MINUTES - Council - 19341215i.
Coun~ii r~am'on S~turd~ eve:ne~-.iaih.at." 8.~ with 9j.i"members in attendance and
the mayor preaidina:.
The minutes of the precedin& meetin& were read and approved.on motion of Dr•
Southwood and 1\U'.Large.
THOli!PSON SOUTHWOOD that the fo~~owing accounts. be paid• that the mayor issue
. ~ ~ "" ""' ~· ~ . "
orders on the treasurer for the same and that the seal of the cprppration be
i attac11
Corp• Ceuaty treaaure•a Hosp.relief
J .M.V(a1ten premium. arena
a .J,..M:ry •·
~ ~lt~Under!tlll. ..
Fr-Wcom ~.a.rage
Villliamsoft coa1 arena
. • town &all
.. liab.
Bamner Press· Welfare league
Collis l-eather cinders:
l:l·Carr -tree
To&oY.ORoa.ds Collllllo
:Nau~hton and.J'enkins
snow fence
sal and disbts 1933
J • .A..li[i tchell and Son ·
F·P.unham outside trips
F•Browning sal.Fire chief
,. Mech.;Hall
Bell. . Phone Co..
Clerk postage etc.
50.2.0 II
7 .• 501\
4:6 .so /1
50.00 ll
' 6.101\ carrCied.
LARGE KNOWLES that the followi~ accounts be paidtthat the m~or issue orders
~ -~ --
on the treasurer far the same and that
E.L. W.F.Evans repairs
Bell .Phone Co.
H;E;p.a. Nov.power
F.Smith repairs
the seal of the eorp.be attached
lo50 1\
hereto a
fi.lQA carried•
STUART THOMPSON that the followin& acaounts be paid.that the mayor lhssue
orders on the w·.w. treas.for the same and. tha.t the seal of the
J.Rabertson eo.
L.s.~arshis and Sons pump
Bell Phone C"o;.
aorp.be attached hereto;
35 ...
32.65 ...
3.74"" aarried.
A letter was read from 1he Aurora Flour and feed enelosiilg aheque to cover the
. .
payments made to firemen for watching after the fire. Filed..
The certificate of the Engineer,.D.H.Fleming for payment to Jordan Roberts Co.
of' an amount equal to the sum demanded from them after they had abandoned the
location on Ransom St.Filed on motion of Mr.Thwnpson and Mr.Stuart.
A. letter from l&.Love explaining his acCcount.was referred. to the solicitor and . . . . I
constable Fleury to determine the amount due on motion of MR.Knowles and Mr.~hompson:
Requeat from the Poultry Assn.for the grant. I . . . I
THOMPSON BOWMAN that the Aurora Poultry and Pet Stock Assn.be given a grant of ·
$22.50 and the seal of the corporatiol) a.ttaahed hereto. Carried.
Mr.Arthur Miller applied for the booth at the arena to succed A.McBride,.removed
. .../"
·::;: ::::;-::·
from tomh
. . .. ..•. , .... , ..
STUART TiiOMPSO.N that Arthur Mi.ller be given the Booth privelegea at the arena
at ihe"u~~~terms 40% to the town and 60.% to A·Miller,subject to cancellation
when the Prop.committee decide ti call for reglil.a.r tenders. Carried.
A letter from c.S.Niabet asking redress of $76.00 for flowers frozen allegedly
through lack of water to maintain heating ayst-•On motion of Messrs.Stuart and
Bunn the letter was filed and the matter to be thoroughly investigated.
THOMPSON BOWlliiAN that the sum of $J.Oa.oo be transferred from the E.L.Dept.and
.. --------~ -.. ~ -------A
$35..00 from the-w.w .Dept~ to the general account of the toWlll.,for the proportions 1'\.
that each department should bear of the cost of the insurance premium paid by the
Corporation which replaces the Workmens Compensation Boards charges covering all
persons employed by the town,.and that the seal of the
The Mayor thanked the solicitor for his attendance
during the year and wished him the seasons greetings.
m-.Naughton replied fittingly•
corp•be attached. Carried•
at meetings ,his ~ea&&P&A~~
Mr~Tholll:pson expressed his appreciation of the harmony and goodwill existing
during the year and asked to be excused from the balance of the meeting.
KNOWLES LARGE that the money to be received. froa ·the-TP•of King as arr anged
by the Reev~ and Deputy Reeve of that municipality.for the relief of Mrs.HJ.loyil
shall. be received. by the-town of Aurora and applied on taxes on the said property
and any amount over the amount of. rent shall. be paid to Mra.Gilpin dm a. monthl.y
asijustmant basis , Carried,
Mr.'"tuart for the relief committee reported,."}•s arranged at the last council.
meeting the relief e:ommittee met a delegation from the men on relief organisation
The various phases of rel.ief were discussed minutel.y and after a two hour discusaiol
al~ matters pertaining to relief were satisfactorily agreed upon.At the close of I
the year the Relief committee feel that since the question of relief is becoming i
of supreme importance,in alll municipalities-.that it would be well for the 1935
council to review the whole question at their first meeting.asthe tax rate will.
have to be increased to take care of rel.ief,.if we do not want to lay-a burden on
future council.a.§Mopted on motion of the Reeve and M:r.J3owma.n.
The mayor expressed the thanks of council to l'ii!r.Stuart for his efforts during1
the year as chairman of the relief cOIIllllittee.
The treasurer attended and read. the copy of the annual statement for the i last
fifteen days of 1933 and. the year 1934 to the fifteenth of Deoember,.in all the
" I!
ti' r·
f ~~: ___ -
~· ·· ..
~ .
t '
BOWM:AN L.ARGE that the repo.rt of the Treasurer be received. and adopted and that
the sta.tutory number of copies of the financia~ statement be printed for distrib-·
ution and. the seal of the corp.attached. hereto. Carried..
The ":a.yor thanked the treaaurer for hie eourtesy and ccoperaction during the yea
and the treuurer mad.e a. fitting rep~y.
11/Jl-.Stuart for the Property Ccmm..reported as. fo~~ows:The mechanics Ha~L has now
-~ .
been excavated and. at present the work of instal~ing a. concrete shelf around the
outside wal~s ia in operation,This is being done to strengthen the walls .as the
stone foundation in parts is only four feet deep.It was also found that the wooden
pillars supporting the floor were almost rotted. away making a. very dangerous con-
dition.Temporary &upports have been plaaed to take care of this,a.nd will be replaced
at the proper time by concrete or iron pilla.rsO.The ice surface at the arena is now
being flooded, the water beine; pumped from the creektas it was thought better Cota
flood in this manner owing to the limited supply of water.The opening of the arena
f'or skating and hockey will. be governed by the weather.Report received on motion of!
·the Reeve and :ru.:Sowman.
STUART BOV/l!!AN that the Prop.collllllittee be instructed to purchase sufficient ne_t1l
.. ---,.. . ~··· ......
ina; to aover windows on N_orth and South sides of the arena at an estimated cost of
$20.00 and the-seal of the corp.a.ttached hereto• Carried.
11/Jl-.Stuart suggested to the incoming council that desks be provided to take
the plaae of the table in the counci~ room.
The mayor expressed his personal appreaia.tion to each member of counci~ and
each official for the cooperation in the aonduat of the years business.
Each menber of oounci:l voiced his sentiments towards the presiding office~
and: his colleagues for the harmony and interest in the business of 1934 and made
s:cme reference to his intentione: if placed in nomination for 1935.
The minutes wei'e read and adopted on motion of Messrs.Southwood and Large
and the c.ounoil adjourned,sine die.at 11.45 •
. i