MINUTES - Council - 193411061. .. \._j THE SEVENTEENTH MEETING OF THE. COUNCIL FOR THE YEAR ~934 was· hdd in the couna:i..i Roam-o~ · Tu~~day eve .Nov~ber 6tl:l.~i th th~ mayor· presiding and the Reeve Deputy Reeve· and Councillors Bwm Lar~e Southwood and Stuart attendi~. --~ --The minutes of the last meeti~ were read and adopted. Mr·.Redfern appeared and explained to Council the present system of operating the Dispoaal Plant and the means adopted by the ColHs Leather Co.to treat their jndu~trial waiite and stated that the Engineer frcim the Prov.Dep.t.of Health on a recent inspection had expressed sincere approval of the present methods employedt. THOMPSON SOUTHWOOD that the action of the .liqor in issuing orders on the Trea-sutltr fer thtt, paym~nt at the hllorl~ suma be and the same ill hereby con:fir• med and that the seal of the crarp.be attached to this reaolution; C'orpi> O'ct.6th. Mrs~Waites 7~00 II M•Ro'bins:on · 9.oaA 13th. Mrs.Waites 7~00 1\ Ilt.ao'Qinao-n 9•.00 II 20th. M:i:&.Waitea oz·.aa A :r.t•Robinson s:.oo A Mrs. Waite a 'l' ~00 1\ 27th. M:.Robinsoll 9.00 II Ncrv.3rd. Mra.Waites ·t~oo 11 1 :r.t~Rol.l.irulon g.oo 11 ! E.L. lat. Receiver General meter inept. 75-.t~. EJarried. ! .. ! LARGE KNOWLES that the following aooounta be paid,that the 1\la.yor issue orderJ on the-treaau:i-e;. for the same and that the aeal of the corp.b e attached her~to; I E.L. Northern Elec:trio Cn. T.IC.Fiae .T.Jeorno~ and Son oil Baruier Press . printin~ and forma Bell Phone Co. .Tarzan Metal Co. r~a P.Reynolds aaw sharpenin~ ~.J!l.P.c.,of Oilt. Sept.power Can.Lao;o Lamps Ferranti EI.ectrio repairs Clerk expreas eta. ra..5l." 1 52A , 5.75." .I 28•44A j 2'.97A j l.OOA I 90" I nH.oo,., .·. 2.5.62A 3'.5<V\ 3.40A Carried. BUNK STUART that the follwwi~ acaounts be paid• that the mayor isaue orders on the treasurer for the same and that the seal. of the Corp.be attached hereto; w.w. Corporatian Frontage tax :u .• 03"- IC1~ Tp.tax on water lot 15.l.OA Will.iamaon Bros. coke 10.00 A Bell Phone Cet• 4·3'2"' 1\l[aColl. Frontenac on. 44~00A cr.Nisbet balance cost of lot for weal. 225;.ao "' EJarried. THOMPSON STUART that the followi~ accounta be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on t.he Corri c treasurer for the same and that the seal Bell. Phone Co. Election Board of York County O'ounty fioapi tl Account B.II.Sturtevant Co. expenses F.Brownin~ aement and tile Attridge-and Son cr.N.R.rent 15ign space subway Williamson ""'roe. coal Aurora Hdwe'• M•Hilborn salary account ' of the corp,be 16.71 J\ '78.40 1\ llatl.75 A 29,26A 29.01" 1.3~49" 1.00" 2'6.50" 1.1 .• 8'1 f\ 125.00 1\ attached; I i ./ ~-·-···--' r \ I -~ i 2. .:r.a.sJ.oan P~~paon funeral. Mra.Gibbona J?a.nzier Press !?el.eators of Jurors qlobe Inliemni ty Co. premium. C.lerl . stamps _ ~.WesUake arena tic-ket agent geqh.Hall. frontage tax to Corp. ;f;M: .. T!lom.pson burlap arena._ ~ •:I.U.lilds rent Seaton rel.ief F;IIaJ.e ~an A~~onc ~uker ¥rs.Eol.ton EUriess ... · •-. EJ.a.ck L.Eanbu:t:y JUUs ~a·i1oyd B.elfry Mr1s.0 rey Yates M'ra.,;regory l!utchinaon ~own~· Stubbe . wa.l;er aoat. styles Es~~ Farley Lindenbaum~> ll' .Rouand ~ant and Case ~eo.Wntcna .O:read Q'eusina Dairy F.:MOrris .. Plaza Cafe .A;&.p •. ;r~T.:l3ond Knowles and Sons AUrora. Kdwe •.. :pom.Stor,s Dawsons "rill. Pattersons .Oakery F•W.Tea.sdale Saa.nlons .bakery ,:r;F;Willis· J·F~rninc J~H;sloan Dr.Willia.m.s Dan:iCaf'e E.F.Davis Mr.KOnnie rent Smith G. . u .rahams airy :Pr.Eoul.din{it Q.ueens Hotel 1.80"' 5.0.00 A 36.3SA 6.00 /1 505.2.0" 5..00 11 12..00 A 2'1.61"' 6.00" 7.20.11 7,2(}11 7.20" 3 .