MINUTES - Council - 19340910I' ~~~..;.~:~~,~~:2~:.;_;:;_.:~L..,,..;,.""""~~ ··,-tty·;,.,,,;,.\=_~:.· .. :·· ~~=~·~····----'---+-'-'~ ' ( THE FIFTEENTH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL FOR THE YEAR l934 was held in the . Council room. on Monday eve .. Sept.lmth.wi th the mayor presiding and the Reeve Deputy . . Reeve and Councillors Bawman,Bunn.sauthwood and Stuart in attendance. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adapted. THOlliiPSON,SOUTHWOOD,that the action of the mayor in issuing orders an the Trea~;n,~r-far 't:h~· la~ent of the fol1owing accounts be and the same is hereby canfirmed,and tha.t the Corp. Aug.l1th. seal of the corp.be attached M;rs. Wai tea to this 7.00.1\ 9f00A 10.80" 10.80>1\. 10 .801'1 reso1ution; E.L. 18th. 25th. Sept•1st .. 8th. lst• 8th• M.Rol!'insan . ;r.Egan R;Faate G~Seaton L~Gilpin H~Haight Mrs.Wa.ites M~Rol:!inson ;r .Egan · R~Focite L~Gilpin G~Seaton H~Haight M~Graham teaming M•Rabinsan Jlllrs.IVa:ttes E~C.T.Daole rent Hodgins Mrs.Waites M~Robinson Mrs. Waites lii[;Robill.son W.Langman A.K.La.ngman 10.80A 7.201\ 7.00" g•oo,. 10.801\ 13~201' 13.20" 13.20f\. 7 .20,.. 13~00"- 9.001\ 7.00~ 15.00~ 7.00"- 9.001\ 7.00" 9.00" 2.00 2.20 Carried• THOMPSON BOWMAN ,that the following accounts be paid,that the mayor issue orders on the Corp. treasurer for' the same and that the F.Hinds relief rent Seaton A.Hulae • Gi1pin ~-Buker :b' ~Hale Egan Mrs.Bolton Burgess J .Bond .relief Aurora Dairy F.Morris Merchant and Case Knowles and Sons Dans Cafe Atlantic and Pacific Dam. Stores aousins Dairy General Store Pattersans Bakery J.F.WilHs Auror.a Co operative Dr.WiHiams Dr.Bou1ding Westons ilread Aurora Hdwe. A .Murray c.aook gravel Grand and Toy seal.of the 7.20 .... 3.50 .... 2.40A. 2.401\ lo20A ll-49,..~ l0o9fiA 5~98A 3.11" 11.011\ 7 .7aA 21.971' 30~351' 8.81.1' 75.741.. 5. 99"" 10,.., 3o80A 5,4.17 ..... 57.50 A. 1.0011.. 30A. 5.0" 22.751\ C.J'.Devins,trip to Hosp.Chas.Keen Aurora Hdwe. 3ol5A 12a€Hl 7.29"" 30.251'- l.25A. 13.00"' County !!osp.CP,gs. Davis !.larage .li'ire truck M.Graham teaming corp.be attached; I I t Attridge and Son ¥aotory Equipment 2 Ill .Hil.born sa.J.ary a.ccount B.G .• \Vhitel.aw BeJ,l _Phone Co. J~F~Will.is F.Browning cement and pipe J~Fleurys Sons Clerk po~tage & express Banner Press. ·::;;::.::· 20.57,.,. 3.63."- 75.00 --40/\ 17.5011. 1.25A. l42.64A 3o00A 5o96A 323o58A 4o00A A·Fleury outside trips ~essrs.Southwood and Knowl.es moved that the item of ~~12.00 for Dr • .lJevins be left over·· for further enquiry.Carried. Messrs .Stuart and Bunn moved that. the item of $75.00 for M.Hilborn be laid over. Uarried. The.motion was then put to the meeting and carried. KNOWLES BOWMAN that the following accounts be paid,that the mayor issue orders on the treasurer for the same and that the seal of the corperation be attached to this resolution• E.L• H.E.P.c.;. Of .. Onto July power . ;: Bell Phone Oo. Ferrantm Electric repairs Northern Elee:tric Co. Ca.n.Line.Materials Clerk express etc. 2040o85A 2• 77" 22.001\ 86.031\ 85.011\ 6 .lOA Carried. · BUNN STUART that the following accounts be paid,that the mayor issue orders on the treasurer for the same and that the w.w. Francis Hankin & co. meter repairs D.H.Fleming Eng.acct. Bell. Phone Co • Clerk . express and postage Bahner Press:. Can.Inspection and Testing Co. seal of the Corp.be attached; . 8.60'1. 120~00"" s.oo.-. 