MINUTES - Council - 19340402!' l-. /-- ' THE FIFTH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL FOR THE YEAR 1934 was held in the Council room on MQ-ndJEY eve.April 2nd.with ·the mayor presiding and the reeve,Deputy reeve,and coui .. . nc·illors Jllunn Large Southwood and Stuart in attendance. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and adopted. :nar.E.Harman appeared before council and asked that the trees in front of his property be thinned by the removal of two alternate ones.The matter was referred tot he R.&.B.Qommittee. ThomPSON SOUTIDVOOD,that the action of the Mayor in issuing orders on the treaso fo·r the payment of the following acaounts be and the same ia herebyjconfirmed,and that the seal of the Corp.be at ta.ched hereto l :&larch lOth. Mrs.Waites caretaking 17th• .. 24th. .. 31st. "' 19th. Durant x-ent,.charity 7.000"' 7 .oo '\ 7 .00" 7•00A 17th. Dept,of Comuerce, meter inspection E.L. 12 .oo "' 12.90""" carried. LARGE KNOWLES,that the following accounts be paid,that the mayor issue orders on the treasurer fo:r the same and E·L• Ferranti Elee:trie H .E .P .a. Feb • power cnerk freight Bell Phene Co. 240 Jas.Bla.ck teaming tha.t the seal of the repairs Corp,be attached hereto; 32~35" l939o7QA 3511 2.701'\ 2.00" carried• BUNN STUART, that the following accounts be paid,that the mayor issue orderEr on the treasurer far the same and that the seal of the W. W. BeU Phone Co • /112 Clerk. stamps Sun Ina.Ca.J.M..Walton premium stn. Banner Press, rate cards C.A.Andx-ews,NeWma.rket,th&wing pipes Corp.be attached hereto; 3.01QA 7o00A 45.00 (1, 4.51 f\ 1&50 0 carried• THOMPSON SOUTHWOOD,that the foll.owing accounts be paid,that the mayor issue orders on the treaslilrer "'for the same and that the seal. Corp. H.E.Gilroy arena prises Taylor and Hurst'" D.Plant lubricator County of York, Hospechgao. Attridge and Son arena Bell Phone Co. 55tl35,.l23t326. Clerk st~ps and express MI's~Rawlings care Mrs.J.Smith charit.y C .WUlis relief rent J.Peterman A• Hulse ljfrs.Bolton F~Hinda Ferguson and Hicks Mrs.Hogera K.Forsyth F.Hale .MI.: a .:atrick Mrs. : .. utherford Mrs.(!:erswel.l Mrs.(iregory s.aook of the corp.be attachedl 3.00 3.75,.. 2l.OOA 3.51 13.39,.. 7 .oo" lO.OQA 14;4QA 2.40JI< 9.60/t 9.6QA 9 .60" 9.50'1 9.601\ 9.501\ lhSO" 9e501\ l0.80.A 9 .• 6.0" 15 ~00" 9.501\ i I I I i I I \ \ i \ i ...___ __ - L Mra.Ba.tea l;;ltyl.eS: Eat. a Knowlea.and Sane relief :ha.za. care __ " .. police a.caount arena. Dr.Devins.Ja.n.27•00 1 Febo7o00 DroBoulding 1 .Ta.n.35o50;Febol5oOO;lil!ar.56.00 ¥er. chant and h.se . q,ueena Hotel ]f.Rowland Auz:o ra. Dairy ~;&.P.store ,r.F.l[iUis · _ · tt · carnival prize .T ~F~:Birorning relief F.W.Tea.sdale .r.T~Bond Cousins Dairy F .:Birari:ia R.Westlake a.rena .T~Black -teaming lii!~Graha.ln teaming L~Fingold relief Geo.Weston S'canlcina Bakery G.R.Ardill Welfare Bdo Patt~;rr~;ons Bakery C~Cook tt moving Durant Dominion Stores B.F.Davis Banner "ress A~Fleury police acct• l!fi's.S'tarkey care of Mrs.Higgins ·?.20" 4.80" 45.1!1" :u.2511. 2.~00 34.00" 106.501\ 15.07" 6.001' 3.84" 22o08A 21.81" 3.69"' 75 7.52" 27o29K 85•61" 25~99,.. 5la2J.A 3.00 19.50" 5.60" . 258.93" 6~68" 'l ~851\ 12.49" 3.08" 3lo84 A 4.00" 63~09 >\ 21.05 A 7~l6A 2.001\ lOoOOr-Cl!l. ried A petition was presented from lJominion Stores,per Mr.Lacey and others,asking Council. to increase the license for na.wkers and Peddlers from $50.00 for a truck to $ zoa.oo fcrr a truck :license. Miss Proctor presented an account for damage to radio by thawing pipe equip- ment•The account was referred to the w.w.committee on motion of lil!essrs.Knowlea and Large. :Biriss I.Clark made complaint that she no longer receives rent for the Bunn fam- ily and also that she receives no insurance from the tow n•The matter was referre to the Relief and Finance committees. The Fire Brigade~git-ing details of time attending fires outside town,was ref- erred to the ~ire Committee. Mr.Hilborn wrote regarding details of hia appointment as auditor and the lette