MINUTES - Council - 19350806r :---:-·--.. : ~----. ·--"''"""""'""""""'""~--~ ... ~~'~...;_F~""'"'"'~··'"'"-".;._~2_~~-·~:2Z.:.~.~~,;,,,"·"~~~-""'"'~~~~~~,_:_~-~~--~~,;.~~~:.:._---~__,-__ ~--~~-...;.~ ::.· :::::·~-c.."''"'""'~:..v.-~,.~rl--.-~-...:...----•-·~~
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room on TUesday eve.Aug .6th.with the mayor presidin& and al~ the members in
Mr.Lee called attention to an error of the printin& as the minutes appeared
in the copies presented.The minutes were adopted upon motion of Mr • .Lee and Mr.
KNOWLES BUNN that the action of the mayor in issuing orders on the treasurer
~ .. ''
for the. payment of the fol~owin& accounts be and the saae is hereby confirmed.
and that the seal of the corp.be a.ttached hereto;
July 7th. Mrs. Waites oz.oo,.
M.Robinson 9o00A
15th. Mrs.Waites 7 .OOA.
M·Robinson 9.0QA
2~d. Mrs.'~~aites 7 .OOA.
M·Robinson 9.0011
27th Mrs.Waites 7.00"
M.Robinson 9.0QA
Au&• 3rd. Mrs.Waites 7.00;\
M·Robinson 9.00A.
.Jul.y 27th. :r.stubbs E·Li&ht ~.50-1
:r.Smith 4.20'\
.J.Kawkee 4.201\
N.E~er 9-fOOI\ C:arrieO.•
KNOWLES LEE that the fol~owing accounts be paid.that the mayor issue orders
on the treas.for
the same and that
Attridge and Son
Bell Phone Go.
the seal of the corp.be attached
lbr and cement 47 ~47 .1\
Dr.Steveneon att.convention
w.c.Waite and Son
Aurora Kdwe.
Ough and Son
B.F .. Davis
United Steel Corp. be~t
M·Bi1born prop. sa1.
C~erk petty cash
35 .ooA
7 .~OJ\
hereto i
A·Fleury po~ice trips
~7 .OOA Carried.. i
MALLOY BALDWIN that the followinc accounts be
on thetre~?.s.for the same and that the seaJ. of the
apid that the mayor issue
corp.be attached hereto;
Relief. E.Konni rent Smith
A.Kulse Gilpin
Smith Eat. Stephenson
W.l'rofit Atkinson
F.Hale E~an
Styles E.t. Farley
Mr.Foote Buker
MrsjCha.pman l'eters
E.L~ght Stephenson w.w. Stubbs
Pa.t tersons Bakery
Merchant and Case
Cousins Dairy
Knowles and Sons
Gen. Store
Dr.Stevenson household rem.
F.Rowland clothing
Ou~h and Son fuel
Davie <.iarage
~.201' 5.ool(
9 .32JI.
50 A
B.F.Davia fuel
)i/ied.Aaaociation 25 eta per capita
15.25 Carried•
BALDWIN-LEE that the following accounts be f)pid,tr.:.at the mayor issue orders
on th~-tr~asurer for the same and that the seal of the
.E..L. Northern El.ectric
Qan.Line ~terials
McColl Frontenac Oil.
lj:.]i:.l'.c. of Ont. _ power June
Ferran~i El.eQtric -
can~L&ao Lampa
J;lavis Garage
Bell. Phone·oo.
Clerksta.mps eta.
E .c .Mingay
Au;ro;ra Hdwe.
Attridge and Son lbr.
corp. be attached hereto;
6.52 A Carried.
BUNN STUARi that the following accounts be paid,that the mayor issue orders • -on the treasurer for the same and that the seal of the corp.be attached hereto:
1. .OOA w.w. E.C.Mi~ay
Dom.Reinforcmng Steel Co.
Jones and Moore rent of motor
Bell Phone Co.
Crane Ltd•
Jas.Robertson Clo.
A.Langman for_ N .Smith llel. ting
Canada Metal Co.
National. Iron. Corp.
Attridge and Son lbr tank
" · pump house
J.Fleurys Sons
F.Browning eo% ...
B~F.Davis coal
Aurora Greenhouses
contract pump house
6.50 J\
30 ~451\
3 .lOA
28.50 A Carrieci.
The treasurer presented his monthly :n:eport showinc; receipts and expenses very
close to those of the previous year.