3.30"\ 34o40A 2.00A Carried. Mr.Wootten of Kennedy St.supported by other residents,asked for more snow fence and an improvement in the surface of the street. A petition from 18 men on relief asked that the cash system for payment of rel.ief be used. Letters from the Horticultural Society and from Mr.Aemilius Jarvis asking .cor the regular grant wueread. THOMPSON BOWMAN that the usual grant of $25.00~be given the Aurora Horti- cultural Society for the year 1934 and that the seal of the Corp.be attached. to this resol.ution. Carried. SOUTHVroOD KNOWLES,that a grant of $25.00 be given to the Hunters Trials ~ towards their field day to be held on Thanksgiving day,and that the seal of the . corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried. (2) A letter from the cemetery commission ,stating that they had inspected the cemetery and found it in 100% condition was read and filed. On the question of the adoption of the resolution re Hunters 1'ria1s grant I I ,I I I '. ' ( I \ ' I I I 3 Mr .Stuart a.skek that the yeas and nays be recorded with the following result; lf.·ea. Mayor reeve deputy reeve,Mressrs.Bowma.n Bunn and Southwood;nay Mr.Stua.rt. A letter was read from th~ Sturtevant Co.relative to the inspection of the compressor at the Disp.Plant. -~certificate of completion of work on behalf of Mr>W.E.Taylor,the sewer aontraO.tar and fo.r payment of the holdba.ck,$300.00 to h:i.m. arid.' the balance to thamselves,$a45.66,was read from ~ames Proctor and Redfern. It was decided to hold the balance owing the Engineers until we have more definite information respecting the disposal of the industrial waste from the Collis Leather Co. SOUT!nVOOD BOWMAN,that the sum of $200.00 be paid to·w.E.Taylor bei~ a . --~ - holdback on certain construction workin connection with the sanit ry sewers which has now been completed according to our engineerts advice,alsa the sum of I one hundred dollars being a holdback on work in connection with the disposal plant! i which now on advice of our engineers has been c:ompleted;and that the seal of the corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried. THOMPSON SOUTHWOOD,that the amount of $4102.58,carried in the statement of assets and liabilities as '"a note to the Electric Light,l913" from the general account be and the same is hereby deleted from the accounts of the corporation i . ,, the ~tter being considered a transfer of surplus from the E.L.Department to the I account of the Corporation,and that the seal of the corp,be attached hereto. I Carried. I Mr.Thompson submitted the eight months comparative statement of the treas- urer in aommittee of the whole,detailing the information of value in consider;.. ing the levy bylaw later in the evening.The committee rosetand adopted the report! . . I Mr.~tuart for the relief committee reported;"The cost of relief for the I month of August was $329.32,with fifteen families in relie:f.In reply to, many enquiries we may state that the Relief Committee have no intention of changing from the open voucher system as at present,to cash relief.As requested by the , Prov.Mlnister of Welfare all. men on relief are now registered by the card system! , I and up to date we are still awaiting information as to what use will be made I I of this information. I I THOMPSON BUNN, that the report of the Relief committee be adopted as I submitted. Carried. A petition from H.Mosley and others re ahe crossing and walk over c.N.R. Wellington St.was filed as most of the work is now done• ·,.::···· .·.·-:··.-:;.,,-.- I ---·-~· \ 4 Mr.Knowles for the ~.&.B.Committee reported;"Berczy St.,north end,build a small catch basin to drain the ditch for the present.and strongly recommend that next years council build the new 150 feet walk.(2l.Two blocks corner Berczy and -,.._ . Wellington Sts.(3).Catch basin built on Larmont St.north end on east side.(4) F.C.Davis appro;;_ch on Yonge St.(5).Three-blocks replaced on Yonge st.east ~ide fron.tof c.coo.k's property.