• 6QA 3~60" 3.6Q" 7.2.0 " Jfll" LJ.j"o" 4.80 )\ 1.00 A 2.40 A 1~23 -'1 3~1.0 A 8.99 A 5.00.\ 46~23 II 1.9.21.\ 8~75 1\ 42~5.3A l1.49A 13.6611 36A 12.:7311 4.90 A ll.o 76 A 7'.60 1\ 13~16A 4;55. A 9~02" 5.30" 39.12: A 5~75." 13.25 Y\ 9.50 1\ J.O.J.3A 29.351\ 3.501\ Carried. A petition for a pavemunt on Larmont St.from. A.Ta.ylor and others was read. A request from the Veterans ·.;~soeiation to purehase a. wreath for the memorial ~- and tCit attend the aerviae at ll. A.l[~ and an invitation to attend at Richmond Hill. at 3 P.M:. was read and filedwi th. the teq;_uest from the Mayor that al~ endeavor to attend· the servioe1s. 1 A reques.t frcm the Fire :Brigade to uay -ror men attena1R£it tne 1nspeot1on and ! --I a ::Sal.dwin barn was read. I turanee when readJustments are beinJZ 1 watehirut after the fire at th< i. effect eo Miss •ary Griffith on behalf ot the pupils wrote to thank the crounoil for the use o·f the arena· for the Hal~owet en evenin{it• Miss Praetor wrote asking that her acoount for damage to electric equipment. c /--.. , ( \ ' r· 3 be reconaidered,and the matter waa refer•ed to the w.w.commi ttee. Copies of resolutions from Windsor and Kitchener askin& our endorsation and ••c• • referring to relief and the financing of same were read and f:ijl.ed. The report from the ll'ire lilnderwriters followin& their recent inspection of the ·"' ~~ brigade and equipment was read and referred to the Fire Oommi ttee;. A· request from the Library Baard for a further payment on their grant was read. THOMPSOli KNOWLES th~t the 1.-:i.brary Board be given the sum of one hundred dollars &rr th~·gr;nt ~--that the s_eal-of the Oorp.be attached hereto. Carried. KNOWLBS LARGE :that the Aurora Veterans Association be given the usual fral'lt "'. ··"" ·-~ -. ....... ~ •'I of ten dollars for Armistice day wreath and that the seal of the Corporation be atta.ched hereto. Carried. BUNN STUART that the account of Miss Proctor of $6.5:0 for damage to elect-A. riaal appHanoes 'be paid,and the sea1 ot the Corp.attaehed hereto. jarried. ~­ :BUNN' LARGE that the Aurora ll'oultry Show be granted the use of the Hall for -. -thltir poultry show on the same terms as last year. c·arried. ~.»unn for the w.w.oommittee submitted the follewing report;the new well on Ransom St.has not proved'up tp expectations .:.:herefore it has 'been abandoned and the aontractor i« now makinc a test in a new locality,and will continue to make teats until a proper place is found. rleoeived on motion of Mr.Southwood and Mr. :Large. Mr.Knowles for the R.&.B.Oommittee told of their activities to prepare for -<I winter and the council agreed: with the aommittee that the approach on Centre llit;. I should be aompleted. ; ' '1 SOUTHWOOD THOMPSON that the sum of $1.20 each be paid to the three firemen 1\. ! I doinc night duty at the recent Baldwin :(ire,and that the position of the town be e~ explained to the firemen for their oonsideration,re the ir other application for for payment for loss of ti:me on the occasion of the Inspector's visit.,and that the seal of the o·orpO.be attached to this