MINUTES - Council - 19340808/('. \ . "'"" '-' ;~.:·:-:~· ~--'~ ;.::·::> THE FOURTEENTH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL WAS HELD IN THE COUNCIL ROOM ON &DNESDAY EVE.Atig.8th:with ali the members in att~ndance and the mayor presiding. The mayor thanked the council far their consideration in agreeing to the post- ponement of the meeting far twenty four hours in his inability to be present thraugl family bereavement• The minutes of the preceding meetings were read and adapted. Progress certificate #1 an the deep well contract was read,endareing the payment of $1792.00 to the contractors. THOMPSON STUART,that the action of the mayor in issuing orders on the treasurer far the payment of the following accounts be and the same is hereby confirmed and that the seal of July 14th. July 21st. 28th. Aug.4th. the corporation be attached hereto; Mrs.Waites M.Rabinson J.Egan R.Foote G.Seaton LoGilpin H.Haight B.Osborne E.L. Mrs~Waites M•Robineon J.Egan R.Foo te G.Seaton LoGilpin H.Haight B.Osborne E.L. Mrs.Waites M:.Rabinsan R.Foote J.Egan G.Seaton LoGilpin HoHaight B.Osbarne E.L. Mrs.Waites M:.Robinsan R.Foote J.Egan G.Seatan LoGilpin HoHaight B.Osborne Aurora War Veterans grant 7 .oo 1\ If ~001\ 13•20 ... 13.2011 13.201\ 13~20A 7~20.1\ 4~20A 7.001\ 9.00"' 10~801\ 13~201\ 12;.00A 13~2QA 7.201\ 9.60i</, 7 ;.oOA lfoOOI\ l3o20A 8.4011. 13.201\ 13.201\ 7.2QA. 9.30#\ 7.001\ 9.001\ 13;.20/\ 12.00'\ l3.20A 13.20A 7o20A 6.30'\ 35.001\ o~ried. THOMPSON STUART,that the fallowing accounts be paid,that the mayor issue orders an the treasurer far the same and that the Corp. Ough a.nd Son relief Atlantic and Pacific P.Iaz:a Cafe Q,ueens Hotel Dominion Stores Knowles & Sons Aur0cra Meat .11/la.rke t Pattersons ~akery J•H.Slaan LoFingald Dr.Boulding F.Browning,cement gravel,pipe. J.Fleurys Sons 1 barrow seal ofthe 1.98.1\ So351\ 11.501\ 7.25" 15.271\ 9f52A 5.351\ 2 .• 001\ 1.581' 25.961\ 5.00"' 106.17~> 6 .oo;~~ corp.be attached hereto, '':·:··"-. g County trea.alirer .. osp.ahgs. Art St~p and ~ea.i Co. repairs W.R.Hill Chem.Co. rat bait Bell Phone l.io •. Attridge and Son Ough and Son- Davis -arage Aurora.ISHd we. (llerk . express etc:. A.Fleury police trips 41.75i\ 1.50" 2.00i\ 15.41"' 25 .. 15~ 14.55!1. 1~001\ 11~87A 9~45A LARGE STUART, that _the following accounts be paid, that the &.QOA aarried• mayor issue orders on the treasurer for E•L. the same and that the seal of the Can.La.co La.itips ]iorthern Electric co• H.E.P.c. power far June Aurora Greenhouses E.C.Mingay Bell Phone C:a. J .Black teaming Clerk express Ough and Son. aorp.bea.ttached 14.961\ 112.28" 2042.33.1\ 9.90 ..... 1.501\ 2~821\ 8"o55A 50 A 9.211\ hereto; carried •. BUNN STUART th~t the following accounts be ppid,that the mayor issue orders· on the treasurer w.w. for the same and that Bell Phone l!o. Clerk e:q~ress the seal of the Corp.be attached hereto; 3.90 " 60,.. carried. Mr.Large for the E.L.Committee gave an estimate on t.he cost of the connecting 1 line for the power supply to the site of t.he well. being developed,and a statement af the gasoline and )amp consupption. Mr.Bunn for t~e w.w.committee "The contractors for the new well. have found by tests a splendid water bearing strata ,on Ransom St.at the 170 feet level,'ive have secured a lot from Mr•Nisbet and the contractors are now proceeding,to can- struct the well. whioh they estimate will. be in operation in about two months.Adptd• Mr.Thompson read the comparative statement for the seven months operation in all departments,showing a close parallel to the expenditures and reoeipts of 1933. It was adopted on motion of the ~eputy ~eeve and Mr.Bowman. Mr.Knowles gave a statement of the items on the survey of necessary work which have been completed. Mr.Bowman far the special committee on traffic control reported,.A meeting was held on July 9th~following the appearance before council of Mr.H.E.Proctor relative to beteer supervision of traffic regulations as applicable to Yonge St.within the Corporation l.imits.The committee agreed that in order to ac~uire full. information in regard to the traffic situation,thst data be secured covering the number of cars moving north on Yonge St.on Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning.number intersect- ing Yonge St.on Saturday eveoat Wellington st.and the number of pedestrians crossin Yonge St.on Saturday afternoon and Sunday morn.A meeting was then held on July 20th ... -.. -: .. _,,.,,. I 3 when the report was made that on Sat.July llth.a census was taken of the number of cars passing through "·he corporation.on Yonge St. 2-3 P.M.. 1660 north,l57 south 3-4. 1087 no:hth~l75 south;4-5,.955 and 227>5-6.575,and 194;6 ... 7, 351 and 181;7-8 0 354 and 202;8-9,350 and 215;a total in s.even hours of 4732 north bound and 1341 south. Pedestrians crossing at Yong.e and Wellimgton in same time 1077. On Sunday from 9 A.M.to 1 P•M• north 2873,south 396,pedestrians 353 crossing Yonge.C~s intersecting Yonge St. Sunday,8-10,23:8 ,movement in traffic one hour,424 cars average speed 34 miles,97 average 28~4 17 at 40 miles.? guilty of law infraations.Sergeant McMillan l formerly of the traffic Dept.of the Toronto police appeared before the committee and I recommended in view of the information laid before him that a stop light be placed at the interseation of Wellington and Yonge Sts.He pointed out that the light system of control was conceded to be the fastest method of taking care of our traffic prob- lem.He further reminded the committee that shoul·,d a fire break out and the truck ! ' be re'iuired to cross Yonge llt.when the traffia was heavy,werious consequences might i result,(in the absence of a policeman) if we could not safely pass through the traff~ The same applying when an individual wished to reach a doctor or drug store. Mr.Tait I i of the Northern Eleatrio Co.outlined the manner of operation of the various types of 1 control and stated that his companY; are preparing an e:stimate of the cost of install-' ation of each type.The committee were instructed to proceed with the investigation and the report was ordered filed,on motion of Messrs.Bunn and Large. Mr.Knowles asked leave to introduce a cleaners and pressers Bylaw.The Bylaw J was read a flrst time.A:f'ter dlscuss:ion the Bylaw committee was instructed to take up with interested dealers the subject matter ol the bylaw for further information. THOMPSON KNOWLES, that Jordan Roberts Sales Ltd.be paid the sum of $1792.00 being 20% of contract for the well 0 as per agreement and recommendation of Mr.Fleming Engineer,and that the seal of the Corp.be attaahed to this resolution. Ca:l:rled. STUART BUNN, that a new flag, (union jack) of sui table size and quality be purcha sed for the town hall and that the mayor and clerk be a committee to purchase same, and the seal of the corp.attached hereto. Carried. It was arranged that the clerk should take one weeks holidays starting Aug.l2t and one week in September and that Geo.Walker be placed in the office ~uring those periods. BOWMAN LARGE,that this council grant the York Kennel Club the privelege of using the town park for their annual dog show on Sat.Aug 18th. carried. Council adjourned at 10.30 P.M. {/( Mayor. ' ' . ' ... _,, ' ·~-..