tm.t the seal of the corp.be W"W. Ough and Son . ··-. ., .. J .Black . teaming E·.C.MinataY J;leU.Phone Co. B~F;Davis Can.~en.Elea.co. i2 Qlei:k postage Qrane Ltd. attached heretoj 7 .281\ 17.85 A 4.501\ a.54 II 1.71/\ 27.93 1\ 7 .00 II 9.411\ Carried. The treasurer submitted his monthly report showing comparison with the previous September.(l934) and totals to date in both the receipts and expenditures. Adopted. ' ~ Ytr.Baldwin for the E.L.Committee reported," department work completed;transformer and pole removed at w.W~plant;ten old services replaced with new wire.1'rees trimmed and serviwe repaired on Connaught Ave~Ha.rrison Ave 0 Metcalf MOsley Wellington and cross streets.Work passed and to be done;Fleurys transformer stand built~pole and repairs at town hall,Sismans transformer stand stubbed,three new poles on Berazy St.,. one on lVLos.ley 0 repairs to high tension wires from plant to the Aurora Flour and Feed 1 mill,one thousand feet of #6 wire replacing /18 on Kennedy st. ,rewiring Temperance to ! I Mill on Tyler~trees trimmed and services repaired in balance of the town;some of thi~ .1 work m'lil.st be done at nights or sundaysJfurther notice in the Banner 0 power will be off on Thursday morn from l to 5 A.M. received on motion of Mr.Hllllse & Mr.Bunn. M:r.Hulse for the Fire comm~ reported;11 The pump on the fire truck has been taken to Mamilton for repairs and will be soon in f~rst class condition;supplies ha~e been, ordered for the repair of the fire alarms now out of order e,nd these will soon be in ' good working shape;the fire truck has been overhauled by a mechanic at a cost of $ll.5Q;owing to the necesaity of curtailina> expenses your committee are unable to recommend the installation of a lll&6tneto system of fire bells although of the opinion· that this is a most desirable step and should come under the consideration of coun- cil next year when starting the budget for the year.:chat. the question of those fireJ men having telephones being notified by the night operator at the time of each fdtre' be taken up with the telephone Co. Accepted Mr.Stuart and Mr.Lee.,motion lii[r.Hulse for the Musical l!'estival committee t"Messrs Malloy e,nd Hulse interviewed ' Capt.T.C.Atkinson.director of the Canadian Bureau for the advancement of music.and we have been assured .of his full cooperation•In Capt.Atkinson•s opinion,it will not' be possible for a music festival to be held here until Spring and your committee after studying the question are of the same opinion.on Friday,Oot.l8th.at 8ol5 a ., "<'.'' .,.,:·· 3 meetinji; will be held in the rlili!:h Gchool auditorium for the purpose of organising commit-tees.Capt .• Atkinaon will addresa the meeting and a musical progrll.!lJ.llle will be . . i provided.The public are cordially requested to attend this meeting.recei¥ed on motioni of l!iiesars .Knowl.es and Bal.dwin~ u~.Bunn reported the new pl.ant in operation but the pumps still. under trial with mdmor adjustments req,uired..11i.essrs Knowl.es and Hulse moved for an officill inli!: at as early a date as the c.ommitt.ee can arrange .. open- 4 letter from~s.Lightbourne advocating a soup kitchen for transients was read and referred to the Relief committee. The York County Veterans asked if we wish to purchase a wreath for the memorial on Remembrance day .. LEE KNOV~S that the usual wreath at the price of ten doll.ars be purchased.for the hlemo~iar" tower for Armistice day Nov.ll.th.l935,a.nd the seal of the corp.attached hereto. Carried. The U.eneral Accident -"nsurance co.asked for the return of the Jord~tn Roberts bond~LEE HULS.t!; that the Jordan Roberts Sales I,td.contract bond in the General Accid- ent Assurance Co.of Canada be returned to the company if and when the w.w.oommittee give its approval that the company has fully completed its contrac:t.and the seal of the corporation be attached hereto. Carried. J.he Can;;~.dian ""nstntute on Sewage and Sani~.tion announc ed their convention litnd asked that the plant operator be sent down.Messrs.Stuart and Hulse moved that the letter be filed;Messrs Knowl.es and Bunn moved in amendment that Mr.F.Dunham be req_- uested to attend the convention of thw 6ana.dian Institute on Sewa.~~:e and Sanitation on Oct.l7th.and 18th.in Toronto a.nd that he be granted the sum of ~;5.00 to cover registration and expenses and the seal of the corp.attached hereto. Carried. The Duffield Shoe store wrote asking permission of council to keep the store o;pen in t.he evenings or to have the closin~ Bylaw amended to permit such action. The clerk was instruc.ted to confer with the solicitor regarding the matter. ·l i 1~e Can.Industrial Parades re.greater business.The-STUART B~IIN that councilf j signify willingness to cooper te and pass the letter to the Board of Trade. Carried>i i l ~~: BALDWIN that the clerk be instructed to write the Milk Control. Board to enquire the present situation in town. A letter from the Agricultural Society re grant was referred to the Finance committee on motion of Messrs Hulse and Bunn. ' -1 On the question of the renewal of the ~unicipal ~iability Insurance the company 1 j holding the policy in past years was reqaested to give covera.s;e for one month until ; j 1 / \_j 4 members had tim.e to investigate certain :phases of the matter. Carried. The question of sewerage connection for ~~.w.cameron was referred to the R.&. B.Comm.ittee with the understanding that they would secure the consent of a. maj- ority of council to whatever :plan they might adopt and that would be sufficient sanction to :proceed with the work on the adopted plan. The clerk was requested to put notice in t.he munic.i:pal notes forbidding the further :posting of notices indiscrim.inately about town and the Bylaw committee to bring in a Bylaw regarding the matter at the next meeting.and :providing for a system of l;Jillboardso It was ggreed t.hat tl;le :petition regarding the milk situation was being left over for a full council. The Mayor felicitated Mr.Hulse u:pon joining the riii.nks of the benedicta and the sentiment expressed concurred in by all the members of council. The council adjourned,on motion of Mr.Hulse and Mr.Bunn ,a,t 10.30 • ~ --------------------------- May-or.