Mr.Naughton reported on the account presented by Mr.Love and the matter was
referred to the Finance committee•
Mr.F.Browni~ reported the houae owned by F.Ha.le on Yonce to be in an unaafe
condition .The naayor stated he has also asked for a report from the M.o.H. and
when recei•ed the facts will be passed on to the owner.
Mr.Bal.dwin for the E.L. committee reported that Mr.Langman needs two or three
men for 10 days in August to ~¥•-~a-do the following;trim and treat 13 new pol.es;
new transformer stand a~ Fl.eJilrys;one at Sismans stubbed;four poles on Beraz.y and
one on Masley sts.and at Harrison and Well.s l.ines butt treated. material. $50.00;
and that the work: be begun when men are available and that wiring-in front of
Saicles on Catherine be repaired. Adopted.
STUART BUNN that the report; of the E.L.Co!Dlllittee be adopted and that the seal
of the corp.be attached hereto• Carried.
~.Hulse for the Fire Committee reported that the Smart aurner Co.will have
men who are settin£ up 1tihe new pumps inspect the Ji'ire pump on the truck and su~~:,est
• • :-'ii c~;' • ' '
[' '\
whatever is necessary in ~he line of repairs.
Mr.Hulse for the Musical Festival reported,ttowin~ to the absence of Capt.T.c •
.Atkinson of the Canadian Bureau for the advancement of music.from Toronto until
Aua:ust,your collllllittee deemed it advisable to postpone' the g;eneral meeti~ of those
interested in the project until a date early in Aur;ust when Capt.Atkinson can be
present.llata from other centres conducting mlilaic-Festivals has been r;athered and
the committee will present to the ,eneral meeting a survey of the systems in vogue
throughout the provinae.The absence on holiday of many music teachers,choir leaders
and several prominent citizens of the district interested in music has also made
it advisable to postpone the ,eneral meeting until early this month. Adopteci.
Mr.Lee for the Bylaws committee reported,llpursuant to the decision of council
your committee held a meeting on the 22nd.of J'uly,l935,for the followinr; purposes,
considering the petition of some of the business men of the town askinlf: for the
i enactment of a Transient Traders Bylaw,and considerinr; and reporting on the necess-'
ity or otherwise of amending the present Bylaw authorising the hiring; of a Garbace ,
Collector for the town.After a careful consideration of that ·part of the Municipal I
Act dealing with the enactment of Transient Traders Bylaws and in view of the poss-1
ibility of a trader commencing businesshere with the object of disposing of a line I
of bankrupt or fire stock and then moving out 0 thereby evading the payment of a
business tax and also unfairly competing with our local traders your committee
recommends that a transient traders bylaw be enacted ,that the lioence fee be· one
hundred dollars,and that the solicitor be instructed to prepare the Bylaw for the
next meeting of council,.Your committee recommends that no action be taken at the
present time re~ardin~ an amendment to the Garbage Collector's Bylaw.That in view
I of various traders from without the municipality,such as bakers.cleaners and pressel
and others doin& business in the town and being in competition to our business men 1·
that such traders should be liable to a business assessment in the same manner as I
the business men in the town;the municipaliteis should have power to assess these I
outside traders: .• ~our committee therefore recommends that this report be forwarded t1
the Muniaipal Association,with a view that the amtter be brought to the attention I
of the government,with a stron~ resolution that the assessment or Muniaipal Act
be amended empowerini the municipalities to assess such traders aforesaid.
The report was adppted on motion of Mr.Hulse and Mr.Knowles.
Mr.ifnowlea for the Finance Committee submitted the report,the council resolvi~
into oommi ttee and consideri~ the report clause by clause; otYour committee held. twol
meetings since the last meeting of· council,on July 29th.and Aug.lst,wi th all member!