reaolution. Carried• 1 I Mr.Large fer the E.L.Ccmmittee gave a sta.tement of gas and lamps on hand 1 and uaed or replaced durinc the month. I Jllr.Southwood for the Fire Oommi ttee gave the follow~ report,1 tThat Mr.Jf. Spragge be instructed to ,procelld with the repairi!li of the pump o n the fire truck' at an estimated eost of $15.00.Tha.t ths report of the Fire Underwriters recent inspection be reoei ved and referred back to the oommi ttee for further oonaidera tioi Your committee appointed at the last meetine visited the Public sohool,the fire alarms were operated and the pupils reaponded very quiokly,the school beill'i vaoatec I( I 4 in one amd one ha.l.f minutea.An inspection of the furnace rooms found everythin& alean ahd every precaution bein& taken to guard. against fire,all inflammable materi al bein& well protected with fireproof covering.A possible seo'tndary means of esc- ape for the upstairs pupils was diacusaed with the principal and wil:l be brought before the Board. Report adopted. r A petition to be placed under the protection of theAurora. Fire l3rigade,from several holl1e owners in Whitchurch was read and referred to the l!'ire committee. :1\dl.".Stuart for the Property committee reported."'With the large number of men on ---··- relief' there haa been considerable headway made in excavating the cellar below the Mechanics .tia.ll.Arena,with the ashes colleated by :1\dl.".:f:.rent and the earth from below the lCech.liall the front of the arena is gradua.l.ly beaomin& a splendid parking site. As the town oil tank at the C .N".R.yards ia no lonaer used for its original purpose we would advise aelling the same to l'ldl.-.J .R.MoKenzie for the sum of $50.oo-befoae ·it deteriorates, the buyer to asaume all coErt and responsibility for the sa.me.The report q_was adopted on motion of messra ThompErorta and :Bunn. Tenders were opened for the re)airs neaessary to the Mech.Ha.l.l wall.The ahairmanl . -~ .. - . . J of the Prop.Colll!llittee was inatructed to interview the tenderera and make final. dec•! . . .. . I . £ . iaioai. The .reasurers report waa read by Mr.Thompaon.coilparing favorably. . i THOMPSO:N s:~:u!:.; .rn view of conditione new existi~.in the :E.r.. and · Wat;r de~ts.J thi~-c);)ru;(jil-do~h!r~by instruct the department chairmen and the-town officials to I enforoe the existin& reso~utions regarding the col~ection o-f accounts. Carried. KNOWLES LARGE that the prioe as submitted by Mr.McKenzie of $50.00 for the " oil tank at the c.N.R.Yards on l3erczy st.be accepted,the same to be removed at no expense to· the ton dai:ried. M:r.Stuart for the Relief Oollllll.reported,ttthe coat of relief for the mon5h of October was $392.47.We star~ the month of November with 29 familiea on relief.6G I adults and 65 children.'l'he ~>-ovt.relief Inspector was in town last 'l1huraday and 1 j found aur relief methods very-satisfactory.He made several suggastions which I will] be pleased to discuss with the mellibers of <Jounci~.-"'eport adopted. THOMPSON SOUTHWOOD that Jlll-.w.B.Redfern be paid the awn of $245.65,bein& bal.• ance of en"ineeri~ account in full,and that the seal. o4 the Corp.be attached. ~:~·arried. THOMPSONKNOWLES.that the balance in the aewer account be placed to the credit of the Local Improvement account in the ssme. Carried. <Jounail adJourned,at 12.15 A.M. Mayor. !.