MINUTES - Council - 19350220'\ f \,~) I I I ! THE THIRD JGETING OF THE COUNCIL FOR THEYEAR 1935 was held in the council room o~ Wed~~sday e,;.~.Feb~20th.with ·the may~r presiding and the Reeve.JiiJeputy Reeve and Councillors Baldwin.,Bunn.T.ee and Stuart in attendance• In the perusal of the mi~utes·Mr.Lee stated that a verbal resolution regard• ing the disposition of a letter from the Bank of Montreal regarding the Bonds held was slightly inaccurate;That his motion was for the fi:llng of the letter and the solilli tor be asked to expedite the closing up of the transaction aa affecting the to wn and Mra.Patterson.The correction was made and the minutes adopted. .. . A letter from MR·A.Hulse stating he could not be present at the meeting was read• Letters from the Board of Health and the Milk Control Board regarding the milk situation were read~e council expressed themselves as unanimously in favor of enforcing the present milk Bylaw and the Bylaw committee,.on motion of th.e Reeve and Clouncillor BaldWin were instruc.ted tdl bring in a Bylaw to licence Da.iriea. Mr.Baldwin for the E.L.Gommittee reported thtt the committee recommend that ratepayers in arresra for.light must pay the current months acoaunt,together with an equal amount monthly until the arrears are paid up.That four meters and repairs were ordered•Report received and adapted on motion of the Reeve and Mr.Bunn. ' I LEE KNOWLES that alause 2 of Bylaw #'TD governing Hawkers and Pedlers and II Pettyi Chapme·n within the town of Aurora be amended to read as followst-Lioenoes may be iasuEre and sllld by thCJ town teeasurer to such persons mentioned in section one of this Bylaw who shall have obtained a. satisfactory certificate of character and shall have depasited the same with the treasurer with the address of tehe person ., granting the aertifioate,and who shall pay th the treasurer for a licente required under this Bylaw the sum of ten dollars for a person carrying his goods or ua.res in a basket or otherwise.,twenty dollars for a vehicle drawn or pushed by the person thirty dollars for a one horse wa.ggon.forty dollars for a two horse wa.ggon.and one .I I I I L r-) ·. ---~ hundred dollars for an automobile.truolc or other vehicle not drawn by horses.and every suc.h licence granted under the bylaw shall be and remain in force until the thirty first day of December next thereafter. 1 ~ ~ f. l I J:.h at the matter be referred to the town solicitor for the preparation of the proper Bylaw• Carried. Mr.Knowles for the Finance committee submitted the following report;Tha.t the report of the auditor dated Aug.l5tha934 has come to the attention of your committet~ -! and the recommendaticms theirin suggested have been carefully considered and your .. ( ) / \ 2. committee reco.mm.end tha..t the report be fully read and that the recommendations be taken u.p in committee o:t: the whole of this. cou.ncil.;.WII further recOIIllllend that a du.plica..te receipt ays.tem. be adopted;. that copies of all letters .written o.n behalf of the town be m.ade and properl.y filedtthat all. paym.ents to the town band for their servicea a.t the arena be made by cheque and that such cheque be made payable so that it can be delivered to the bandmas.ter and cashed by him.. from the i:eceipts of tha ga..tea;..taa.t pu.raha.ae of all tickets be recorded in a book provided for that pu.rpos.e and that tickets isaued by the clerk be recorded therein,together with returna. of tickets aold and cash received.and that the party receiving issue of the tickets from. the clerk receipt for aame by his initials in the margin. The recomm- endations were read-aRa-~-~~P4-a~~P&•ea-through and the report as presented was approved. Mr:.:Bu.nn for the W .W.Comm.ittee reported favorable progress on the new well• Mr:.St.uart for the-property committee read a letter from. Mr.McEown outlining -·-... ~ his plan for the proposed sign anci the utter was referreci to the committee• ll/ll:'.Ma.lloy tor the R.&.::a.Oommittee suggested that the foreman be notified to proceed with tree. trimridxig~ Mr: .. Malloy for the Relief Committee It As chairman of the Relief committee w4-4;ll- appoin.ted. a;t; the last.regular :aeeting of the o.ou.nail,.with power to nominate my . . . committee I beg to submit the names of Councillors Lee and :Baldwin as members of -. ! thls committee .. At the inaugural meeting of the council that it might be well. to consider the appointment of a the mayor advised the counci1 part time rel,ief officer I whoae duty it would be to act as inspector to administer relief under the super- vision of the rel.ief' committee whO' are responsible to counail~I feel that the appointment should be made at the earliest date posaible.A further questlion that should engage the a.ttention of cotmail. is. the problem. presented by what we know aa transient relief;.The expense to this municipality for this kind of relief is increasing year by year .. Unlesa some general. pol.icy-can be adopted by municipali tietl si tua.ted on the main .highways of this province this expense is bound to increase 1 and the presence U increasing numbers of tra.nS"ientS" will surely prove a menace ' to traffic on such highwaya.Therefore we recommend that a strong resolution be adopted by truis council and forwarded to the Provincial Dept•of' Relief and that m.uniaipalities situated on the main highways be asked to endorse and likewise. I I .I forward the sam.e.The report was received and accepted• ltALLOY LEEr tbat "'"·'••·Gouldiog bo oppointod •• Belioi Offioor in ad•ition h I I . ,, ::" -~ ' ··-~-·~·· .-<•;-' -----r:-c -.;.~-:.,;~:. -.--_:;-,-,. ;-· -: ;-,--.-··; ["''"" 3 hia preaent. du.t.iea ,t.ha.t. hia salary be sixteen do~~ara per week,dutiea to begin Feh.~t.h.L93li and that. the aeal of the ~orporation be attached hereto. Carried• r Mr.~w~ea showed a ata.telllent. of the receipta and expenditlires in ea.~h depart• lllent fllr the previ.Qu.a tw.o years with an es t.ima.ted alLotment for tha. t department in L93li• The-C!luncll a.dj_llu.rne.d.,at. ll P.11(, on motion of the Reeve and Mr..:Bunn• '-i Ma.yor;,