was ordered filed. The Good Roads Ass•n.asking that the town join the assn>was ordered filed• Mr~Large for the E.L.Committee reported as follows~•A recent meeting of this Committee was held,a.nd it was deaided that a. further effort be made to col1ect some of the arrears•A notice was drafted to be printed in last week's Banner (a copy attached herewith).Geo.Walker was instructed to get definite prom- 'l I l 1 I i '1 \ . •. f" '· 4 • • 3 ises on his visits this month and this committee reports that results have already been obtained as about $100.00 of these arrears have so far been taken in,wi th definite promises of more in the near future.•On March 6th.l933 a resolution was pa '' i ssed in council that all arrears must be collected.Not wishing to place too much ' of a hardship on anyone,.it was ruled th•t the monthly consumption bill must be paid along with an equal amount by those in arrears less than $5o.oo.on arrears above this l amount a minimum &f $5.00must be paid along with the monthly consumption bill.j This council now finds that this rule has not been adhered to as closely as it should have been,with the consequence that we are faced with arrears which are increasing instead of diminishing.Therefore it is feund necessary to warn those who h&ve fallen down on their payments that they are faced with the possibility of I . being aut off unless they innnediately arrange to bring their arrears to a point which meets with the ruling o'f the above resolution.The Hydro Commission send in their bill each month,this has to be promptly paid,with the result this town is out aetual eash to the amount of Jrears.It is not right that those who will pay should have to pay again :for thos.e who will not~Anyone in arreras who l).as made an honest effort to meet the terms of the above will have nothing to fear~but those who have deliberately allowed their arrears to increase will have to be aut off without further warning.•The report was adopted on motion of Messrs.Thompeon and Southwood• . I I ··~ :1 ' Mr.:Bunn for the w.w.committee reported that they are investigating the cost 1 l of large and deep water wells. Mr. Thompson for the Finance connni ttee read the three monthB compEI,ra tive state-J j mente of the treasurer. Mr.Thompson introduced a :Bylaw /1757 to appoint Mr.M:.Hilborn,chartered accountam to audit the municipal and school accounts quarterly.at a salary of $350.00 with an additional sum of $50•00 for effecting ohanges in the office eyetem,paid $75.00 quarterly and.balance on completion.The :Bylaw passed its ~iret and second readings On the question of the third reading Mr~Stuart demanded the yeas and nays be rec- orded. The result was ttyeas• the Mayor Reeve Deputy Reeve,a.nd Councillors Large and Southwood.Nays Councillors :Bunn and Stuart.The Bylaw was declared carried. STUART BUNN,that the :Bylaw re.peplars license be amended to read $200~00 instead o~ $50.00 and that the solicitor be requested to prepare the amendment for · the next meeting. THOMPSON SOUTHWOOD in amendment to the motion,ttthat the :Bylaw committee be instructed to prepare bylaw for Pedlars license and the amount of the license be ( . '· I 4 $:LOO.OQ per year. On division. the .AIIlendm.ent was aarried 0 ami the original motion, 0 then being put was declared lost.• 1\!r.KnowJ.es for the R.&.B.Committee reported;llThat M:.Robinson be employed . A as street cleaner at the weekly wage of ~9.00,sta:l:ting oil lll:onday April. 9th~ That the teaming for the R.&.B. department be aontracted for at the rate of 55 per hour .with Mr~M:.Grahamo. · centl I LARGE BuNN';that the report of the R.&.B.Committee be accepted ahd the seal. of the corproration attavhed heretch Carried. KNOWLES LARGE,that llfessrs.Greig and Clark,auditors for the town of Aurora for 1933 be paid· the sum of $75 .oo each fer their audit and that the seal of the " Corporation be attached hereto. C'arried. The council adjourned,at :tCI.l5,on motion of the ·Reeve and Deputy;. ~------------" :May-or.