f.'~:oX'c\j, £-,<;' .:........:..~~·~'-="--"\>'-~~~~-.;:~~"""-'W -~·"""""'' ··~~;..:.,-_-·..:,..._..;.:..:..:,~~~-'---.<:;-':'_,-;,~;-';'"""'""'~-'·""~~~;\M-~~.,..;,.-,"'(-~~,
preaent together with the clerk snd treaaurer.After carefully considering the
townts financea to date.and the estimated receipts: and disbursements for thw bal-
ance of the year~your co!lllllittee begs to report as follows.~The collection of the
. '
current half years taxes compares very favorably with the collection of taxes for
the same period of 1934.The collection of the arrears of taxes while not comparinc
so favorably with the first sevem mcnths of last year,yet with the pzpmA&e of the
payment of two or three large amounts before the end of the year,and with a con-
tinued drive in the collection of arrears of taxes,the results by the end of the
year should be as satisfactory as 1934.After carefully considerinc the receipts an(
expenditures to date,&nd also those estimated for the balance of the year,.your
committee feela that a mill rate of forty should be sufficient to meet the town's i
expenditures for the year 1935.we urgently recommend that the strictest economy
be carried out by every department for the balance of the year,in order to ensure
that a rate of forty mills will be sufficient to cover the year's expenditures.
Your committee recommends that the vacant lots assessed in the names of the attac•!
hed list and against which there are over three years arrears of taxes,be sold fori
tax:es,and that for this purpose a tax sale be held thia fall.Your collllllittee ;eco• i
mmends that a deed of the vacant lot at the creek basin and east side of Yonce St.l . I
be taken from the estate of the late .John Steele,in consideration for the arrears [
of taxes. Your cornmi ttee: further recommends that suit be entered against llilisa i
Attridge,Schomberc,for arrer&s $340.72,against ger property,and against w.Thoms I
for business tax of $33•18.The committee rose and the report was adopted on motion!
of Mesars.Hulse and E&ldwin.
Mr.Eunn for the w.w.committee reported,ltthe pump house is now complete and
ready for the pumps.The Encineer advises me that the Pump ~nufacturers are busy
assembling the pump which they expect wili be ready for instaliation in the near
future.The W&termain is almoat complete except crossing Yonge st.and
a few lencthal
at the pUJtp house,which we expect will be completed early next week.Transformera i
have been erected and armored electric cable carried underground to the pump· house!
J The report wa.so adopted. i
Mr.M&lloy for the R.&.E.Co!lllllittee reported,"there are many repairs. to sidewai
lks and some surface draining-that should have been done earlier in the seuon i
but owinc to the fact that our town employees have been engaged installinc the newi
six inch water main from the water lot to Yonce St.we have been unable to carry
out our programme as originally planned, but we will proceed with the work as soan J
as possible. Adopted •
Mr.Malloy for the Relief Commit~ee reported,KYour commit~ee have considered
the miofficial reports from the l?rov.Govermnent that the administration of relief ·
will be transferred to the municipality on Sept•lst.and heartily endorse the action I
Cl'f the &overnment as one whichwill not only cut down on the province's administrat•;
ion costa but also will place in the laands of the municipalities& more direct cent• I
i 1
rol over the relief problems and expenditurea.The time would seem.ripe for cuttin& ! ·
down on relief expenditures and thus curb further increase in taxation.We must imp-
ress on those obtaini~ rel.ief the necessity. of their putting forth every effort in
order to find jobs for themselves.Until the government stipulates the new relief
pl.an we are unable to make a definite statement on the future ~elief expenditure•
A letter from Mr.Whitmore stating that a petition will be presented at the
. .
next meeting of council regarding. the sale of milk was read and filed.
MroMalloy asked for direction regarding the request for an approach to a
erty on the east side of Yonce St.and the matter was referred to the R.&.~.and
ce committees.
One from the Smart Turner Co.enclosing copies of contract was considered and
I accepted • . ' '
The General Accident Assurance Co.asked for the return of the .Tordan Roberts:
:Bond,and the clerk was instructed to hold the bond until the work was completed in
a satisfac·tory manner.
The Clerk of Whitchurch asking that a Mr.:Band be charged with the cost of the
attendance at a fire.The clerk was instructed to reply the the council had been
approached before attendance and that we look to them for payment.
The Deputy Minister of Hospitals re the cost of medical fees for those under-
going observation in mental hospitals. Filed..
The auditors report for the past three months was referred to the Fin.Comm•
The Levy Bylaw was introduced by Mr.Knowles 0 given its several readingiii.M<r•
Lee in the chair in committee and passed,setti~ a rate of fort• mills for the year
Attention was drawn to one shop using town water for a cooling system and the
clerk was instrueted to write the offender that a meter wil~ be installed at the
first repitition of the offence.
The question of a prize for decorated oar in the Jubilee ~arade was referred
to the chairman of th&t committee.
Council adjourned at ll l?.M1on motion of the Reeve and ~eputy.