(6).Re~alr step in front of W.M:achells' on Tyler St • . (7l.Repairs'to pavements co;n~r-Wells and Metcalf Sts.We1ls st.opposite Masonic: hall;Berczy St.opposite Sisman faotory;Yonge st.front of Dr.Stevensons;Yonge St. in front of Len.Rose' property;(s).Low road crossings repaired with black road base. THOMPSON SOUTHWOOD that the report of the R.&.B.Committee be adopted and the work proceeded with,cost not to exceed three hunded dollars as appropriated, and the seal of the corporation attached hereto. Carried. BUNN BOWMAN that this council regret the action of Mr.Baker,the member elect in handing·· o·u t ··cards for men to work on the good roads when it was agreed by the municipalities in North York that these oards should only be handed out by the Relief Boards to men most in need and we would respeotfully request that all cards in future be handed out by the Relief committee and not by Mr.Baker. Mr.Thompson moved in amendment,stating that oooperation usually accomplished -~1 better results than oensure,seconded by Mr.Southwood,11 that this council wrlite Mr. , Baker and authorities,asking their oooperation iri the handling of relief cards for I. work as our relief eommittee find this overlapping causing unpleasant and embarro. assing situations. Mr.Stuart asked for the recording of the vote on the amendment,with the following result;Yea,Reeve,Deputy Reeve and Mr.Southwood;nay,the Mayor and Messrs. Bowman Bunn and Stuart.The amendment was declared lost.On the question of the original motion the recorded vote was asked by Mr.Stuart,yea,Mayor and Messrs. Bowman Bunn and Stuart.nay Reeve,Deputy Reeve and Mr.Southwood.The motion was declared adopted. Mr.Bunn for the Waterworks Dept.reported,"Progress of the new oonstructed well;20 1' pipe has now been installedto a depth of 160 fee't,also i2" pipe has been put down with with 12 1 screen on bottom reaching a depth of 172 feet and at present the contractors are developing the strata between those two levels,to clean out all quicksand and replace with gravel.In the opinion of the mechanic the pro~pects are excellent for a splendid flow of water ,The electric power is also under construction.Adopted on motion of Messrs.Bowman and Stuart. r~~~ ... ~~_,.,;,.~~~~~'""'='"...,.._;.._...~.:,.:.:..,;._;,.;,;.;~~--'M'iiWU:$ __ , m.:~~"'-"--~>M~_,,.~~~ ... -;i-_._.;_~.,..,;.:.,._~,..._ .... ~,...~ .... ..-~.u;;..~<=_~,~~~~~--,-,-~1 5 Mr.Langmans report en the gas. and lamps on hand was read by Mr.Kncwlea.and adopted on motion of the Deputy Reeve and Mr.Bunn. STU.ART BUNN that th~ Aurora Box Lacross~ club be granted the use of the arena on Tuesday-~nd.:iiriday on the usual. terma,60/40 of the gross receipts and that the town foreman cooperate in putting the rink in order. c·arried. The mayor withdrew and htae Reeve assumed the chair. M:r.Thompson introduced Bylaw-#762 to reduce the interest rate on the Debenture . . issue covered by Bylaw 761 to ppy for the construction of the well from o% to 4f-% and the Bylaw was regularly given ita three readings and passed. Mr•Thompson introduced Bylaw 763 to strike the rate of taxation and arrange for the collection of the taxes for l934.The Bylaw was regularly given its three readings and passed establishing a rate of 39f-mills in the dollar,the same as that for the previous year. -OH~&~~a-e~-~Ae-~e~~~y-Ree•e-~~~~a~-~-e&~a&~~- .Mr.'l'hompson asked that the Finance committee be empowered to advertise for tenders on the sale of the Debenture issue when the certainty of the well being a success was ascertained,and the matter was agreed upon. The council adjourned,at 11.45 on motion of the Deputy Reeve and Mr.Southwood • . U:.J~ ~------L~----------- Ma.oor. ~ I I 1